Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Small Screen Specials, Series and Direct-To-Video
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Post by GeorgeC » November 24th, 2010, 11:20 pm


This Friday, three episodes of The Brave and the Bold air back-to-back in the morning.

Starting at 9 AM is a repeat of the two-part "Siege of Starro"' story followed by "Requiem for a Speedster," The Flash episode. All three excellent episodes worth recording.

THEN, at 7 PM in the evening is an hour-long preview of Young Justice. It's a movie special called, "Independence Day."

This is NOT based on the Young Justice of the comics. It's set in an alternate reality DC Continuity and mixes classic Kid Flash (Wally West) and Robin (Dick Grayson)) with alternate versions of a few other Teen Titans (Aqualad) and reintroduces a few characters who premiered in the Young Justice comic. One of the regular re-occurring adult supervisors for Young Justice will be Batman voiced by Bruce Greenwood (Pike, "Star Trek").

A big difference from the comics continuity is that from the get-go the mentors of the teens want to bring them into the Justice League community and be instructed in the lawful, beneficial of being a superhero. This could be in many ways a first for an animated series!


Post by GeorgeC » December 29th, 2010, 1:20 am

No new episodes of The Brave and The Bold until February.

Heck, no repeats are scheduled for the entire month of January, either!!!

Cartoon Network can't seem to wait to get rid of this show as soon as possible.

A darn shame... It's the best Bat-series since the 1992 Batman: TAS IMHO!


Post by GeorgeC » February 27th, 2011, 1:00 pm

[[Previous poster's message was deleted.. 'Derezzed' for all you Tron-fans. He was just another troll passing on his way and making things 'merry'.]]

Are we rude, much?

Nice way to make an introductory post.

(Man, what is it about the people showing up here for the first time this year????)


Post by GeorgeC » May 5th, 2011, 3:01 am

May 20th episode of The Brave and the Bold is a Green Lantern featuring the iconic Lantern, Hal Jordan.. ... e&id=32143

GL has his fair share enemies but no one else gives him headaches the way Star Sapphire does! With a wink to the current comic book series and more than a nod to this summer's upcoming movie, GL has a final showdown with a foe that has her clawmarks on his heart...


Hope this is a good episode!

This last batch of 13 that are finishing up the series...

... Well, they've been wonky to say the least. I like the series' good vibe and light-heartedness but there's been stuff that stretches incredibility a BIT much and reflects some of the worst aspects of Batman the past quarter century... The invincible bat... the guy who can never take a break-- even for broken limbs... the guy who MUST be the one to take down The Joker... and the laundry list goes on.

I mean it.

I've missed about half the episodes since new ones started airing again (thank you very much Cartoon Network for NOT caring and NOT advertising this series OR rerunning any episodes anymore!) but when I have caught episodes I've thought to myself, "Gee, they really are revisiting the 1950s and 1960s DC stories -- the REALLY bad ones this time!" OR "Somebody's been taking Frank Miller and Grant Morrison a bit too seriously...!"

And to think this series started so well. I hope it doesn't end with a whimper or gasp because the producers gave up when the new Batman series (the fifth one in 20 years???) was announced. It's had far more hits than misses to finish so poorly. Most of the time, it's been as fun to watch as JLU was.

It's also been the only good showcase, aside from Justice League Unlimited, for the neglected slums of the DC Universe. If your favorite character doesn't live in Metropolis, Gotham, or (arguably) Coast City, that character is living in a DC slum of neglect and editorial/writing indifference. And there's been a bite-size chunk of the slums highlighted with some surprisingly good takes on some of the neglected parts of the DC Universe. I can't think of a better showcase for Plastic Man, the Doom Patrol (the best it's ever been done in animation), a version of Green Lantern who ISN'T a political jerkwad, Guy Gardner, and a whole other slew of B- and C-list characters in addition to showcasing some of the best Golden and Silver Age character designs that just aren't being used anymore in DC Comics.

My favorite episodes have been the ones featuring The Doom Patrol, Plastic Man, Guy Gardner, and especially the Three Flashes. That's what makes the last few episodes I've seen so painful because this show has been so much better before the last order batch started debuting!

Oh, and for WW fans, screen grabs are also up for the upcoming Wonder Woman episode. The lasso wielder herself is being voiced by Vicki Lewis ("NewsRadio").

By the looks of the screen grabs, they're going with the classic Silver Age eagle-embled design Wonder Woman with the curly hair. Steve Trevor and Invisible Jet are included!

P.S. -- Droo has my sympathies for Symbionic Titan. It's very clear CN plays favorites with series and promotes certain shows and reruns crap most of the time. As much as I respect Ben 10, does that series, let alone the mind-numbingly mediocre Clone Wars, really need more reruns during the week or weekend than it already gets???

There's plenty of neglect to go around on CN and nobody's taking it on the chin other than the people trying to create and do new things -- or at least make good series!
Forget about Looney Tunes reruns -- those only happen when everybody who isn't an insomniac is asleep!

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Post by Randall » October 29th, 2011, 11:05 am

November eps: ... avenov.htm

'Mazing Man??!!! I'm in heaven.

Plus, Bat-Mite agrees that the series has jumped the shark! Meta funny.


Post by GeorgeC » October 29th, 2011, 5:40 pm

Who are they bringing back for "Batman's family?"

Aunt Harriet and Chief O'Hara?

At least they're steering clear of the Dr. Wertham/Jules Feiffer commentary on Batman and Robin. The body swap business in the Batwoman episode was uncomfortably close to that!

Can't honestly say I want to see another Bat-Mite episode. There have already been 3 of them!

I frankly felt the last Bat-Mite episode ("Batman's Strangest Cases") with all the different art styles of Batman was weak. The first "Mad" take was okay but the other segments were weak. The manga/anime retro-look Batman was mildly interesting visually but horribly overwrought with stereotypes of bad dubbing and nonsensical plotting... (Which is basically what the real Batman manga was, too -- minus the dubbing, of course!) Scooby Doo -- could have done without you!

I dunno... I think Dini and whoever else is writing this stuff is probably tired of "serious" Batman and just trying to get some silliness out of his system.

Even Mark Hamill recently announced that he's hanging up The Joker's lip gloss... Unless someone comes up with a juicy script, he's no longer voicing the character as of the last Batman video game ("Arkham City").


Post by GeorgeC » October 31st, 2011, 7:18 pm

There's yet another JSA appearance on The Brave and the Bold!

I missed last week's new episode (Crisis: 22,300 Miles Above the Earth) but caught up to it on YouTube (finally good for something!).

In this episode, Batman invites the Justice Society up to the JLI's satellite for a luncheon.

Practically every major JSA member shows up including -- the original Flash (Jay Garrick), the original Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Mr. Terrific (Terry Sloane), Dr. Fate, The Spectre, Starman (Ted Knight -- who incidentally sounds like the late actor! LOL), the original Hawkman, and Wildcat. I love those old coots! I think they're now my favorite super-team.

Anyhow, as you can guess by the presence of Guy Gardner and the other JLI misfits, the meeting doesn't go well... It ends with a pie-fight! LOL Poor Martian Manhunter has to play master of ceremonies when Batman is late and has a conniption over everything going wrong.

Meanwhile, poor Batman has to tend to Ra'S Al Gul on his own while the JLI and JSA are pre-occupied with their fighting...

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Post by Randall » October 31st, 2011, 8:17 pm

Sounds awesome. ;)


Post by GeorgeC » November 1st, 2011, 12:50 pm

Forgot to mention the original Sandman, Wesley Dodds was also in the JSA episode in all his wondrous gas mask gear! :lol:

Hearing the purposeful boorish imitation of Ted Knight coming out of Starman's mouth was definitely one of the highlights! Granted, I DON'T believe that's representative of the character in the comics but I can understand someone giving into temptation to play with coincidences! :wink:
The guy who did the voice of Starman in the episode of was Jeff Bennett who does the voice of The Joker in The Brave and The Bold. He's been great on the series.

The big surprise for me was seeing the original Green Lantern make an appearance. I never expected that one! Now, the fight with Gardner was totally in character for Guy because he's a jerk...! :lol:

(But seriously, I love the original JSA. I don't regard the last comic as the true JSA. I'm sorry, but there teams where you don't change the core membership like Fantastic Four, Thunder Agents, and original Doom Patrol. Some characters just work so well together that it's tempting fate to change that dynamic too much.)

The worst comic DC published AFTER Crisis on Infinite Earths was Zero Hour... They basically tore the heart out of the original JSA by killing half the membership off outright and aging the survivors to feebleness.

It was a really nasty thing to do that was purely motivated by DC editorial. The hatchet guy I bet was Mike Carlin. Carlin has a hate-on for older characters and was the guy responsible for canceling the Len Strazewski/Mike Parobeck Justice Society of America comic. (I've read the interview where Strazewski goes over that piece of history. It just makes Carlin sound like a petty jerk. I've read other comments by Carlin which demonstrate he's really out of touch with a fanbase that is both demoralized and upset by DC's editorial actions over the past decade.) The comic ran only 10 issues in spite of fan support for it and it was making DC money.

I'm not a huge fan of DC crossovers and all the Crisis maxi-series. They've just made the continuity/character problems worse at DC. Too much death and subjective erasure of history because one editor "says so!"... Flashpoint/the 52 Mess is not going to end well... I predict it's Waterloo for a number of editors and DC writers down the road. There are a number of people at DC that just have to be given their pink slip and let go if they can't play with the toys without feeling the need to break, melt, and do a horrible job of JB-welding the whole thing together again every 5-6 years.

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