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Post by Macaluso » November 9th, 2004, 6:28 am


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Post by Special_Ed » November 9th, 2004, 4:40 pm

No, it's insemsitive to mock a serious situation where people have died and continue to die.

"Look at the stupid Americans! Ho. ho. ho. he!"

I'm with Robin Williams, we should just call back all the people we have around the globe, close our borders, then tell the world "It's been great. We're csnceling all your debts, we expect our's canceled in return. When you guys get in trouble we're done pulling you out. yadda, yadda, yadda, oh, and BTW, you're on your own. No more of our technology, medicine, etc. will lbe shared with you. etc.) Let's see how many in the world hate us then. The world depends on America and they know it and they hate it. That is what the real heart issue is.

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Post by Randall » November 10th, 2004, 12:24 am

There are so many inaccuracies in Ed's last 2 posts (not unusual for him) that I'm resisting every urge to angrily tear them apart one item at a time, in the interest of keeping this board civil. Hopefully, most people here read other things besides Forums in order to gain information and form their world views.

And why do certain people keep trying to start controversy? Let's keep the discussions to movies and animation.

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Post by Lindsay » November 10th, 2004, 3:30 am

Aww, c'mon, Rand! Quit yer poutin' and get with the flag-waving!

Go America!! It's the best place EVAH!! *sniffle*

(Not being serious, btw. ;) Or mature, for that matter. But that's another debate entirely... :P)

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Post by James » November 10th, 2004, 10:27 am

Maybe if people would stop responding to controversial stuff and only respond to movies and animation posts...


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Post by Special_Ed » November 10th, 2004, 10:49 pm

but it's a contraversial film. you can't discuss it without the world vews behind it.

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Post by Sh00tingstar » November 13th, 2004, 9:07 pm

okay, i am not laughing at the victims of 911, nor am i taking a jab at the efforts of sodiers in iraq.

but 10,000s of people die everyday in the world from fates far worse than those witnessed in your 'wonderful' country. but just beacause it happens in such a 'civilised' society now means its 'horrendus, attrotriacs' and we must all go to war for you??

america didnt raise a finger in WW2, not untill they got a slight glimpse of what was actaully happeing to soliders in europe-
if pearl harbour hadnt happened, i doubt we wouldve seen any americans in the war.

i love my fellow man, i love every race and creed.
i feel damned inside that there are people fighting a war in any country, i feel even worse for those people who are trapped in a war torn country.

oh man,
i just wish you would get your facts straight.

The only reason people try to get themselves into the US is because their country is so crap. and thats beacuse america holds all the worlds wealth. i mean, jesus. Some americans are so crass,

our medicine is awesome,
our technology is awesome,
our knowledge is superiour

listen to yourself.

the reason america suceeds over others is because it BUYS all these ideas and patents from other countrys and cripples them with WTO type deals.

your wonderful country sells your childrens education for a profit, you make money off others misforunes, america has the largest gap between the rich and the poor.

dont get me wrong, im just pissed off at the attitudes of some people. Maybe if you were on the outside looking in you could get a more balanced view.
america isnt the centre of the universe.
people die everyday, in horrific ways...and not just AMERICANS.

some americans take themselves way to seriously. im GLAD there are some americans who are willing to laugh at situations and themselves for a change.
"When the stars fall I will lie're my shooting star

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Post by Sh00tingstar » November 13th, 2004, 9:22 pm

I really don't get you people who say the war on terror is a farce.
you cant win a war on terror.
the only way you can stop terror is to make people unafraid, and that will never happen.

i as a new zealander have to ponder why the US govt is having such a serious go at terrorisim.

when the french bombed the greenpeace vessel the rainbow warrior in nz the us didnt give a fudge.

they knew about it happening before hand. and they didnt warn us did they?

for years other countries have been the victim of terrorisim and of ethnic cleansing, all in the plain sight of the american govt. and the only time its worth starting a war over is when it has something to do with the US.
"When the stars fall I will lie're my shooting star

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Post by Macaluso » November 13th, 2004, 10:01 pm

So um... are you against the movie or no?

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Post by Sh00tingstar » November 13th, 2004, 10:29 pm

i wrote:
some americans take themselves way to seriously. im GLAD there are some americans who are willing to laugh at situations and themselves for a change.

im for it.
"When the stars fall I will lie're my shooting star

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Post by Macaluso » November 13th, 2004, 10:36 pm


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Post by James » November 13th, 2004, 10:46 pm

OK, guys let's keep it on topic.

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Post by Special_Ed » November 18th, 2004, 12:28 am

You’ve proven my point, Shootingstar; the world resents the success of America.

“but 10,000s of people die everyday in the world from fates far worse than those witnessed
in your 'wonderful' country. but just beacause it happens in such a 'civilised' society now
means its 'horrendus, attrotriacs' and we must all go to war for you??”

The only way to pervent those atrosities is to band together and stop them before they happn.
This is the first time America has taken a stand like this since the founding father’s day.
Could it be due to President Bush’s deep Christian faith?

“america didnt raise a finger in WW2, not untill they got a slight glimpse of what was
actaully happeing to soliders in europe-
if pearl harbour hadnt happened, i doubt we wouldve seen any americans in the war.”

America couldn’t have gotten involved if they wanted to before Pearl Habor because of the
Depression. The only way America could have fought in WWII is if the entire country
banded together behind the cause. Pearl Harbor is what caused this to happen. Do not also
forget that the US was sending Europe supplies under the table before Pearl Harbor. But let
us also not forget how most of Europe dealt with Hitler: “We’ll give him what he wants and
hope he goes away”....until soon he had most of Europe under his belt.

I’ll also note that before the 20th century America was not a financially stable land. People
came here for the oppertunity and freedom before the 1940’s when America really came
onto the world scene. Most other countries for get all we have done for and continue to do
for them and would rather us be the world’s whipping boy.

“i love my fellow man, i love every race and creed.
i feel damned inside that there are people fighting a war in any country, i feel even worse for
those people who are trapped in a war torn country.”

Was happen. Can’t do anything about it. That’s what happens when people hate morality,
God, and each other.

“oh man,
i just wish you would get your facts straight.”

Sounds like you’re the confused one.

“The only reason people try to get themselves into the US is because their country is so crap.
and thats beacuse america holds all the worlds wealth. i mean, jesus. Some americans are so

Oh yeah, it’s America’s fault that other countries are poor. America does not hold all the
world’s wealth. You’d find that in Eurpoe and Asia.

“our medicine is awesome,
our technology is awesome,
our knowledge is superiour

listen to yourself.

the reason america suceeds over others is because it BUYS all these ideas and patents from
other countrys and cripples them with WTO type deals.”

sure we do. sure we do....

“your wonderful country sells your childrens education for a profit,”

Yeah, that’s true and is bs. We also set up the education system in places like japan then
changed our own. The world is beating us with or old system.

“you make money off others misforunes,”


“america has the largest gap between the rich and the poor.”

Um, no. That is a myth.

“dont get me wrong, im just pissed off at the attitudes of some people. Maybe if you were on
the outside looking in you could get a more balanced view.”

Yeah, too bad I’m nice and cozy within making money from other’s misfortunes and stealing
inventions and patents from all over the world...

“america isnt the centre of the universe.”

Never said it was. Jesus Christ is the center of the universe.

“people die everyday, in horrific ways...and not just AMERICANS.”

Never said they didn’t. You are trying to say we should just let people attack us because
others are attacked. That logic can prove anything unjust should be not only tolerated but

“some americans take themselves way to seriously. im GLAD there are some americans who
are willing to laugh at situations and themselves for a change.”

Yeah, let’s laugh at people dying. it’s a hoot!

“you cant win a war on terror.
the only way you can stop terror is to make people unafraid, and that will never happen.”

How is being unafraid going to stop a terrorist? If everyone had ignored Hitler we’d all be
Nazis right now. I mean come on....It is impossible to win a war in Asia or the middle easter
when you’re facing the majority only because they have this view of dying for their cause
that Europe and the US lacks. This is why the middle east has been a mess for generations.
Fortunately America is on the side of the majority of Iraqis but those pesky terrorist groups
are still a problem.

“i as a new zealander have to ponder why the US govt is having such a serious go at

Because terrorism is the next great evil, like communism and socialism.

“when the french bombed the greenpeace vessel the rainbow warrior in nz the us didnt give a

Ask yourself “Was Clinton in charge?” Let’s look at his track record....takes North Korea to
top secret military bases and shows them our nukes, opens trade with China so all our jobs
go over there, missed killing Bin Laden at least 3 times, never ever took terrorism seriously.
Clinton ignored Bin Laden and they blew up the trade center. Yeah, ignoring terrorism will
make it go away....then Bush gets blamed by the media for the jb loss when Clinton set it all
up. If you’d been watching PBS last night when they airred their Wal*Mart doc. they
showed footage of Clinton signing the agreement. I fell out of my chair! They actually
admitted Clinton did it!

“they knew about it happening before hand. and they didnt warn us did they?”

That’s because at the time the US sucked up with France because of allied ties steming from

“for years other countries have been the victim of terrorisim and of ethnic cleansing, all in
the plain sight of the american govt. and the only time its worth starting a war over is when it
has something to do with the US.”

That’s because those in power didn’t care. Now they do. Your statement is interesting, you
complain about America stepping in on world affairs, then bash them because they didn’t
step in somewhere else. I guess you really do expect us to be, ahem, world police. :D

I'm just waiting for good old Michael Moore to pop up andsay that the cabinet is bailing on Bush because he's wrong. Come on...

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Post by James » November 18th, 2004, 1:40 am

How many times do we need to say this! There are thousands upon thousands of political/religious websites out there for you guys to debate this kind of stuff. Is it such a big deal to keep this one website animation related?

Please do not make the moderators feel like we have to be heavy handed here! Police yourselves! Just because someone makes an off topic remark you disagree with does not mean you have to respond!

BTW - This is not just directed at you SpEd - though you are a serial offender! You just happened to be the first to strike after my plea to keep things on topic.

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Post by Special_Ed » November 18th, 2004, 2:59 am

When the film is a politcal one politics are relavent. I guess I'll continue to be a "serial offender" then.

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