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Post by Josh » March 7th, 2005, 5:06 pm

I don't mean to be rude, but please watch your language, maculoso.

As for the Robots reviews, have you guys seen the commercial for it which declares the film is, "More incredible than The Incredibles" (or something like that)? Here is an interesting article concerning the writer of that comment, Earl Dittman: ... ie.quotes/ . Apparently, this critic will give a good review to anything.

I am not saying that Robots is bad. I just thought you folks might be interested in learning about this critic, in case you ever see another one of his quotes in a commercial.

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Post by Ben » March 8th, 2005, 11:12 am

Oh, come on Mick. "Effing" is a quite polite and suitable substitute, and I'd rather have that than asterisks. We're not going to dumb this forum down to below G-wording!

Back on topic:

That's amazing that they cut 20 minutes out. Of finished animation? Doubt they would let him finish it off for a DVD, but if this WAS completed stuff, I can't see how they wouldn't put in on disc and promote the heck out of that ("Now 20 minutes longer!")


Early reviews in for Robots -- not very good.

Post by GeorgeC » March 10th, 2005, 1:52 am

I still think this film will have a very good opening weekend seeing as it really doesn't have solid competition...

Here are early reviews from the Onion AV and Rotten Tomatoes -- ... e=4110&r=1

The averages don't come out very good.

The film is style over substance. A triumph of design over content. (No wonder Amid likes it.) Ultimately meaningless.

Yes, we should all see the film at some point in the future to make up our minds, but the fact that so many people are saying the same thing doesn't hold well for the film.

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Post by Macaluso » March 10th, 2005, 6:12 am

reviwers didn't like Terminator when it came out back... when it came out :O

I don't care about reviews or what everyone else says. What matters is what I think of the film, and I doubt I WON'T like it.

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Post by Dacey » March 10th, 2005, 5:12 pm

According to the article, they were all character scenes. Stuff that Fox must've felt made the movie move too slowly.
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Glowing review for ROBOTS from Roger Ebert

Post by AniMan » March 11th, 2005, 11:50 am

Checked in at Roger Ebert's site at the Sun Times and it looks like a big thumbs up from him. Seeing as he is probably the most respected and definitely the most well-known movie critic out there, this is a very good thing for ROBOTS. Read the review here:
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What did you think of ROBOTS?

Post by AniMan » March 11th, 2005, 12:26 pm

Okay, the movie is out now! If you saw it, what did you think? Please put your reviews here and explain why you liked or disliked the movie (avoid generalized statements like, "it just sucked" or "it was awesome"). :D
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Post by Christian » March 11th, 2005, 1:37 pm

It was very much like I expected it to be. A decent hour and a half time killer if you have nothing better to do.


Post by GeorgeC » March 11th, 2005, 3:28 pm

I don't mean to sound contentious,

but frankly Roger Ebert has given thumbs-up to many films I have just not cared for. I no longer take the word of just ONE critic anymore. I tend to look at overall averages of reviews and then make up my mind based on my gut feeling of what I've seen and heard of a movie.

Gotta love Rotten Tomatoes -- it's saved me a ton of money. When I have seen films on video or TV a few years after they played in theaters, my hunches and the reviews I've read from Tomatoes have more often than not been correct.

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Post by Macaluso » March 11th, 2005, 3:42 pm

Reviews and their reviewers can suck it in my opinion. Cause I'm not very critical of animated movies at all, so even if the reveiewers hated the movie to hell, chances are I still loved it.

Dinosaur, for one.

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Post by Christian » March 11th, 2005, 4:02 pm

Like I said in the other thread, this movie is decent if you have a couple hours to kill on the weekend. It really had that feel to it of some college students getting together and saying, "Hey! Let's make a CGI movie, and it'll be about a world where everything is mechanical and all the people are robots!" I feared it could be gratingly annoying but it managed to steer clear of getting that bad.

The audience went nuts howling with laughter over the Scrat (that squirrel-like character from Ice Age) short and one of the producer guys in the Q&A afterwards said there would be more Scrat shorts made.

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Post by melymay » March 11th, 2005, 8:33 pm

I attended the ASIFA screening last night which included a Q&A with the Lighting Director, Animation Director, and Producer. Their hard work on making certain that the consistency of different types of metals, stages of rusting, and light interaction with metal surfaces did pay off. It was stunning and life-like.
The issues I found were in the story plot of the movie. I found holes in the plot, and that it did not flow. During the Q&A, they admitted that they did not have a fully developed script, and that the Animators were given reign to do what they would like, to fill in the space. They also over emphasized some, not so developed points. On one hand, they are trying to convey that you must follow your dreams or someday you will regret it. On the other hand, they have the premise of the movie centered around the idea that upgrading is bad. If you pay close attention, you can see an indirect Eisner reference in the plot. When asked if the premise for the movie was intentional, They stated that it was, but that they did not notice the Eisner reference or consider the fact that they are in the business of constantly upgrading to obtain the latest and greatest computer animation technique. Are they stupid?
If you want to just look at great animation, it is a must see. If you want a great storyline, don't see this.
I also must say that the Ice Age II Teaser before the movie, was worth the trip.

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Did you Notice

Post by melymay » March 11th, 2005, 8:47 pm

Did you notice that Ebert only spoke about the look of the movie. He sounds like it was more nostalgic for him, then anything. I have to agree with what he said. He failed to mention anything about the plot though. It is the plot that is less then desireable. I give more details about it on the other thread.

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Post by macontosh2000 » March 12th, 2005, 10:03 pm

I loved the begining of the movie up until he left on the train to Robot City then it started to go downhill. It hurts me to say this because i am a big fan of his but i didnt like Robin Williams in it, it didnt work for him to do random stuff. I didnt like the story. I didnt really care for any of the characters. And i thought there were to many plot holes. Visually it was good but there was never a moment that i found to to be REALLY impressed with. And Halle Berry's character was completely pointless, she did nothing.

6.5/10 It was better than Shark Tale.

I did like Aunt Fanny though.

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Post by Macaluso » March 13th, 2005, 4:09 am

Two words:

Dancing robot.

hell. yes.

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