Wreck-It Ralph 2

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by gaastra » March 1st, 2017, 2:48 pm

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by Bill1978 » July 15th, 2017, 4:40 am

My interest in this sequel just went for very excited to take my money now please:

The article is very spoiler heavy with what was revealed at D23 for this movie.

http://io9.gizmodo.com/wreck-it-ralph-2 ... 38437?IR=T

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by Ben » July 15th, 2017, 5:30 pm

Disney's 2018 is going to beat their 2016, easily. Incredible.

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by LotsoA113 » July 15th, 2017, 7:43 pm

Ben wrote:Disney's 2018 is going to beat their 2016, easily. Incredible.
And 2019 will easily beat both of them.

Seriously, their 2019 slate is insane:

Captain Marvel
Tim Burton's Dumbo
Planes 3 (or some kind of spin-off set in that universe)
Avengers 4
Star Wars 9
Toy Story 4
The Lion King
Frozen 2

Probably another Marvel movie (Doctor Strange 2?) and a DisneyNature film will end up getting penciled in there too and they've also got some untitled live-action movie scheduled for August 9, 2019.

Yeah, they're gonna just be making all the money in 2019.
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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by EricJ » July 15th, 2017, 7:54 pm

LotsoA113 wrote:Seriously, their 2019 slate is insane:
Tim Burton's Dumbo
Yep, as "insane" goes, that one's in a tight-fitting jacket havin' Jell-o today.
(Oh wait, that's not what you meant?) :P
Planes 3 (or some kind of spin-off set in that universe)
I take it that rumor's been around for.......a while?
(Like, not updated recently, unless they said something at the D23 I wasn't aware of?)

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by Ben » July 15th, 2017, 8:30 pm

Check the front page, Eric...new Cars/Planes film just announced at D23.

(And I did kind of mean the 2018 into 2019 period...insane is the word!)

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by Dan » May 30th, 2018, 8:44 pm

Now that a sample of the Princesses scene has been posted, I will continue to say that it was a fun surprise to see it at D23. 8)

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by Dacey » November 20th, 2018, 11:08 pm

Bumping since the movie's now playing (even though I won't be going for like a week probably, so I'll be ducking out of here until then).
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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by Ben » November 22nd, 2018, 2:58 am

I’m still perplexed as to why this thing isn’t called Ralph Wrecks The Internet.

The title as is is a lazy reference that’s already dated, but switching it to Wrecks not only makes the same reference but then totally takes it and owns it as its own thing, not to mention still describing the concept, AND - y’know - having the goshdarn title character's name in it, so also not dating it as such!!!

Such a shame what looks to be a pretty smart film is saddled with such a dumb title. They could have been so much cleverer than that! Lame.

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by EricJ » November 22nd, 2018, 4:05 am

Ralph, Vanellope and New Hip-Trendy Social-Media Character discuss the issue...AT LENGTH, in the movie and the trailer--

EDIT: Okay, so just saw it, and that whole scene was cut out of the picture (and just referred to in a later bit of dialogue).
So, just...take their word for it.

(Oh, and if you notice another trailer-hyped scene missing from the movie, stay for the mid-credits. :mrgreen: )

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by James » November 29th, 2018, 12:26 am

Busy holiday weekend (plus a few extra days!) but finally got some time to knock out the review for Ralph 2

http://animatedviews.com/2018/ralph-bre ... rnet-film/

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by James » November 29th, 2018, 12:48 am

EricJ wrote:...(Oh, and if you notice another trailer-hyped scene missing from the movie, stay for the mid-credits. :mrgreen: )
I thought this was awkwardly done. The setup was weird, then of all the scenes to add back to the movie this choice didn’t make sense.

Then a few days later I figured it out. I was at the Disney Store and discovered they have merchandise based on that deleted scene. Those characters don’t appear anywhere else in the movie so they had to include the scene somewhere or their product sales would plummet.

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by droosan » November 29th, 2018, 1:37 am

Good review. I enjoyed Ralph Breaks the Internet well enough, but
the initial excitement that my three very favorite characters from the first film -- Fix-It Felix, Sergeant Calhoun and Taffyta Muttonfudge -- were squeezed into a sub-plot together was dimmed by the fact that they were then not seen again until the very end (I had assumed, with a 2-hour runtime, that there might be a possibility of cutting back to Litwack's Arcade on occasion .. but, nope). :|

'Surge-protector guy' had a much larger role than he'd had in the first film, though..! :?

King Candy was also sorely missed; not that I'd expected he'd be brought back (and I do realize Tudyk voiced Knowsmore) .. but none of the new characters had that 'spark' that KC had (IMO). The candy kingdom of Sugar Rush was likewise one of the most creative and fun aspects of the first film. Vanellope may have become 'bored' with it .. but I certainly hadn't..!

Broadening the story to the wider internet (dazzlingly presented as it was) kinda just brought up more questions, though, like .. surely there are Fix-It Felix, Jr. and Sugar Rush game machines at other arcades. There may even be retro 'online' versions of those games. Why does this film make it seem as though Ralph is the Wreck-It Ralph..?


I also think the movie allows Vanellope to break the #1 rule set forth within Wreck-It Ralph: that video-game characters cannot change who they are, fundamentally ("just because you're a bad guy, doesn't mean you're a bad guy") .. and that 'game-jumping' is an inherently dangerous, very bad thing; possibly the worst 'crime' a video-game character can commit.

After all, Vanellope is not just letting Ralph down by 'leaving' Litwack's Arcade, nor even the other racers in her game .. what about the girl who loved playing Sugar Rush as Vanellope; the one who accidentally broke the game's steering wheel..? She'll never get to race as Vanellope on that machine again, even after it's fixed (presumably, Vanellope will simply never come up again in the 'Daily Nine Racers' roster .. just as was the case during King Candy's reign).

I'd felt certain they would 'solve' this by finding another Vanellope who'd been 'orphaned' from her broken/shut-down Sugar Rush machine (as Qbert was, in W-IR) .. freeing-up 'our' Vanellope to pursue her Slaughter Race dream. I suppose that scenario may have brought up more questions than it solves, but so does the solution in RBTI, (IMO).


Also: Ralph is warned that letting the 'insecurities' virus out of the Slaughter Race game would have dire consequences -- and we certainly saw some! -- but (unless I missed it) the virus itself isn't ever caught or defeated .. unless, perhaps, the 'multiple Ralph' monster was supposed to be the virus incarnate within that form (and not just a side-effect created by the virus, as was the case with the multiple 'glitches' it created within Slaughter Race).


RBTI also plays up several characters as potential villains, with ulterior motives .. only to have them end-up either being friendly or benign:

Spamley & Double Dan: just 'kinda creepy' guys .. Spamley doesn't even hold Ralph & Vanellope to their agreement to steal video-game assets for his (never seen) employer.

Shank: just because she's a bad grrrl, doesn't mean she's a baaad grrrl. :lol:

Yesss: I thought for sure she would ultimately claim the lion's share of Ralph's 'earnings' .. but, nope; she really was only interested in collecting 'hearts' from internet users. Perhaps those are the actual 'currency' of her world..?

.. in fact, the comments section that Ralph stumbles upon comes across as the worst part of the internet .. worse even than the 'dark web' (where, presumably, actual cyber-crimes were taking place).
Like I said, I did enjoy the movie, overall (especially from a design and animation perspective) .. but I fully agree with your 'tl;dr' assessment of its story-telling. :mrgreen:

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by James » November 29th, 2018, 9:27 am

Great notes! I’ve made it a top priority to keep my reviews as spoiler free as possible. The downside is I have to be light with details and speak in generalities. But I think it’s worth it.

I completely missed the fact that...
...Vanellope went Turbo! You’re right they completely ignored what was a huge video game sin from the first movie!

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Re: Wreck-It Ralph 2

Post by EricJ » November 29th, 2018, 9:37 am

I do have one minor quibble with this type of humor though. Will it age well? The many, many, many references to companies and memes and the like that are popular today may make this film feel embarrassingly dated in a few years.
One thing I found dated: The "Princess scene" that the fans were monomaniacally obsessed with from the minute it was announced:

Yes, it's screenwriter Pamela Robin getting righteous payback for the Sisterhood (we can surmise it's mostly Pamela's work, since she also voice-cameos as the Snow White with the manic twittering-lunatic expression...A-a-a-a-aaa!), but we get every single "feminist" Anti-Disney-Princess joke that we literally haven't heard since the Eisner-Hate of the early-00's. It's supposed to be "Disney poking fun at its own tropes", or at least the female screenwriters thought it was, but both scenes drip with Issues, and have a jarringly mean-spirited feel to it. We haven't heard most of these jokes since "Enchanted" and "Shrek 2", but then, for female screenwriters, it's always 2005. (When Vanellope says "But I don't have a mother", and the Princesses reply en masse, "Neither do WE! :mrgreen: "...Rapunzel, Aurora and Moana, what the heck are you doing there?)
And let's be honest, when even I feel a joke at the expense of Merida from "Brave" came off a little too Mean-Girls...that's harsh.

Vanellope getting to do her parody Big Disney Song felt like a combination of a clean version of one of Sarah Silverman's "Disney musical" songs, mixed with the trope-parody we already laughed at in Enchanted...Eleven YEARS ago. Oh, and stay for the end credits, where we get to hear the Top 40 Radio Disney-single version of "A Place Called Slaughter Race".
And then the climax, where the Princesses come to Ralph's rescue ("C'mon, we've got a big strong man to save!"--Yes, that's another actual line from the movie :roll: ),
resulting in Ralph being stuffed into a Snow White dress, plopped into a Sleeping Beauty bed, and forced to kiss a frog...And Naveen, no less.
Calling it a "lynch mob" might be too strong a word, but the entire scene feels like Ralph is being ritually tar-and-feathered by a mob of angry grownup Disney female fans, and we're not exactly sure for what--C'mon, he already said he was SORRY for trying to spoil Vanellope's plans!

But in the end, we see that the Princesses are happier lounging around in casual jammies and custom-slogan T-shirts instead of gowns, resulting in a scene that basically plays like an extended commercial for a new Disney Casual Princess(tm) fashion line that they probably have on sale for the holidays as we speak.
James wrote:I completely missed the fact that...
...Vanellope went Turbo! You’re right they completely ignored what was a huge video game sin from the first movie!
Exactly--They wanted to make the point that Different Friends Have Different Dreams, and be poignant that sometimes Old Friends Have to Drift Apart but keep in touch by long distance, but thought there was going to be some point that also, no matter how wonderful dreams look on the other side of the fence, they both have a JOB.
Ralph found out in the first movie that you can't run away from it, but you can find the good in it if you like yourself, while Vanellope in the first movie did the same by learning to appreciate herself.
And now she gets to run away to a completely unlikely game (I'm guessing Slaughter Race is "really" Grand Theft Auto, where a little Strawberry Shortcake kid would rather stick out), and it works out so well for her, she lives happily ever after.
I'm not sure whether that's more hypocritical than depressing :( , but that was the other scene that spoiled an otherwise fun movie from being a keeper.
James wrote:Then a few days later I figured it out. I was at the Disney Store and discovered they have merchandise based on that deleted scene. Those characters don’t appear anywhere else in the movie so they had to include the scene somewhere or their product sales would plummet.
We get the "Unboxing" of Milkshake Kitten toys as one of Ralph's videos, so I knew they must have skipped over it at some point.

And no, I didn't stay for the post-credit scene, where, this being the Internet, and Ralph now has YouTube experience,
an "exclusive preview" of Frozen 2 gets "Wreck-rolled".
To be fair, it wouldn't have worked in any other movie.
Last edited by EricJ on November 29th, 2018, 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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