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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Vernadyn » August 4th, 2015, 7:48 pm

Yes, and I thought Fortson did a pretty good job with her limited screen time. I thought it was refreshing that they didn't cast someone who looks like or comes across as an overly-polished Disney Channel/Toddlers and Tiaras product.

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Dacey » August 6th, 2015, 5:39 pm

AV review is up (better late than never!):

And for the time being, I don't see an "official" Ant-Man sequel happening for quite some time, if ever. The character will play in Civil War and Avengers movies, but I don't think there's enough "excitement" at the moment for Ant-Man 2 to have any kind of momentum. People are enjoying the film (and rightfully so), but it doesn't quite have the "can't wait to see what happens next" aspect that the Iron Man and Thor movies do.
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Re: Ant-Man

Post by EricJ » August 6th, 2015, 7:51 pm

I don't see a Black Panther or Dr. Strange sequel being made either, and those first ones haven't even been made yet--
Apart from the Ultron issue, the only reason for doing Ant, Strange and Panther movies was completism for "overlooked" Avengers members who never really succeeded in their own solo comics but were team essentials, and planting the seed to let them cameo in other future movies like Falcon did in this one.
Hence the mid-credits tease for You-Know-Who, whom you can't do the Avengers without. :)

(Not quite the same as Guardians of the Galaxy, which was only needed to build up more Thanos/Infinity/Kree-Skrull canon, and turned out to be so popular it's getting a sequel anyway.)

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by James » August 10th, 2015, 10:21 am

I think they are setting up the Marvel universe for post-Avengers 3/4 right now. Those actors aren't going to be doing Thor, Iron Man or Captain America forever, but Marvel will want to keep a super team franchise going. I think what all these movies are doing is figuring out who will be the new Avengers. War Machine, Falcon, and Scarlet Witch are great but they won't be able to hold up the Avengers franchise alone. Add Ant-Man, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, and Doctor Strange in and then they can keep the Avengers gravy train rolling!

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by EricJ » August 10th, 2015, 12:00 pm

The idea of doing Infinity Wars as a two-part compares it to Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Twilight:
Yes, it's rolling along, and we've got a cast of characters, but the story DOES have an end, and Warner's not going to have much luck stretching it past the point with off-topic spinoffs just to keep the world going.
Like Harry without Voldemort, AoU felt "pointless" for not having any Thanos in it; where are they going to go after him?

Unless there's some smash reception for Inhumans--assuming it ever gets made--think both the actor and the audience mindset will agree that it's better to wrap things up while they're still on top, before Sony, Warner and Fox can do any more damage to the genre.
Cap, Iron and Thor's third movies were all stuck in new-title storylines, with mixed success (Ragnarok??), and it doesn't exactly create the sort of audience momentum that wants to bring the actor back to renegotiate his contract for #4-6.

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Dan » August 10th, 2015, 10:53 pm

This is purely a wild idea, but I'm thinking that depending on how Civil War plays out, with HYDRA continuing to be built up through Agents of SHIELD, and with the Sony deal possibly allowing for usage for Norman Osborne, perhaps we could see the development of the Dark Avengers. That would make for a fun build up as the new set of Avengers featuring the likes of Wanda, Scott, Sam, Rhodey, and others against baddies selected to be comparable to the likes of Cap, Tony, and Thor.

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Dan » October 8th, 2015, 8:03 pm

Ant-Man 2 official for July 6, 2018.

This means a shift in the Phase 3 schedule with Black Panther moving over to February 16, 2018 (maybe a coincidence that its Black History Month?) and Captain Marvel moving over to March 8, 2019 (even more of a coincidence that this is International Women's Day during Women's History Month?).

Furthermore, three more films (currently untitled) have been added for 2020 releases on May 1, July 10, and November 6.

Source: ... 018-830652

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Dacey » October 8th, 2015, 8:52 pm

They're probably hoping that, after BVS becomes a titanic hit next year, March can become a "superhero month" depending on the film.
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Re: Ant-Man

Post by EricJ » October 9th, 2015, 1:38 pm

No, they want to groom Hope-Wasp for possible Avengers 3 (c'mon, she's gotta be in the group! :) ), but they're still stuck in their Black Widow/Panther/Strange mode of thinking that EVERY character needs a nice long solo-movie explanation before they can introduce them into the group movies.
The fact that Ant-Man turned out to be a hit (and was especially wielded by fans as a weapon against dreary old depressing Warner/DC, prompting some nasty public sour-grapes comments from Zack Snyder) just gave them the green light, when other solo films were looking at being thinned down.

Not to mention, just like they used the old Edgar Wright script for the current Ant-Man, they're probably planning to salvage some of Joss Whedon's old alternate unused Janet Van Dyne "Avengers" script to fit Lilly's new kickass version.

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Dan » October 9th, 2015, 7:32 pm

Well, the film is tentatively titled "Ant-Man and Wasp", from what I've heard. :wink:

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Bill1978 » October 10th, 2015, 5:14 pm

EricJ wrote:No, they want to groom Hope-Wasp for possible Avengers 3 (c'mon, she's gotta be in the group! :) ), but they're still stuck in their Black Widow/Panther/Strange mode of thinking that EVERY character needs a nice long solo-movie explanation before they can introduce them into the group movies.
I actually like this line of thinking. Especially if the character isn't part of the driving plot of a Team movie like THe Twins were in Ultron. I personally would prefer to know the character before they get dropped into the bigger picture. I'm not saying that I want one, but I think that's part of my disconnect with Black Widow and Hawkeye as MCU characters. As someone who has never read the comics, it's nice to have a stand alone movie that explains each character's world/motive for me. Rather than seeing them suddenly appear and try to make sense. I'm just imagining a world where Ant-Man was suddenly dropped into Civil War without his solo film and people scratching their head over who or what h is supposed to be. With a possibility at laughing at the stupidity of the character.

I look at the DC movie plans and I scratch my head that they have so much Justice LEague happening BEFORE the individual films.

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Dan » October 10th, 2015, 8:29 pm

Natasha and Clint have been pretty much more team players in their comic lives than soloists. Whenever they do have solo ventures, they don't usually last and only ever briefly expand upon their characters. In fact, much of their characterizations are better highlighted in team environments. Of course, that's just my opinion.

Having said that, I would like to see a Hawkeye film if only so Kate Bishop could be brought up and thus we can have Team Hawkeye in play (Jeremy Renner as Clint and the banter he would have with Kate I think would be great).

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by EricJ » October 10th, 2015, 10:18 pm

Natasha's history was pretty much the excuse for big whopping flashback chunks of AoU, and Clint's comic history is different from the MCU version. (They're probably forgetting his history as a Circus of Crime villain before turning Avenger/SHIELD.)
About all they have is a romance dating back to the time he had to track her down thinking she was double-agenting for Hydra, and now loopy ol' AoU's gone and messed any plans for that up, too.
Jeremy Renner complained that Hawkeye didn't get to do much as a hero in the first Avengers, so they gave him the "family man" subplot, but now he's even farther away from getting back to his comic-canon roots.

And yes, the first Ant-Man needed the bit of solo-movie explanation to get his dignity back with non-comic readers (hence the Garrett Morris cameo), but now that we have Hope and the Wasp costume established, there's not as much explanation necessary.
Again, it's more cleanup, and the fact that Marvel realizes they do well with a goofier/lighter less-known entry to ease down the late July/August months.

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Dan » October 10th, 2015, 11:59 pm

My understanding is that Whedon did have a Natasha-Clint relationship established in the initial drafts of AoU, but it wasn't really coming together in a way that worked with the story and, ultimately, the characters. Perhaps we'll see some brewing tension between the two in Civil War.

I doubt non-comic readers had any idea who Ant-Man was to begin with, thus I doubt there was any "dignity" for him to get back with regards to that section of the audience. Sure the Garrett Morris cameo was a throw back to his SNL skit, but that was forty years ago and I don't think there are many who would remember it.

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Re: Ant-Man

Post by Ben » October 11th, 2015, 4:10 am

Heck, I'm an SNL fan and even I don't remember it! You can be sure that the target audience for Ant-Man, past the geeks, doesn't even remember Garrett Morris, let alone anything he did on SNL!

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