I bought my DeCarlo book from Bud, as well, when Amazon.ca unexpectedly came up dry, and I didn't see it locally. I sensed I'd better grab it while I could! Bud even had it at $10 off. Now, Amazon.ca still has no copies, but a Marketplace seller there is pricing the book at over $180 Canadian - a sure sign of at least perceived scarceness. However, Amazon.com does have it in stock, and 22% off, even. But I think it's good you didn't wait, and it's always good to support Bud. (I met Bud at Comic-Con in 2008, and was about as thrilled to see him there as I was other celebrities.

My local comics shop just added online ordering, so I'll be preordering stuff from them more often, since it's so easy and they give me 20% off besides. With low print runs so often the norm, it makes sense to preorder in many cases.