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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by EricJ » December 3rd, 2018, 5:17 am

Ben wrote:I will bet they’re hoping Aquaman will deliver THIS December. Why would they wait until next December...!?
(Are these nitpicks actually funny? Because on this end, they're sort of like conversational road-bumps, like King Arthur having to listen about swallows or autonomous collectives.) :lol:
Basically, WB have woken up to the fact that they own a bunch of properties that could do for them what Disney is doing with their remakes. Most of what you listed above has already been announced or in development, with a lot of it headed to television via HBO, Amazon or Netflix, although WB will still be producing for those outlets, or at least be enjoying ancillary rights.
Warner's been doing it from the beginning with their "Holy Trinity"--
Starting around the time that they were developing their persecution-complex delusions of "Nobody's buying retail home-video anymore! :( " and that the only things they believed they could sell on Target and Best Buy shelves were their three fan-base properties, Harry, Frodo & Bats--As long as they came bearing gifts, with figures/collectibles, for the SDCC set that would Buy Anything and were more interested in the plastic tchotchkes than in another dip of the disks. (And maybe a few for the Matrix, Christmas Story, and Scooby-Doo fans with disposable loyalty-bucks.)
That started Warner circling the wagons and only "preaching their movies to the converted" with established fan titles, and banishing anything over thirty years old to the Archive. That also created Warner and Disney as the two Franchise-Icon Powerhouses of recognizable properties, and Universal, Paramount, Sony and Fox made fools of themselves trying to keep up.

And now even Disney's trying to keep up, and trying to figure out what preach-to-the-converted properties they can market besides Mickey and the Princesses, who can't be remade into new movies.

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by Ben » December 3rd, 2018, 7:32 am

Funny to me, seeing as we're actually IN December. Hilarious.

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by Dacey » October 4th, 2019, 1:04 am

Joker. Is. Brilliant.

Naturally, it's going to be a "love it or hate it" film for many, and perhaps with good reason. But wow, what it does is bold, daring, provocative, disturbing, and even exhilarating. If you've liked the trailers, the movie delivers exactly what they promise.

Definitely NOT for kids, though. They'd be bored by it anyway. ;)
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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by Ben » October 4th, 2019, 4:58 am

I. Am. Pleased.

Seriously, for all the talk and, uh, "controversy" (although I’m not sure this has even grown enough to even be a thing), I have been interested in this since De Niro and Scorsese were attached (I know Marty didn’t end up producing, but he helped get the movie running early on and gave them his own producer, Emma Koskoff, to run things).

Plus, I’m a huge King Of Comedy fan, moreso than with Taxi Driver actually, and it’s also ething if a genius touch to have De Niro play the role he does, though I also hope that’s not a distraction from the "newness" that one should be feeling when watching Joker (and ol' Bobby hasn’t been great for a while now, having resorted to the same tics and tricks in every performance for the last twenty years at least).

But I’m pleased it sounds as good as it was looking. I might be tempted to go out and see it, but my home cinema is so cool that "regular" theatres, especially our local, just aren’t as good thesedays (!), so I’m more than likely going to wait for the discs for this and (Shining sequel) Doctor Sleep and have a great Halloween around Valentine's Day...! ;)

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by Daniel » October 4th, 2019, 2:28 pm

I'm just pleased to hear Dacey survived! ;)

Was your theatre being thorough?

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by gaastra » November 15th, 2019, 9:17 pm

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by EricJ » November 16th, 2019, 1:51 am

gaastra wrote:
November 15th, 2019, 9:17 pm
Welcome to the billion club joker.
Right next to Black Panther and Captain Marvel, two OTHER movies normal mainstream grownups who'd never read a comic book in their lives were pressured to go see as "Social metaphors"...

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by ShyViolet » January 19th, 2020, 10:00 pm

Basically a rundown of all different versions of Supes (including, um...you know. :roll: )

Kinda annoying that they included so many animated versions from different decades but not the Fleischer shorts (I mean weren't they the first time Superman was ever portrayed outside of the comic strip??). Also, I know not many people remember the short-lived Superboy series from 1988, but the David Wilson musical from the 70s, which they DO include, was hardly more "memorable." (I actually did start to watch it some years ago and couldn't even get through five minutes. :?)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by Ben » January 20th, 2020, 4:28 am

Any video that marks the 1980/81 Superman II as 1978's Superman The Movie can’t be taken seriously anyway... ;)

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by ShyViolet » January 20th, 2020, 1:03 pm

...or Season One Jimmy Olsen from Lois and Clark for Dean Cain! :roll: :shock: I can’t believe I didn’t notice that earlier.

Also it doesn’t really make sense, in my opinion, to label 70s/80s cartoons like Superfriends as “campy” and “cheesy” as though that’s how they were intended to be when they actually produced. (Which was in pre-irony days.).

They weren’t...it wasn’t like the Adam West series. At the time that was just the style of TV cartoons. I know they seem silly now, but if you were a kid back in the day, even an older kid, you just took the stories for what they were and enjoyed them on that level.

And NOT that I’m comparing the quality of a cartoon like Justice League to Superfriends, but by and large kids who lived back then (and barely had access to other entertainment because there just wasn’t any) more or less took these cartoons as seriously as a 90s kid would have taken Batman: The Animated Series. (Not that kids don’t have some awareness of the “quality” of something they watch, but they’re not aware of it the way an adult fanboy/girl is while “looking back” on stuff they liked as a child. Not everyone is born a movie critic! Lol. :))
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by gaastra » February 10th, 2020, 8:05 pm

https://comicbook.com/dc/2020/02/10/bir ... ley-quinn/

They changed the name! It's now officially called Harley Quinn: Birds of prey! All movie showing will now use this name.

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by Randall » February 10th, 2020, 11:30 pm

Uhhh…. not quite. It's only being advertised that way on theater chain sites. I don't believe the official title has been changed.

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by Bill1978 » February 11th, 2020, 3:50 am

My friend saw the movie and her response was 'It wasn't what I was expecting, the group didn't come together until the last 5 minutes' She finally understood why I had an issue with the title vs the promotional material And honestly the movie should have always been called Harley Quinn

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by Ben » February 11th, 2020, 8:02 pm

Sorry to hijack your Harley chat, but we just ran Brightburn tonight, which kind of riffs on the Man Of Steel/Snyder take on Superman, or rather Superboy, or even a pre-Superboy Clark Kent.

While expectations were low following some comments from others, we largely found the film to be okay...not great but not bad, with some finding it a bit gruesome, and others not finding it as gruesome as, say, a full-on horror pic. Several elements could have been done differently or better, but it sparked conversation about different ways they could have gone and, if they do another one, where it could go next. Not sure I would make a massive recommendation, but it’s probably worth a watch for those that might like to see an alternate — if a bit obvious — take on the mythos.

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Re: Man of Steel, Justice League and DC MOVIES

Post by Randall » February 11th, 2020, 8:21 pm

I won't go out of my way to see Brightburn, but maybe when it hits Netflix.

Birds of Prey/Harley, on the other hand, is one I now look forward to after some semi-positive reviews.

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