Green Lantern

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Re: Green Lantern

Post by LotsoA113 » June 27th, 2011, 9:50 am

I was dissapointed with the film solely because all the sci-fi elements (one of the srongest parts of many of the comics) was used for about 10 minutes TOPS in the film. Makes you wonder where that 200 million budget went to...Ryan Reynolds excersise equipment?

As for a sequel..perhaps, but they'd have to recast the lead. All I know is this: the sequel would bomb since this one is getting horrible word of mouth from everyone I've talked to (Super 8, Harry Potter, Transformers and X-Men are actually the ones to beat around here) and they should probably just wait until they have a good stroy and reboot it.
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Re: Green Lantern

Post by Ben » June 28th, 2011, 12:18 pm

LotsoA113 wrote:Makes you wonder where that 200 million budget went to...Ryan Reynolds excersise equipment?
Nope...his "body" suit was CGI, which would explain where a lot of VFX dollars went.

They're already talking about recasting Reynolds for a sequel, and making it more audience friendly/cheaper and more accessible. Kind of like Hulk/The Incredible Hulk. WB are not ready to lose a potentially massive superhero character franchise just yet, it seems...

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Post by Dacey » June 28th, 2011, 2:14 pm

That would be a shame. I had a lot of problems with the film, but the casting of Reynolds certainly wasn't one of them.
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Post by EricJ » June 28th, 2011, 3:01 pm

And "Not enough humor" or "Not dumbed-down enough for a mainstream audience" was DEFINITELY not one of the problems with the first film.

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Post by Randall » June 28th, 2011, 8:58 pm

I saw it last night in psuedo-Imax 3D (Ultra AVX).

Not great, but enjoyable enough. It's main issue, I thought, was deciding on its tone. It was doing okay bringing in a serious emotional plot, but kept undermining it with goofy humor. Not tons, but just enough to keep the film from striving for being a better "serious" film. Consequently, the emotional stuff (Hal dealing with his fear) came off as forced.

There were a few other wonky script issues, too, of course. But I had no problem with Reynolds. He's capable of a great performance.

As a comic fan, I did thrill to seeing Oa and the Corps realized. Pretty cool.

Better luck with GL2!

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Re: Green Lantern

Post by Dacey » June 28th, 2011, 9:25 pm

Tone was certainly one of the big issues with it. It was like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be "Fantastic Four" funny, "Iron Man" smart alecky or "Dark Knight" serious. And the pacing of the film was very uneven sometimes.

Still, it's far from terrible. As a superhero movie fan, I did get a few kicks from it. I just left wishing that it could've been better.
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Post by GeorgeC » December 9th, 2011, 10:32 am

Hope this image doesn't violate the "family-safe" atmosphere the Mods want on the board...

I thought it was just too good NOT to share!

It's from an upcoming or current issue of Mad Magazine...
It was posted at ...


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Re: Green Lantern

Post by Randall » May 5th, 2014, 12:55 am

For those interested in a review of the Green Lantern animated series, here's a review of the recent Blu-ray release. Color me surpised, but I loved it. ... ed-series/

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