Incredible Hulk

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Incredible Hulk

Post by ShyViolet » May 5th, 2007, 5:52 am

Edward Norton as The Incredible Hulk/Bruce Banner.

(Meaning, I guess, that the whole "other film" never happened.)

Discuss. :) :wink:
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Post by Jeroen » May 5th, 2007, 5:56 am

Edward Norton is not the obvious choice for ol' "mean and green" but I like it.

I didn't hate the previous one like many did but I didn't really like it either.
Very boring movie and that plot with his father made no sense at all.
Mutant-poodles? His father turns into an absorbing...thing? I don't think so.

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Post by Meg » May 5th, 2007, 7:41 am

I remember taping the first Hulk when it was on TV last year or so....It was so boring I stopped watching it a few minutes in.

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Post by Ben » May 5th, 2007, 10:53 am

I love the comic strip look, the cutting in the first half.

But then Bana/Banner (haha) becomes Angry-Shrek and the film falls apart. The mutant-poodles were all shot in the dark and you couldn't see anything that was happening...Betty just became a bystander for the film...and as Jeroen says, the whole Dad thing and having genetic modification going on inside Banner to start with just ripped off from the original story too much.

I like the new casting. It reflects the project's development of having two, perhaps B+ stars (norton and now Liv Tyler as Betty) in what is surely going to be a B+ film hiked up to A-list status.

I think this one, while it might not be a total re-boot (that seems to have been dropped as it got lufted to theatrical status), will be a more faithful Hulk film.

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Post by Dacey » May 6th, 2007, 12:20 pm

Someday I have to see the first one. Like, before next summer, if I can. ;)
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Post by Randall » May 6th, 2007, 3:04 pm

I may stand alone, but I really liked the first Hulk film, with the exception of the last 20 minutes or so--- it felt like the studio had said, "Hey, where's the supervillain? We gotta have a supervillain! Tell that director we need another scene at the end!"

I never read much of the comics, having mainly watched the live action TV show and a few cartoons, so I had few expectations for what I should get in a Hulk movie. But I for one enjoyed all the psych stuff, and loved the "army chase across the dessert" sequence.

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Post by Kaszubas » May 6th, 2007, 4:54 pm

Randall wrote:I may stand alone, but I really liked the first Hulk film, with the exception of the last 20 minutes or so--- it felt like the studio had said, "Hey, where's the supervillain? We gotta have a supervillain! Tell that director we need another scene at the end!"

I never read much of the comics, having mainly watched the live action TV show and a few cartoons, so I had few expectations for what I should get in a Hulk movie. But I for one enjoyed all the psych stuff, and loved the "army chase across the dessert" sequence.
You're not alone :) Except for this huge blob of matter and energy (Hulk's father in those last scenes) and sometimes annoying and redundand comic strip-like montage. I liked the most criticized first hour of the movie when characters and their problems were introduced. This movie has many strong points. Of course it's not perfect or even close, but I like to watch it occasionally.
I'm curious how will Hulk bennefit from different approach of producers and creators.

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Post by eddievalient » May 7th, 2007, 12:08 am

Ben wrote:The whole Dad thing and having genetic modification going on inside Banner to start with just ripped off from the original story too much.
Funny thing about that, Ben. Shortly after the film came out, Avi Arad did an interview and was asked about the supposed divergence from the comics and his memorable (at least for me) response was "Guess what? You missed one. It's all there in the comics. The Father, the mutated baby, all of it." See, Avi Arad knows what he's doing and people don't give him enough credit in my opinon. He later admitted that, hulk-dogs aside, perhaps the first film had been too cerebral for the audience they were trying to reach (though I like it just fine) and that's why they're trying a different tack with the follow up.
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Post by Once Upon A Dream » March 15th, 2008, 2:17 pm

Can't wait :D.

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Post by GRUNT » March 17th, 2008, 8:33 pm

According to this article, what we saw in the trailer aren't finished shots, so we can expect the Hulk and Abomination to look even better in the final product :].

I share the writer's concern with the fight being potentially over-drawn-out, but I'm hoping they can keep it interesting throughout. Most likely, it'll intercut with something else going on in the movie. :]

And yes, this is a reinvention of the franchise, just like the upcoming Punisher: Warzone :P.

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