Fave Star Trek film?

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Post by Daniel » June 15th, 2007, 11:41 pm

Good one! :lol:

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Post by Jeroen » August 26th, 2007, 9:34 am

http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.ph ... 551&type=0

Anyone seen this fanmade "lost" episode featuring the one and only George Takei?
Aside from some horrible fanboy acting, It's actually pretty damn good!!

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Post by Ben » August 26th, 2007, 11:59 am

Arrrghh...it's been taken off following "technical difficulties".

I'll check back next week...

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Post by Jeroen » September 5th, 2007, 1:59 am

Plot summary for next Trek film, interesting if true

http://www.moviehole.net/news/20070831_ ... ealed.html

PS: The New Voyages episode (starring George Takei) is back online!!

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Post by Ben » September 5th, 2007, 6:20 am

"If there’s one film I’m genuinely excited to see – aside from “Alvin and the Chipmunks” – it’s the new “Star Trek” film from J.J Abrams."

I hope he's joking! ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » September 29th, 2007, 5:26 pm

Who's "Mike Vogel"? Possibly....the new Kirk. :wink:

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by ShyViolet » October 10th, 2007, 1:57 am

This is a HILARIOUS mockumentary made on E! when the film Galaxy Quest was coming out....basically a promo for the film, but pretending that the show was really real. The funniest thing is that this perfectly re-creates every Star Trek documentary out there.....(and sci-fi/TV in general for that matter.)

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » October 10th, 2007, 9:40 am

Hey, how come this isn't on the DVD!?

That's brilliant. "I didn't think, 15 years later, I would still be talking about it". :)

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Post by ShyViolet » November 20th, 2007, 12:44 am

Spock's dad cast!! (thanks to Ain't it Cool)

http://trekmovie.com/2007/11/18/ben-cro ... #more-1279

I'm not terribly impressed, but I'll try to give him a chance.

Also, maybe it's just me but I can't quite see Winona Ryder as Spock's mom. (yes, you read that right. :roll:)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by droosan » November 11th, 2008, 9:21 am

The first six Star Trek feature-films are rumored for release on Blu-Ray in 2009 .. most likely, to coincide with the release of the new Abrams film in theaters.

Best of all (IMHO) .. the Star Trek: The Motion Picture BD would almost certainly contain the original theatrical cut (since the 'extended director's cut' elements were apparently completed in '480p' only, and would have to be re-rendered/re-composited for an HD release -- a difficult prospect, since Foundation Imaging no longer exists). Hopefully, the original TMP cut may -- at last -- see a proper DVD release, also. :D

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Post by droosan » November 11th, 2008, 10:42 am

I just re-read this thread .. and apparently, I've never offered my opinion of 'fave Trek film' (though, I could've sworn I had).

******** some (ancient) 'spoilers' ahead *************

As my previous post might suggest, Star Trek: The Motion Picture is actually my favorite film of the series. But not the extended director's cut -- I much prefer the original version, which I saw in theaters when I was 9 years old. This movie was my introduction to the Star Trek universe (I had somehow avoided seeing the TV show as a kid) .. though, I quickly became a fan of both the animated and live-action series.

All the stuff that other people seemed to hate about the first film (slow pacing, abstract V'Ger shots, awkward 'reunion' situations) are actually the reasons I liked it so much. But the main thing that had always stood out to me was Kirk's determination to 're-insert' himself into a captaincy .. and the risks he was willing to take to reach that 'not-necessarily-noble' goal. A theme which was explored further in the second film .. and brought to an insane climax in the third, when Kirk literally destroys both his career, and the ship he had fought so hard to regain.

I don't know if the impact of the first three films is sincerely appreciated today, in the same way they were during their original release. When Spock died at the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan .. there was no real indication he would be back in the very next film (in fact, writer Harve Bennet's original notion had been to replace Spock with Saavik, entirely). Likewise, when the Enterprise is destroyed at the end of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .. there was absolutely no concept of an Enterprise-A (let alone a B.C.D. and E) .. instead, there was a two-year 'limbo' period during which one said to oneself, "holy ***, Kirk blew up the Enterprise! And the whole crew are now renegades! How can they possibly go on?!"

And then came .. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, which not only featured a goofy tonal shift away from the seriousness of the previous three films -- but which commited the dual mistakes of unceremoniously 'dumping' Saavik from the cast, and hitting the 'reset' button for everything which had made the movie series interesting up to that point. The last several minutes of STIV:TVH is, IMO, the jump-the-shark' moment of the movie series; in swift succession, everyone is pardoned/reinstated, Spock is back to his old self, and Kirk gets the captaincy he'd wanted -- of a ship which looked precisely like the one he'd destroyed in the previous film, in every detail. A hollow victory, AFAIC.

In fact, the only thing from Star Trek IV which had given me any hope for future installments was the ominous threat of the Klingon ambassador at the beginning of the film: "There shall be no peace, as long as Kirk lives." So, I spent the next two years hoping that Star Trek V would feature the start of an all-out Klingon/Federation war -- only to be massively disappointed by an even goofier film than the fourth one.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country was a better effort .. but (again, IMO) the transparent 'whodunit' subplot might have had much greater impact had the 'traitor' been Saavik, instead. The Shakesperean Klingon was, quite simply, bizarre. I did appreciate seeing Sulu in the captain's chair of the Excelsior, however .. and I kinda wish he had been featured in his own Trek 'spin-off' series; a missed opportunity, for certain.


I don't have much of an opinion about any of the Next Generation films .. mostly because I was never a big fan of any of the 1990's Star Trek spinoff series.

However, I thought Star Trek VIII: First Contact missed a golden opportunity to link the Borg's history with the events at the end of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. IMHO, the merging of Decker, Ilea, and V'Ger wouldve provided a perfect 'origin' for the Borg, as well as explaining why they'd seemed to suddenly appear between the timeline of the 'Original Series' and the 'Next Generation'. Though, that still wouldn't have 'made up' for the tragic revision/re-imagining of Zephram Cochrane portrayed in that film.


My apologies for my lengthy Trek-rave/rant .. :oops:


Post by GeorgeC » November 11th, 2008, 11:20 am

That's okay...

Trekkies in denial or withdrawal often go through these phases! :twisted:

P.S. -- Personally, I didn't mind seeing the original crew end up with a new Constitution-Class Enterprise at the end of Star Trek IV. I mean they probably built at least 20+ of these ships during the time of TOS.

(There is historical precedent for doing this anyway. Several of the US aircraft carriers lost early in WWII (the original carriers Lexington, Hornet, and Yorktown) had immediate successor carriers in the Essex-Class ships which were basically enlarged versions of the Yorktown-Class ships. The only American ships that never had namesake successors were the USS Constitution and USS Arizona. Constitution is technically still in-commission as a part-time training ship and Arizona is a World War II memorial never meant to be succeeded by an active ship.)

Besides, the TMP version of the Enterprise is one of the best-designed motion picture miniatures I've ever seen! Way, way classier than the Excelsior design (which I HATED) and better than anything that's come since Star Trek III...

The Reliant and revamped TMP Klingon Battlecruiser are other design favorites in addition to the original TOS-production version of the original Enterprise.

From all appearances, the interior of the Abrams' Enterprise has already been screwed up. It's all-white! Hopefully, the exterior at least sort of matches the hybrid of the TMP and TOS Enterprises that it appears to be from the original Trek XI movie teaser.


Post by GeorgeC » November 12th, 2008, 2:41 pm

... And THIS is the new Enterprise?

http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2008/11 ... first.html

Looks very, very ugly.

It's a total reboot of Star Trek that has very little to do with the original series obviously.

Come next May, this film may be called, "Singer's Enterprise" for clear reasons.

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Post by Ben » November 12th, 2008, 3:52 pm

"J.J. Abrams wasn't a huge fan of the original Star Trek TV series as a kid"
"Jonathan Frakes never liked the original Thunderbirds as a child"

Kinda makes you ask what they're thinking in these situations, right?

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