Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Diamond Edition

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Post by GeorgeC » October 6th, 2009, 5:44 pm

Yeah the packaging was a bit too similar for my likes, too. Pricing was the same for both basic sets, too, which has to be a first for Disney and Best Buy! They must figure they're going to sell enough copies to cover the discounts.

The DVD with the main feature in both sets is identical. Just go by the front of the packaging to know which is which. I've never had a problem differentiating between DVD and Blu ray packaging myself.

On that note...

I ended up picking the Book presentation of Snow White for $40. I just liked the look of that case better than the standard $25 edition. I did have to look to be sure I picked up a Book "case" that wasn't damaged or had worn off foil. 2 of 3 I checked had one or the other symptoms. Guess it happened in factory replication and packaging. I could still change my mind and take it back (I haven't opened it yet) but I doubt I'm going to... It just seemed classier than the other sets.

The Dwarf plushies and Ultra-deluxe sets just seemed way over the top. As much as I would have loved the animation production drawing lithos of the Ultra-deluxe set I just really don't need those and have to save money somewhere, too. They had a few copies of every BD version of Snow White at Best Buy today and matched the Amazon prices.

Honestly, I felt the Book version was fancy enough for me and did not care for the extras of the other versions.

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Post by Dan » October 6th, 2009, 5:50 pm

The discounts Best Buy is doing is running for just this week. Afterward, the DVD-style packaging becomes $30 and the Blu-Ray-style packaging becomes $35.

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Post by Ben » October 6th, 2009, 6:06 pm

Don't forget our own Amazon link, and adding a promo code knocks $10 off the purchase price: ... nd-legacy/ 8)

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Post by Randall » October 6th, 2009, 8:23 pm

So what's the verdict on the book itself, George?


Post by GeorgeC » October 6th, 2009, 11:44 pm

I like the outer packaging but I have to admit I haven't opened the package yet! :oops:


10 minutes later...

I can honestly say I didn't have this book in my collection before!

It's a new book -- not a condensed version of anything I already have. It tells the basic story, the history of the filmmaking and is full of film stills, production art, and period photos.

Not bad. It's a classy little book. Probably worth $12-$15 so not a total loss.

Again, I had superficial reasons for getting this package... I just thought it looked cooler than the other packaging!

When you open the outer packaging it looks like the DVD release but relax --- it's the same 3-disc set that's in the $25 option. 2 BD's + 1 DVD. I assure you it's the same discs all the other BD sets have. Yes, the packaging is standard 3-DVD holder instead of Blu ray packaging but it's nothing to get upset about as long as the right discs are there...

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Post by Randall » October 7th, 2009, 12:39 am

Thanks for the update, G. Sounds nice.

I was a little tempted to pick up the set with the book, but the LD book was already pretty nice. Not really any need for another one.

Then, I saw that the Blu-ray could be had today at Amazon for $9.99...


So, I guess I've skipped the book.

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Post by Daniel » October 7th, 2009, 4:06 pm

Seeing as I already pre-ordered my copy of Snow White at Best Buy, I too ended up getting my copy there yesterday. I saw all the editions displayed, but I stuck to my gun and got the book edition. The big red one looked pretty, but it was just too much money and offered next to nothing of what I really wanted... The main incentive would've been the pin set, but I'm sure someone will end up selling it on eBay. The plushie set was, as expected, a letdown. They just didn't look very cute, and coming from me that should say something! ;)

So, with the pre-order discount and the DMR coupon, I snagged up the book edition for about $24. Not bad at all. I could've gone for the bare-bone edition, but the book set does look very classy and I was always bummed I missed out on the UK set from the Platinum release. I took out the case that was holding the disc's and replaced it with the steelbook I got. Now I have best of both worlds. For anyone curious, here are pics courtesy of someone over at UD. Heh, I just realized they did the same swapping of the cases too! It looks even more stunning in person, and the book is well worth going for.

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Post by Ben » October 7th, 2009, 4:50 pm

Well, I'm glad you're happy with it Dan, but I gotta say that I'm glad I stuck to the standard BD pack. I'd have <I>loved</I> the big red box, but not at $125 extra for what I essentially wanted, which was the book.

Of course it's easier for me to say that with the UK "book" edition in hand (never did get those Sleeping Beauty or Dalmatians versions) and the original 1993 LD with the bigger book in it.

The book in your set doesn't look a million miles off that, actually, so I'm also pleased enough that I didn't go for that one, which was another option, but kinda silly since we got the BD pack element in for review (up shortly). Perhaps one day I'll see the red box going cheap! ;)

BWT, like my new avatar? :)

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Post by Aaron_03 » October 7th, 2009, 7:06 pm

I'm still undecided at this point. I just started my Disney Collection with the first 2 Disney Platinum editions on blu-ray, but with this new diamond edition thing I'm lost.

I don't want to get the book unless the future diamond edition releases will have the book option also.

I wonder if I should wait for the 80th Anniversary one because I don't see the point in buying it twice.

Do you guys buy Disney Vault movies multiple times when they come out every 7 or so years?

If the BD Pack didn't have the witch as the centerpiece maybe my decision would be a little easier.
Ben wrote:Don't forget our own Amazon link, and adding a promo code knocks $10 off the purchase price: ... nd-legacy/ 8)
how do you put in the promo code?

I know it's snowhite

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Post by Daniel » October 7th, 2009, 7:56 pm

Changed your mind that quickly? ;)

Simply put the Blu-ray in your cart, then go through the normal paying process. On the page with your credit card info, there's a space for "promotional code", and as you stated above, type SNOWHITE code and presto it will be credited once you press the button!

Ben, yes, I do like your avie, very much so! :) First time I've seen you changed since I joined. About the book, from the sounds of it, it looks like they're both identical. Only difference is the cover, size and the overall layout. If accurate, imagine if you did end up going for the red box only to find out what you really wanted was in a cheaper set! Albeit downsized and probably not as beautifully layed out, but without seeing the red book set for reference, it looks like a pretty good seamless effort.

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Post by Aaron_03 » October 7th, 2009, 8:08 pm

I did change my mind simply because of the promo code. What is 10$ to me(?), not much.

I ended up getting the DVD + BD pack over the original blu-ray pack just because of the cover.

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Post by Randall » October 7th, 2009, 8:24 pm

Ah, but now you'll have it in a DVD case instead of a Blu-ray case. If that matters to you. The content will be the same, though.

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Post by Aaron_03 » October 7th, 2009, 8:52 pm

I never knew that. And I can't cancel my order.

I just ordered the BD one now.


Now I'm going to give the DVD + DB Pack to my little brother and he's giving me 10$

It's pretty hilarious that I ended up with the BD one at the end. i never intended on buying it, because of the witch. But with Randall informing me that the the DVD + BD Pack was actually in a DVD case, I had to drop out and go with the original BD one.

I don't own any more DVD's and never actually collected them in the first place, so having the lonely DVD case in my BD collection wouldn't seem right.

Phew, think I had enough of Amazon tonight.

And Ben, nice avie! Although this was the first time you changed it since I joined this site. It's nice, but it's not you without your old rabbit avy.

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Post by Dusterian » October 8th, 2009, 11:22 pm

Someone needs to find out exactly for sure what is in the Red book!!!\

Ben, love the avatar, it makes you seem so classic, prestigious, and complicatedly knowing. Hee. But Roger is all we need to exuberate the far back knowledge and fun, cool personality, so we will welcome him back when he returns!

Hey, my signature has Snow White too for celebrating!

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Post by Ben » October 9th, 2009, 4:38 am

I never knew Roger was so loved (or associated with me...I find that a little nuts)! :)

I'm sure he will be back someday, though I may keep Snowy for a while and try out some others before the Rabbit tries to break out of his frame again. ;)

Dusty...the red box book is an 160-page "chronicle" of the film's making and story. Despite them saying it's not the smaller book in a bigger size, I can't see the content being much different: both offer a look at the production and a storybook version of the story with concept and finished art.

And although it's not an exact copy of the Sibley/Hollis book that came out for the 1987 50th and then reprinted in the 1993 LD, it follows the same format and, really, how many times do you need the same history and story told over? Especially when it's costing you so much!

Nice sig! :)

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