Cartoon Brew

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Cartoon Brew

Post by ShyViolet » February 16th, 2007, 6:49 am

Check it out:

(And a place for comments, too.)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!


Post by GeorgeC » February 16th, 2007, 6:00 pm

(Note: Sarcasm is NOT directed at Violet...)


Does this mean Amid is gonna let Jerry come out and play?

Will people actually be able to post comments WITHOUT Amid calling them a racist while little old *****-boy gets away with ****?

(Note: Pay careful attention and see how many messages are actually posted that actually challenge Amid OR criticize him. I betcha they'll disappear as quickly as they did on his old website. The guy is a moral and intellectual coward. Mark my words. History WILL repeat itself again.)

I dunno. I rarely bother to look at Cartoon Brew much anymore.

I liked it when it was just the Jerry show and we didn't have to get laughing boy's "uplifting" commentary on how "peachy keen" everything is in the universe.

There's very little valuable info or insightful commentary being posted on Cartoon Brew nowadays between caustic comments and most of it really doesn't mean a darn unless you live in California which we all know is the belly-button of the universe!

Oh, and outside of the animation industry, California's economy is REALLY going gangbusters, it's affordable to live there, and California has the lowest percentage of crooks in both the private and public of any place in whole galaxy!

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Post by droosan » February 16th, 2007, 8:28 pm

So, let me get this straight: you're calling out Amid for "caustic comments" ..? Yes, I realize you'd said you were being sarcastic .. but, still .. :roll:


I don't always agree with Amid, myself. But his 'point-of-view' is just one among many on the internet .. and at least, when it comes to matters of animation history, it's a well-informed 'point-of-view' (though, outside that realm, it's rather less so).

And yes .. I remember when Amid used to have comments on Animation Blast (and I posted there somewhat often, back then). And yes, I'm aware that he's a bit 'thin-skinned' when it comes to opinions different from his own. But .. at the end of the day, it's his site, and he can edit it to his hearts' content.

That's not to say you have to like it, of course .. :wink:


FWIW, comments on Cartoon Brew are "moderated" (they have to be 'approved' before being published to the site) .. which means that dissenting opinions likely will be kept to a minimum.

Which is fine with me .. since, ultimately, it's Jerry and Amid's articles which I go there to read.


Oh -- and the site re-design is very cool .. "hip', even. :)

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Post by eddievalient » February 17th, 2007, 8:55 am

I never really paid attention to Cartoon Brew before, but I like the new look of the site, so maybe I ought to start keeping up with it.
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Post by Daniel » February 17th, 2007, 6:23 pm

Well, it looks much better than it did before. And I like the addition of comments! :P


Post by GeorgeC » February 18th, 2007, 10:47 am

Daniel wrote:Well, it looks much better than it did before. And I like the addition of comments! :P
They're pretty much only going to allow comments that AGREE with the original poster.

Egalitarianism on the web is a joke.

Especially among self-proclaimed members of the art community.

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Post by Daniel » February 19th, 2007, 12:44 am

Well, when you put it that way, it does seem pointless to have it in the first place. :?

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Post by droosan » February 19th, 2007, 12:57 am

Not necessarily so .. I had a 'less-than-positive' experience over the weekend, at a book signing which Jerry recommended .. and posted a comment to that effect. I half-expected the comment not to be 'approved', but it was published, 'as-is' ..

So, make of that what you will.

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Post by Ben » February 19th, 2007, 12:28 pm


Now Cartoon Brew looks like any other hodge-podge home-writer blog on the net.

Bummer. :(


Post by GeorgeC » February 19th, 2007, 2:15 pm

Ben wrote:Ugh!

Now Cartoon Brew looks like any other hodge-podge home-writer blog on the net.

Bummer. :(

I find that ironic considering half of the Brew duo considers himself a "designer" and he doesn't draw and has never taken an art class to anybody's knowledge! :lol:

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Post by Ben » February 19th, 2007, 3:02 pm

Nah, he's just good at pilfering 1950s looks and ammending them.

Nice to see them swipe our Animated Views retro look we have on our section logos! ;)

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Post by James » February 19th, 2007, 3:10 pm

Am I the only one who really likes Cartoon Brew and Beck and Amidi (though I don't always agree with him)? They've got a cool kind of yin and yang thing going on between them too I think! And if you want to get into credentials... who are we? Just a bunch of fans basically.

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Post by Ben » February 19th, 2007, 3:45 pm

Knowledable fans. Which is what they were before someone took them seriously and published their work.

And I actually do like their stuff...but preferred the older look site. :)

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Post by Randall » February 19th, 2007, 5:49 pm

I still check in there. Even Amid posts some interesting stuff. I do find him too negative, though. If Jerry weren't there, too, I probably wouldn't keep going back.

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Post by droosan » February 19th, 2007, 6:04 pm

I've followed Amid's writing since discovering Animation Blast, over 8 years ago .. and Jerry's for much longer than that; I remember reading some books by him in the late 1980's. Since I've been working in the industry, and especially ever since joining ASIFA, I've had occasion to meet, and speak, with both .. and they're really 'down-to-earth', nice guys.

As I've said before, I don't always agree with the opinions expressed by either 'brewmaster' .. but I do have respect for both, and value their blog (as a whole) enough to visit almost daily .. and, on occasion, several times daily .. since they have, more often than not, 'turned me on' to something I may never have come across, on my own.


I really don't get the 'hate' that some people (and there are a lot of them, throughout the internet; I'm not 'singling' anyone out) express toward certain bloggers, whether it be Amid, or Jim Hill .. or anyone, really. After all, there's no end of websites on the internet. Surely anyone can find someone, somewhere, to agree with (or, at the least, someone they feel 'comfortable' reading/interacting with).

IMHO, there's very little point in playing 'politics' online .. much less-so than in real life, anyway. :wink:

That also goes for "Studio A vs Studio B" arguments, or "Director A vs Director B", or even "2-D vs 3-D" .. etc. .. at least, the ones that involve a 'rah-rah sports team' mentality. Rational discussions are another matter (and sadly, all-too-rare). :)

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