Actually, you mean PixarVixen right?Yeah, I was going to ask where that Circle 7 thing came from, Vi? C7 had nothing to do with CL...!?!?
Hey, a lot of relatively "new" movies still have the old 20th century Fox logo...I just watched the 1986 Fly movie and it had it. Plus they only played part of the theme music, not the whole thing. "Da-da-da, da da da da da da-da-da-da da da da!" Well, something like that...And folks old enough to remember the original star wars can recall the 20th century fox logo before you flew around it in glorious cg.
Also remember when Columbia Tri-Star (Sony) was a white unicorn galloping? Now it's just a really quick image.
Oh, BTW, I LOVE the Imagine logo. (water drop)