Introducing the Nether Regions - A Stop Motion Short Film

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Introducing the Nether Regions - A Stop Motion Short Film

Post by jake0606 » August 13th, 2014, 7:13 am

Hey All, I just wanted to introduce a short film we have produced at WÖNKY Films “The Nether Regions” that's just gone online. The stop motion short film has been directed by Maria Lee and features the sonorous voice talents of the mighty Brian Blessed...

Wielding untold power at the helm of a vast and mighty realm may sound glamorous but no one tells you about the sleepless nights and the unrelenting stress, but that's what the Devil must deal with on an eternal basis. Even in Hell, there's no escape from bureaucracy but occasionally he does manage to slip away. With the most magical healing hands in all the nine circles of Hell and a sympathetic ear, it is Sven's Massage Parlour to which the Devil makes his first port of call.

We have also developed an App for the film which includes the mini-game "Massaging the Ego" which lets you touch the devil in places you never imagined. Its easy to pick up, but devilishly difficult to put down. Have you go and see if you have what it takes to become an expert therapeutic touch practitioner?

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