1996 film "The Craft" to be be remade

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1996 film "The Craft" to be be remade

Post by ShyViolet » May 14th, 2015, 2:08 pm

Not even going to say anything here. First Poltergeist and now this. :?

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-v ... get-795479
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: 1996 film "The Craft" to be be remade

Post by Ben » May 14th, 2015, 9:42 pm

Hear that sound? It's the water filling up through the hole in the bottom of the barrel that was scraped out some time ago...

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Re: 1996 film "The Craft" to be be remade

Post by EricJ » May 15th, 2015, 11:09 am

Well, be fair, it's the only teen movie we remember from the 90's (they already brought back Scream), unless they'd be generationally naive and stupid enough to remake "Hackers".
...Yep, they'd be stupid enough.

Although they're pushing the "Female director" angle, and be honest, there's not any other Cool Decade teen-grrl-empowerment hit we remember from the 80's or 90's, now that they've already done Carrie twice.
(Even if I'm geezer enough to remember that most girls in the original generation didn't actually like The Craft--Most I heard from at the time were attracted by the easy sell of the ads, but found the final product "too mean and negative". And given most girls' films, that's saying something.)
First Poltergeist and now this. :?
And even if other 80's remakes were motivated purely out of the new generation's "Remember when we used to go to theaters? :( " frustration for why movies haven't been worth going to since the Millennium--
Given Poltergeist's current promotion ("It's the clown scene, and...some other stuff happens!"), I've never seen a "What our parents saw" 80's remake so single-mindedly obsessed with ONE cult-remembered scene from the original, at the expense of the other 90 minutes.
Imagine if the Robocop remake decided to give a major subplot to the guy who got dumped in the toxic waste, or the Total Recall remake put out a nationwide casting search to play the girl with the three breasts...

But I never saw Craft (I'm a guy), so I don't know what short-attention-memory scene they'll beat into the ground. Probably the one where they all beat up on Fairuza Balk at the end.

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Re: 1996 film "The Craft" to be be remade

Post by MrsTashlin » January 30th, 2017, 7:24 pm

it could be redone well, but i doubt it.

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