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Post by Dan » February 28th, 2015, 6:24 pm

Adi Shankar, action and crime drama producer whose credits include The Grey and Dredd, is also known for producing unauthorized fan shorts known as the Bootleg Universe, his most well known being The Punisher short Dirty Laundry with Thomas Jane repraising the role of Frank Castle. His most recent entry in the Bootleg Universe is Power/Rangers, a dark re-imagining of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers where the Machine Empire wins.

Hidden due to the heavy mature content, and it's not even the NSFW version on Vimeo.
The short amassed a great deal of controversy this week when it was originally pulled offline due to Saban filing legal objections. A deal was later cut between Shankar and Saban where the short would be reposted so long as warning messages were given regarding the mature content.

The short also garnered some reaction from original Power Rangers cast members Amy Jo Johnson (original Pink Ranger), Steve Cardenas (second Red Ranger), and Jason David Frank (original Green Ranger), who characters coincidentally are the main focus of the short. Johnson and Cardenas give praise to it while Frank is more negative.

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Re: Power/Rangers

Post by Ben » February 28th, 2015, 7:20 pm

I won't say "awesome", but that's pretty, well, awesome.


Re: Power/Rangers

Post by GeorgeC » March 3rd, 2015, 2:57 am

People are generally taking this short one of three ways...

1) People think it's actually a serious proposal to revive Power Rangers. The problem with that is that the Power Rangers series have been on the air for over 20 years! They continually renew the franchise all the time (new cast, new vehicle and costume designs, show directions constantly changing) so why is a revamp needed? :lol:

2) People take this as a parody of the grittier, meaner approach to superhero films. I tend to agree with this view. I think Man of Steel failed as a Superman movie. I don't know who that guy was but it was NOT the character I've read in comics and seen in films and television. Even the worst Superman animated series and the lesser Reeve movies understood the character. Zach Snyder and David Goyer apparently do not! I sorta think that's what's going on in this PR film...

3) It's a kids show to begin with, and it should stay a kids show. I generally agree with this viewpoint. I don't particularly care to see sexualization and amped-up violence -- especially if it's material that's General Audiences/Classic Childrens Literature. I understand that there are adults that have a fetish for that sort of thing. I don't particularly want to see that sort of thing myself but I'm not gonna tell other people what entertainment that can consume -- that's a losing argument on an individual level.

ON THE OTHER HAND... If a studio executive/producer/moneyperson with any common sense runs across a kids property, this short film is an example of the absolute worst thing you can do with a kids series. This HAS been done to milder extent in 'children's movies.' There was a huge controversy with the live-action "Cat in the Hat" movie a few years. I've heard and seen bits of the scenes in question and yeah, those scenes were written in very bad taste (IMHO) and not smart to film. The whole film itself was a disaster. After all, who wants to spend two hours watching Austin Powers cough up hairballs?

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Re: Power/Rangers

Post by manga raw » September 7th, 2016, 12:07 pm

New fanmake video , i have seen it :D

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