2nd New Traditional Animated Disney Film in the Making!

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2nd New Traditional Animated Disney Film in the Making!

Post by CharlieBarkin » November 2nd, 2007, 4:45 pm

According to JimHillMedia, WDFA is planning to make a 2nd traditionally animated film after 'The Princess and the Frog' to be released either 2010 or 2011! -

http://jimhillmedia.com/blogs/jim_hill/ ... y-for.aspx

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Post by Ben » November 3rd, 2007, 10:07 am


Pixar discs: I like how he covers himself <I>in case</I> they release 2-disc editions in future, even though the emphasis for Disney is solely on Blu-Ray now.

Shorts: Even though he uses the poster we debuted here on the site as an illustration, he still calls the Goofy short by it's old name.

New Feature: not sure why that is a surprise, or why his column is called "toon much of a good thing". This is a good thing of which we can't get toon much of!

Wires crossed, me thinks, just as his blatant cheating parent tactics actually put him off writing the final sentence properly. If you click the link, it clearly states "one entry per household", so how do you think the other parents are going to feel knowing Jim has asked his many readers to help swing it. No wonder his daughter is currently number 2 in the lineup!

Your thoughts, Jim?

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Post by PatrickvD » November 3rd, 2007, 5:25 pm

Ben wrote:Um...

Pixar discs: I like how he covers himself <I>in case</I> they release 2-disc editions in future, even though the emphasis for Disney is solely on Blu-Ray now.

Shorts: Even though he uses the poster we debuted here on the site as an illustration, he still calls the Goofy short by it's old name.

New Feature: not sure why that is a surprise, or why his column is called "toon much of a good thing". This is a good thing of which we can't get toon much of!

Wires crossed, me thinks, just as his blatant cheating parent tactics actually put him off writing the final sentence properly. If you click the link, it clearly states "one entry per household", so how do you think the other parents are going to feel knowing Jim has asked his many readers to help swing it. No wonder his daughter is currently number 2 in the lineup!

Your thoughts, Jim?
lol, that totally made my day :D

anyway, yeah Mr. Hill is a hack. I love how he's had nothing interesting to say for the last 6 months. Ever since Lasseter installed the whole rule of silence at Disney. I guess his "inside sources" bailed on him.

he's a joke now.

as for his breaking news. is it really that much of a surprise? Lasseter has made no secret of his desire to turn WDAS back into a traditional animation studio.

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Post by Ben » November 3rd, 2007, 5:30 pm


But it's the cajoling readers into voting for his daughter that I thought was the most. He seems to have done it before, laying on some sympathetic arguments to get extra votes. His daughter is second in the contest. Of course other parents will have gotten their friends to vote too, probably, but asking your whole readership on a bi-daily basis? That's pushing things for his reader relationship and fair play.

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Post by EricJ » November 3rd, 2007, 6:15 pm

PatrickvD wrote:anyway, yeah Mr. Hill is a hack. I love how he's had nothing interesting to say for the last 6 months. Ever since Lasseter installed the whole rule of silence at Disney. I guess his "inside sources" bailed on him.

he's a joke now.
True story--
Back during the first salvos to try and wipe "Cars" off the face of the earth, I was leading the mutiny against Jim, on the comments.
No, that's not bragging: Before, the comments were wishy-washy "Well, y'know, maybe Jim's correct; I mean cars aren't too interesting, so maybe the audience, etc..."
Afterwards, even his own readers had learned how to rip him a new one over columns like these, which almost guarantees a hyperdefensive "Why's everyone picking on me, can't you see I'm just one lone guitar with the truth?--You ingrates proably want happy news!" rant the next Wednesday later. We've had three or four of them so far, by the clock.

Anyway: Mr. Hill is rather, shall we say, conscious of this fact.
I could show you personal e-mails I've gotten from him--generally of the not-exactly-well "You're out to get me, aren't you?" variety--that would make Humphrey Bogart's Captain Queeg blush. :shock: I kid you not.

Case in point: Readers overreacted to one column where Jim tried scare-tactics over "insider rumors" that John Lasseter might--gasp!--talk to Glenn Keane about delays on "Rapunzel", and even--dun-dun-dunn!--appoint a co-director.
Naturally, these were spun as "John Lasseter's going to take over the project, throw away all his CGI work and make it all 2-D...What will happen when he does?", and the readers all willingly leapt into handbasket-panic mode it as if it was breaking news that it'd already happened that day.
I'd tried to step in as Voice of Reason, and say "Uh, people?--Like, they haven't actually had the meeting yet? And when something hasn't happened yet, that's called 'speculation'...Jim was MAKING IT UP!"

One innocent reality-vs.-speculation comment, you say?--Oh, for one mortal human to have uttered such sacrilege!
We'd sparred over many topics since then, but every single e-mail I'd gotten from him--no, I mean it, Every. Single.--had a genuinely psychological monomania with the fact that someone had once evilly accused his "reporting" of not being genuine in public...Literally months later, e-mail responses would still rant "Why don't you start your own website where you can scream 'Jim's making it up' all day long!"
(Simply put, :shock: With sweatdrops.)

But I digress: Ask me about the "Pirates/Caribbean" story some time. His other deep psychological demon where my name is concerned.
Last edited by EricJ on November 3rd, 2007, 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by CharlieBarkin » November 3rd, 2007, 6:28 pm

What happened over the 'Pirates' story? Sounds interesting.
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Post by EricJ » November 3rd, 2007, 7:08 pm

CharlieBarkin wrote:What happened over the 'Pirates' story? Sounds interesting.
...(slaps on the back) Why, glad you asked that, friend!
(No, I'll try to keep these short--I know we're pretty much agreed against gratuitous Jim-bashing, but it's my only other great summed-up "Off the deep end" story: )

Leaving aside the whole "Cars" argument--ie., that Jim seemed to be aware that Disney, Wall Street and media analysts had stuck their big fat foot in their mouths claiming that Cars would do "Finding Nemo business" without really understanding how Nemo made its money in the first place, and that Cars had only quote-fingers "flopped" because it hadn't met those painfully pie-in-the-sky pipe-dreams...
Jim still tried to wield these as weapons against Pixar, and wrap himself up in the flag of "Just watch, Wall Street will be stupid enough to make more wrong expectations about Pixar's success and then you'll be sorry!"...Almost as if it was a comfort to him, and, deep-down, rooting for Media analysts to "sabotage" Pixar with more dopey misinterpretations.

Anyway, a month-and-a-half after Disney realized "Us and our big mouths!" about the Cars-estimation debacle that mainstream headlines had leapt on like jackals, they decided, note to themselves: Try to keep radio silence on specific estimations for "Pirates 2", and not go around bragging about how much money they expected Jack Sparrow to make a week ahead of time, just in case.

Now, Jim was still claiming innocent on this one: All he said he wanted to do was raise a little geek-hype for how much fans wanted to see Johnny Depp on opening day.
So, he sponsored a contest to have fans guess a near-exact figure of how many millions-gajillions it was going to make on its record-breaking opening weekend, and give away some review-publicity material for whoever guessed the jellybean jar.

I, for my part, didn't exactly see it that way: My response was to leap to Disney's defense on the lesson they'd learned from Cars, and pointed out in effect, "Aww, what's the matter Jim, wouldn't your 'sources' play with you anymore and give you an exact figure to accuse the movie of 'hitting' or 'flopping' with?--So you want your lil' friends to make a nice pretend one in their own backyards for you?"
(Specifically: If we all fell to the geek-fanboy lure and all wrote in with an equally imaginary figure of say, $120M weekend, and the real movie came in under, safe guess that we'd get the Monday-morning headline "Disney's summer of surprise flops continue--Is a shakeup due for Iger/Lasseter"?...And if it beat the figure?: "Pirates blows competition out of the water--Has Lightning met his match?"
IOW, Heads, Cars loses, Tails, Pixar loses)

He added a paragraph to the column laughing it off at first--"Ho ho, what next, the JFK conspiracy?"--and then retracted it after the more elaborate explanation...But months of e-mails, and he just couldn't let go of my "paranoid delusion" that he was "trying to destroy Pirates".
(No, you read that right--Though he brought up that demon for months, he just never could quite connect it to perceptions that readers thought he might've had something against that Lasseter movie.)

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Post by Daniel » November 4th, 2007, 2:32 am

Interesting, very interesting. (No, that's not sarcasm! :P)

Am happy to hear about another 2d film, though it was kind of a given.

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Post by PatrickvD » November 4th, 2007, 6:14 am

thanks for sharing. And you're SO right.

I love how he is now trying to spin Ratatouille into a flop. Remember how he said, The Simpsons Movie was gonna make more than Ratatouille in 10 days after its release.

well, I'm still waiting for that to happen. Meanwhile, the Rat is steeming along in full force, passing Cars, Monster, Inc, Toy Story 2. Overseas it's actually outgrossing The Incredibles.

Jim is such a tool.

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Post by Ben » November 5th, 2007, 8:26 am

K, as Eric said above somewhere, let's pull back on the Jim bashing. The guy has a few things he needs to iron out, but he does do the occasional bit of good-to-great reporting and his site is at least a mouthpiece for other writers too.

I can't say, with respect, that I one of his biggest fans, before I get lynched for somehow looking like I might be in his pocket. I'm just practicing decent netiquette between like-minded sites.

...which brings up another story...(!) back when he ran a piece on the Disney art exhibition in Paris/Canada. Since he'd seemingly run links to every other major report on the exhib in his piece I thought he may have overlooked my extensive and very much authorised tour of the Paris edition (basically the same show). So I sent a polite email, letting him know we had this link and that he might - for want of proving his readers with an even stronger backup in his argument to get their bums to Canada - like to include it, either by altering an already written sentence or putting it in a follow-up story.

My email was very straight, an offer if you will, and not a request by any means. If he wanted to use it, great...if not, great but his and his readers' loss. So then I get back a long, garbled message about how he can't find it able to include the link, he'll "try" and get it in, or a link to our site, in future, etc. It was very convoluted, and I was just surprised that he couldn't just go in and change the words "the exhibition originally ran in Paris" or whatever the line was, and change "in Paris" to a link to the tour report. But, says Jim, it would be wrong to put in "gratuitous plugs that are then forcefully shoehorned in my stories" (not like random links to Amazon for a <I>Three Pigs</I> book or whatever whenever that title comes up then?).

But...whatever, Mr Hill obviously has a way of working that suits him fine. He suggested my keep on writing to him to get some cross-link potential going, but after I sent back a reply just to say that it wasn't a problem, and that I wasn't looking for "free links". Our story had been online for many months, it had been reported far and wide and been seen by anyone who might be interested. It was just being offered to Jim in the event he may have missed it, and/or might have wanted to give his readers more insight. I guess not.

So...that said, and despite the fact he intonated that we only "recap" other people's content here at AN&V (!), let's not keep on bashing the man here. He has his own comments section that should be kept unedited and uncensored for him to hear directly back from his readers.

Play nice, people! :)

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