The Spongebob Squarepants Movie

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Post by Ben » November 23rd, 2004, 8:10 am

Well, that's one ticket already sold for the big-screen Baywatch movie coming next year.

Though, I'm kind of thinking there might be some other reasons to see that. At least two, anyway... ;)

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Post by James » November 23rd, 2004, 9:39 am

Ben wrote:Well, that's one ticket already sold for the big-screen Baywatch movie coming next year.

Though, I'm kind of thinking there might be some other reasons to see that. At least two, anyway... ;)
Is that the one that's going to be the first film shot entirely in slow motion and has Pamela Anderson winning the Oscar?

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Post by Ben » November 23rd, 2004, 9:48 am

For Best Assets? ;)

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Post by James » November 23rd, 2004, 9:56 am

Ha! No that would be the Golden Globes.

I was making a Futurama reference.

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Post by Macaluso » November 23rd, 2004, 2:56 pm

pfft. Forget pamala.

Let's get some Jessica Alba or Lindsey Lohan action in there. THAT'll be worth seeing aside from Hasslehoff XD

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Post by Special_Ed » November 24th, 2004, 11:51 am

Hey moron! Don't go changing my posts. I was not impressed with this film. As I said, if you're going to play games with my posts I'm leaving!

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Post by James » November 24th, 2004, 1:16 pm

Personal attacks will not be tolerated by any members (for example calling mods "moron", or other members "retarded" as Ed did to Stego in a post I deleted). You are being moderated for off topic posts and language. We will now watch for further personal attacks. Further incidents may result in the offending member being banned.

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Post by Special_Ed » November 24th, 2004, 1:39 pm

I did not personal attack. (and I did not say he was retarded, I said a comment was and what foul language have I used?) You edited a post I made to say I liked this film. You know what you can just bite me. I'm tired of fooling around on these forums. Grow up and be an adult. You've destroyed my participation in the animation field. I'm outta here.

I appreciate all the people who want me around but I will not be monitored when I've done nothing wrong. I take the stand for what is right and will not bow to a "popular PC" opinion. So if you want to, Jimmy, go ahead and ban me. You've just alienated a whealth of knowledge and love of animation. See ya around (not)

- Ed


Post by GeorgeC » November 28th, 2004, 12:17 am

I'll be the next dissenter.

I just didn't think this film was very a very good movie OR a very good Spongebob episode, period. It's yet another mediocre film rushed in to capitalize on a popular brand name.

Yes, kids like it but kids have different standards than adults. I have a feeling 10 years from now many of those kids will look back and wonder how they could have liked this film. It's a film I know I'm not going to bother to look at again and I've seen many Spongebob episodes 3 or 4 times...

It does feel like an extended TV episode -- but not a very well-paced or overly funny one to be honest. It's sort of like C2 -- fewer calories and half the carbohydrates but ultimately not any better-tasting than Diet Coke.

Adults with families could spend less on a Spongebob DVD and get more enjoyment out of 2 hours of GOOD episodes of the TV show as opposed to sitting through this 90-minute film and wondering when it's going to end...

Overall, I don't think this has been a great year for animated features. Other than The Incredibles, there hasn't been another great animated feature this year. They've ranged from typically mediocre (Shrek 2 and Shark Tale on reflection) to downright forgettable (Team America, Ghost in the Shell 2, SpongeBob the Movie) to films I know I'm going to pass on (Polar Express).

Thank goodness for home video because new theatrical releases are generally a big letdown!

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