Had to put these Trek pics up...

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Had to put these Trek pics up...

Post by GeorgeC » August 1st, 2012, 8:51 pm

First one...

There IS a group of fans WEIRDER than the obsessive Trek fans...
( = The guys who know every episode title, figured out what the hull numbers were for all the ships, and know the combination to Kirk's personal safe...)

Yes, this is the group that RUINED SDCC for many people!


A crossover few saw coming...


Don't think Shatner really needs this pic but it could be forwarded to his site anyway...
(Oldie but goodie that's been posted here before.)


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Re: Had to put these Trek pics up...

Post by Dacey » August 2nd, 2012, 3:48 pm

Yes, this is the group that RUINED SDCC for many people!
Considering a Twilight fan DIED last month at Comic-Con, I don't think that this really needed to be said right now.

Also, don't we have a Star Trek thread somewhere that this stuff could go in?
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Re: Had to put these Trek pics up...

Post by GeorgeC » August 2nd, 2012, 9:20 pm


Lighten up, Dacey!

This has nothing to do with a woman with a medical condition...
Why do you take that direction where nothing has been implied?

And btw, that comment about Twilight fans has been around for years since the Twilight movie series began. Trek and Wars fans have nothing on teen girls and their latest fads -- that's fanatical.


If you have a problem with me, just say it!

I'm not tyrannical with my opinions and I don't expect people to think or believe in what I do.

You also don't have to read my posts, period...
You can stop here...

I DETEST political correctness and the group mindset that certain members of the forum put forward. The group-think that P.C. represents DOES NOT respect more mainstream and "educated by real life"/informed opinion. It's an irrational, fascist, and rote way of thinking. It's real obvious to me that most schools don't teach any kind of critical thinking... People just spurt out whatever their profs wrote on the chalkboard.

Take this caveat and remember it well -- YOU DON'T LEARN CRAP IN SCHOOL... You learn it OUTSIDE of school where you practice and learn skills and get your butt kicked by real life!
You find out quickly which professors have actually worked outside of university and who the flakes are...

I've kept my mouth shut for the most part but some of the nonsense I read on the forums really backs up Sturgeon's Law...
It's as meaningful as those blogs written by animation students who analyze 70-year-old cartoons frame-by-frame.
Both examples completely miss the big picture and what's important.

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Re: Had to put these Trek pics up...

Post by Ben » August 3rd, 2012, 4:22 am

Woah, George! Where the heck did that come from!?

Dacey - who, to my knowledge has never had any kind of beef with your posts in the past - was only making a pretty decent point about maybe laying off the Twi-jokes for the moment due to someone of that particular fandom losing their life last month.

Now, okay, I can also see the joke is not related to that (unlike a really poor taste joke going around about the Aurora shootings), but you could have made that point much more eloquently - and I know because you've been around here long enough - and not gone flying off into a tirade like that.

In saying "I'm not tyrannical with my opinions...", I think you just got a little bit, um, tyrannical! ;)

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Re: Had to put these Trek pics up...

Post by James » August 6th, 2012, 10:47 am

Gotta say I agree with George, not in tone perhaps, but in principle. If a Star Trek fan dies choking on a chicken wing do we have to have a month of respect for Star Trek fans in remembrance?


Now to get things in here back to a more pleasant place, here is another Star Trek photo for you guys to enjoy!

This comes from a new line of pop culture latex clothing launching at Montreal Comic Con 2012. More photos at the link.
st-5.jpg (136.24 KiB) Viewed 6602 times

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Re: Had to put these Trek pics up...

Post by Dacey » August 7th, 2012, 11:45 am

Gotta say I agree with George, not in tone perhaps, but in principle. If a Star Trek fan dies choking on a chicken wing do we have to have a month of respect for Star Trek fans in remembrance?
Not wanting to prolong this, but if a Star Trek fan dies choking, you are not going to see people on the internet make cracks like "He neither lived long or prospered" or "One less crazy Trek fan in the world." This is the sort of "joking" that was taking place following the Twi-fan's death, with people practically rejoicing that she was gone, acting as though she deserved to be gone simply because she was a fan of something they didn't like.

Twi-hate has reached such a cartoonish purportion on the internet and elsewhere right now that it's become not just a form of bullying, but ugly, ugly bullying. The level of nastiness towards the fanbase is hard to believe, and sinces it largely consists of women, that makes it even worse. And it's not just towards the fans. The cast is also subject to it. There is no reason that Kristen Stewart, regardless of what she may have done, to be treated this savagely by the press and the internet when she's only 22 years old. If that were to happen to anyone but her, people would call it disgusting.

So maybe I shouldn't have reacted that way to George's post, or at least not in that way. But when I see people make apparently sincere internet comments saying things along the lines of "If only the Aurora shooting had happened at a Twilight screening instead. Why did it have to happen to GOOD fans?", maybe that makes me a little sensitive about this sort of thing.

But anyway...I'll get off my soapbox. I'm sorry if I sent this topic into a direction that it shouldn't go. I just want people to know why I said what I did.
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Re: Had to put these Trek pics up...

Post by Ben » August 10th, 2012, 11:55 am

James wrote:Now to get things in here back to a more pleasant place, here is another Star Trek photo for you guys to enjoy!
Huminahuminahuminahuminahuminahuminahuminahuminahuminahuminahuminahuminahumina... :D

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