The Twilight Zone

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Post by ShyViolet » June 26th, 2006, 5:18 pm

In one of the books I used to have about Spielberg it said that Steve was so young when he made that, at first no one could believe HE was the director. :wink:

I believe didn't it have something to do with blindness?

I read in "The Twilight Zone Companion" that in TZ: The Movie, originally the re-make of "It's a Good Life" (Joe Dante's segment) was supposed to be the last one, and that the house was supposed to blow up. Katherine (?) gets away, and hitchikes with Dan Akroyd of course.... :wink:

A lot of people consider the "happy" ending to the Dante segment kind of lame. (especially since the original ended much differently.)

Plus the whole thing with Vic Morrow (the racist in the opening segment) and the two little kids getting killed was a big scandal, which is understandable of course. Originally he was supposed to save the two Vietnamese kids, and that was the ending. But because of a special effect going wrong, Morrow and the two kids (both illegally hired) were killed.

I guess they edited it by attaching a deleted scene or something? (Morrow being taken away in the truck) That's my guess.
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Post by Ben » June 27th, 2006, 5:41 am

This is the reason TZ:TM has remained OOP for so long. I believe VHV is looking to finally DVD it later this year.

The kids were not illegally hired, but should not have been working in the middle of the night, when the accident happened.

Would be great if the DVD also had the original episodes to compare, but right issues would prevent that I think.

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Post by ShyViolet » June 27th, 2006, 4:59 pm

Some suggested that new TZ eps should be made for the film, instead of reviving old ones, because most people will know how they come out. I think this might have been more interesting too. (and maybe had them in B+ W?)

I also loved the opening segment with those two guys. (Albert Brooks and Dan Akroyd.) "Hey, remember the Twilight Zone?"

A lot of people like the "Fear of Flying" segment or whatever it was, but personally I find it MUCH more funny than scary. The monster is scary all right, but the whole tone is really goofy. I think Shatner did a better job with that Abominable Snowman or whatever it was. :roll:

Spielberg orignally wanted to direct "The Monsters are due on Maple Street" which had to do with a town thinking that there are aliens in their town and then trying destroy each other. But he directed "Kick the Can" instead. I personally think he would have done a great job doing "Eye of the Beholder" or "To Serve Man."

BTW, the town I live in is Rod Serling's birthplace and home town. :wink:
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Post by ShyViolet » July 5th, 2006, 2:19 pm

Did anyone watch the marathon over the weekend? :)
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Post by ShyViolet » June 8th, 2007, 7:06 pm

Can't wait for July 4th!!! TZ day on Sci-Fi!!! :) :)
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Post by Daniel » June 9th, 2007, 5:37 am

OMG, yes, me to! I'm a HUGE Twilight fan!! Everytime they give a marathon, I always try to watch as much as possible. Once, I even stayed up till morning. (True story. ;)) The days before I had Tivo, that is.

Here's three episodes I'm hoping they give: (there's A'LOT more, but for now.)

"Mirror Image" - just wow!

"Minature" - such a sweet and classic eppy. How he visits her everyday, and than how it ends, just beautiful.

(A title I can't recall) where three people have a camera, and their able to see what happens next after they take a picture. The ending was great to, "1, 2, 3... 4 bodies?" Hehe. :)

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Post by ShyViolet » June 9th, 2007, 10:16 pm

Yeah, TZ is the BOMB Dan!!!! :D
"Mirror Image" - just wow!

One of my faves as well, Dan. I"m sure they'll show it. It scared the *bleep* out of me the first time, too...:?
"Minature" - such a sweet and classic eppy. How he visits her everyday, and than how it ends, just beautiful.
I liked it too....(that was a VERY YOUNG Robert Duvall starring in it) very good episode, one of the best "hour-long" ones they did. It ended pretty much the way I expected, but still great. :)
(A title I can't recall) where three people have a camera, and their able to see what happens next after they take a picture. The ending was great to, "1, 2, 3... 4 bodies?" Hehe.
I've read about this one in The Twilight Zone companion, and I may or may not have seen part of it a long time ago....will have to keep a look out for it. :wink:

I did see one that was kind of like that, but:
It was about a TV set that could show you scenes what's going to happen in the belonged to a husband and wife, the husband sees himself pushing his wife out the window goes on from there. :?

BTW Dan, have you seen Twilight Zone: The Movie? I watch it whenever it's on TV, but it'll never be as good as the show in my eyes. :wink: :roll:
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Post by Ben » June 10th, 2007, 8:09 am

TZ:TM was a bit of a let down in terms of going up against the TV show, but contained enough good moments as a stand-alone film had it not gone out with the TZ brand on it.

I loved the original TZ series and the 1980s remakes. At some point I may start going on a DVD collection for them, but not right now...while it's cool to be able to dip in and say "hey, I feel like seeing a Twilight Zone show", I still have too much other stuff I never watch!

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Post by ShyViolet » June 10th, 2007, 6:01 pm

One thing that always scared me in the original eps was how sometimes, at some point in the episode, a certain character often realizes that something is just NOT RIGHT, there's this pause, and this music sometimes goes with these two dramatic chords, VERY FREAKY. :shock:

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? :P

Kinda like the iconic signature music during the original Star Trek series, when there's a fight or whatever. :wink: :P (like Spock having to fight Kirk 'to the death', etc...)
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Post by ShyViolet » June 10th, 2007, 6:05 pm

TZ:TM was a bit of a let down in terms of going up against the TV show, but contained enough good moments as a stand-alone film had it not gone out with the TZ brand on it.

How did you feel about the Spielberg segment, Ben?
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Post by Ben » June 10th, 2007, 7:56 pm

My two favorite segments in TZ:TM are probably Kick The Can (Spielberg's) and George Miller's "gremlin on the place" one, Terror At 20,000 Feet.

The Kick The Can one, I'm certain, is what got Spielberg interested in making his own anthology show, Amazing Stories, which in turn led to Zemeckis going on to do the Tales From The Crypt.

Kick The Can has a wonderful score too, though it's not "classic" Twilight Zone and more Amazing Stories. 20,000 Feet is more Twilight Zone, but it could be argued that NONE of the four stories are what made classic TZ work best.

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Post by Daniel » June 10th, 2007, 8:04 pm

ShyViolet wrote:one of the best "hour-long" ones they did.
Indeed. There are some that shouldn't have even been made. They were just so boring....
will have to keep a look out for it. :wink:
I'll let you know if Scifi shows it during the marathon. (My TV guide will have the episode listings a week in advance. ;))
ShyViolet wrote:
It was about a TV set that could show you scenes what's going to happen in the belonged to a husband and wife, the husband sees himself pushing his wife out the window goes on from there. :?
That episode was filmed differently, no? I remember it looking weired. Good episode, though!
ShyViolet wrote:BTW Dan, have you seen Twilight Zone: The Movie? I watch it whenever it's on TV, but it'll never be as good as the show in my eyes. :wink: :roll:
Yeah, I've seen it. And like Ben said, it was bit of a letdown. The only real difference between the two, was that the film was a bit more indepth than the episodes. (Ie. Longer, showing things that never happened) That, and the the fact that it was in color! Ooh! :P

So yeah, it will never be as good as the series in my eyes, too.
Ben wrote:At some point I may start going on a DVD collection for them, but not right now...
Me to. Not because I have to much on my plate as it is, but the fact that there so darn expensive! 40$ is to much more me, but 80-100$? No way!

Amazon even has the "Complete Definitive Series" but only mentions other languages not including english. :? So either its a typo, or its not for region 1 people. (It didn't specify)

Edit - Amazon finally fixed it! It now says Region 1! The price is also a bit cheaper, but not by much. (169$) A bargain really, compared to buying each season seperately.

Here's the link: ... 164&sr=1-1
ShyViolet wrote:Does anyone know what I'm talking about? :P
Yeah... ;)

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Post by Daniel » June 18th, 2007, 3:12 am

^Seems it's a temp sale. Man, I want to get it soooo bad, but I don't have that kind of money on me right now. :( I hope they have this sale again come Christmas time, 'cause I would really love to get it.

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Post by Daniel » July 3rd, 2007, 11:40 pm

The Twilight Zone marathon starts today.

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Post by Daniel » July 26th, 2007, 6:23 pm

Dunno if its worth mentioning, but TZ:TM has now been announced for DVD:

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