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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by Dacey » February 24th, 2014, 4:24 pm

You know, as excited as I want to be for this--and I'm sure I will be again once we get a new trailer--, I'm starting to have a really bad feeling behind this one. Especially since the screenwriter said some garbage about how this is a chance for him and Bryan to "right some of the wrongs done in X3."

Singer CHOSE to leave X-Men 3 to direct Superman Returns, and stole Cyclops for that movie to boot, which is probably the main reason he got killed off (which was kinda important to the film's storyline anyway). Now all he's done is turn what was meant to be a First Class sequel into a vanity project, into the X-Men/X-Men 4 whatever that he "never got to make." And despite being ALL supportive of Brett when he was making X-Men 3, he's now going to "fix" the things he didn't like about that movie and assume the fans will agree with him.

And he does the same passive aggressive nonsense whenever he talks about Superman. "Oh, if we had made a sequel to that movie, it would've been huge, it would've had Darksied." Yeah, right, SURE it would have. All we heard was "Zod, Zod, Zod!", but it's easy to boast about how amazing a movie you never got to make would've been, I guess.

Add to that some frankly STUPID sounding concepts, at least on paper. "Hank creates a serum that lets him become human, but whenever he gets upset, he turns into the Beast!" Gee, who does THAT sound like? Plus, Quicksilver's design is just horrible. "Oh, he's quick, and he wears silver. Get it? Get it?"

I know this has turned into a rant, and it may even make it sound like I'm not excited about Days of Future Past, and that's not the case. I got an insane amount of chills watching the teaser trailer. But this is supposed to be a HUGE summer blockbuster, and we have barely seen ANY special effects from it, which is very worrisome at this point. And we went through the exact same thing with Superman Returns, were told that fans "can expect a whole lot of action, and a whole lot of flying," and then the actual movie came out, so...

I kinda wish Matthew Vaughn were directing this instead.
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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by Randall » February 24th, 2014, 10:00 pm

While I have to admit that X2 turned out pretty good, I was never a fan of Singer's interpretation of the X-Men. And I agree that his comments on X3 seem disingenuous at this point. I sure hope that the new film is awesome, but I do start to feel a train wreck coming on. Too many characters, too much reliance on the Logan/Prof X/Magneto triumvirate. We'll see soon...

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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by eddievalient » February 25th, 2014, 8:48 am

Randall wrote:Too many characters, too much reliance on the Logan/Prof X/Magneto triumvirate.
Well, to be fair, that is exactly what the comics are like. I understand it's not for everyone, but as someone who read a ton of X-Men comics growing up, as well as being a huge fan of the animated series, I always thought the films were an excellent adaptation of that universe. They may not have gotten all the details right, but they've successfully captured the spirit of the story and that's what's important, at least to me. The same can be said for comic book movies in general, which is often why I find myself defending movies that most people seem to hate (Green Lantern for example).
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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by Ben » February 25th, 2014, 10:32 am

Well, I can't reprint what someone who has worked with Singer told me he was like, but you'll get the general idea... ;)

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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by ShyViolet » February 25th, 2014, 9:04 pm

I agree with eddie, as someone who also grew up reading the comics and loving the animated series, (which Singer did watch) I do feel that the spirit of X-Men was retained despite the over-reliance on the Xavier-Magneto relationship. IMHO The Last Stand, despite its merits as an action movie, had many of the problems that people fear DOFP will have: too many mutants, too much messing about with comic story continuity (TLS completely screwed up the Dark Phoenix plotline) and quite a number of plot holes
(For one, how does Magneto get his powers back, especially if Rogue can't? How can Jean Grey kill Xavier, a far more powerful telepath? What exactly happened to Cyclops, as well as Mystique after she turned human?)
So far I'm very impressed with what I've seen of DOFP (especially Macavoy's performance) and can't wait to see more.
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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by Dacey » February 25th, 2014, 10:47 pm

Vi, The Last Stand is almost eight years old. Probably no need to hide spoilers at this point. ;)

And I'm not bothered by the "comic continuity," so to speak. The movies and comics each exist in their own different worlds. :) (Also, I don't know much about the comics beyond what I've read about them lol)
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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by Ben » February 28th, 2014, 8:05 am

I have a stack of original X-Men comics that I grew up on, but can hardly remember anything about them save for broad storylines!

But I like the movies for what they are. I don't think Magneto's abilities ever went away: although they may have been muted somewhat, he was still able to move that chess piece at the end of Stand, which implies he could retrain/develop himself back to near or better than he was before. I think Prof Xavier allowed himself to be 'killed', sacrificing himself for the greater good so that Jean/Phoenix could find redemption (although as you say this was all a bit screwed in the movie).

At this point, the movies are all over the place in a timeline chronology. I guess it would be X-Men: First Class, Origins: Wolverine, X-Men, X2, Last Stand, The Wolverine (clumsy titling right there!) and then possibly DOFP (if it starts in modern day and *then* goes back), and then Apocalypse whenever that comes. And probably another first class scenario in there too...

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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by eddievalient » February 28th, 2014, 9:55 am

For what it's worth, the comics' chronology isn't any clearer. This is a case where Bellisario's Maxim ("Don't examine this too closely") definitely applies, and that's a good thing. The comics' timeline is so whacked out that even the animated series had to fudge things here and there to make it work and nobody minded that, so why should people complain about the movies doing the same thing?
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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by ShyViolet » February 28th, 2014, 5:57 pm

Ben wrote:

At this point, the movies are all over the place in a timeline chronology. I guess it would be X-Men: First Class, Origins: Wolverine, X-Men, X2, Last Stand, The Wolverine (clumsy titling right there!) and then possibly DOFP (if it starts in modern day and *then* goes back), and then Apocalypse whenever that comes. And probably another first class scenario in there too...
Not sure but doesn't DOFP take place in humanity's "future" (like maybe 50 years from now or something, during a mutant/human war) and then go back to the 1970s? :?:

Would love to see an Apocalypse movie! :)
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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by Ben » March 1st, 2014, 8:14 pm

Yeah, so it would come where I said. Apocalypse is coming, Vi!

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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by James » March 1st, 2014, 8:17 pm

First Class was the only X-Men movie I hadn't seen yet. Finally did that today so I could be ready for this year's installment and see what was going on in this thread!

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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by Randall » March 1st, 2014, 10:56 pm

First Class was by far my favourite.

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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by ShyViolet » March 5th, 2014, 9:41 pm

Very brief (like 8 seconds) but cool teaser! :)

Also Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) interview, discusses the Sentinels! (a bit spoiler-ish though)

http://news.yahoo.com/shawn-ashmore-39- ... sA6yPQtDMD
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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by ShyViolet » March 11th, 2014, 10:52 am

A very interesting Singer interview in Empire...he discusses not only DOFP but Superman Returns, Valkery and The Last Stand! He says how he would never have killed Cyclops or Professor X...plus he really didn't like the very end with Prof X in that body.
Also, they said it's very possible that the Apocolypse story will be Age of Apocolypse!
Yayyyyyyyy ! :D
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Re: X-Men: First Class

Post by ShyViolet » March 18th, 2014, 4:57 pm

Short article on the impending Apocalypse film in Total Film; according to the article (*mild DOFP spoiler*)
DOFP has a cliffhanger that will segue into the Apocalypse film.
Also, it looks like the younger mutants (I guess present and past?) will continue to be involved as well as Prof. X and Magneto. Not certain whether Singer will be back to direct but according to the article he very much wants to.

Wonder how Apocalypse will look? My guess is that he'll be motion-capture designed, but that's just me. :)
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