Onward - Review

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by James » April 9th, 2020, 8:53 pm

Farerb wrote:
April 8th, 2020, 4:31 pm
Hi, I'm new here.
I'm glad I could find another place to talk about animated films and Disney.

As for Onward, I liked the film but I don't think it's going to become a top favorite of mine.
Hey, great to have you here! Hope to see you around a lot more since we're all stuck at home!
bcrombar wrote:
April 9th, 2020, 6:32 pm
"Pixar has a knack for world building."

I never really thought about that until you brought that up in your Onward review. I could see how you would say that especially with Coco or Toy Story 4 worlds being so large and obsessively detailed.

Great Onward review! I also really enjoyed the creativity and original idea. I'm just bummed their box office sales were sabotaged by COVID19. Onward should be top 10 in worldwide theater sales but it's not even a blip on the radar at this point, sad.
Of everything they've done, I think Onward could be the one (after Toy Story and maybe Cars) most ripe for more chapters.

They'll be an asterisk on this one in the Pixar box office record books, I'm sure!

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by Daniel » April 13th, 2020, 1:08 pm

Welcome back, bcrombar! And welcome, Farerb! I recognize your name from other places I visit. Hope you like it here.

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by Daniel » April 20th, 2020, 2:38 pm

Home video set for May 15th. Ooh, audio commentary!

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by James » April 20th, 2020, 11:39 pm

Really? They’re going to put this out now? With everything going on? How insensitive!


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Re: Onward - Review

Post by Bill1978 » April 21st, 2020, 7:24 pm

I managed to rent Onward from my VOD provider before it was yanked off the store presumably so I would drift over to Disney+ and give Disney my hard earned money (An aside - Disney+ really is ruining my opinion of Disney, I know they are a business but wow is Disney+ showing how obsessed they are in trying to get my money)

Anyway, I really, really enjoyed this movie. It's a pity that the timing was unfortunate because I feel this is a movie that could have been a major Pixar title but now will be a footnote in many people's collection. It will always suffer from a low box office income (even with the asterisk) meaning the general public will think it sucks. Plus the absence of it in the theatres will mean people won't really be aware of it and will probably think its just a straight to video movie.

I confess to not being a major fantasy nerd, so some of the beats and Easter eggs probably flew by me but I really enjoyed the 90 or so minutes spent in the Onward world. I found it to be creative and colourful. And while it involved the standard Pixar mismatched buddies going on a journey trope it didn't feel repetitive at all. And of course Pixar managed to get me in the feels, even when I wasn't expecting it.

This is one Pixar movie that I will actively re-watch again. I'm glad it met my expectations based on the trailers. I also wouldn't begrudge another film in the Onward universe.

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by James » April 21st, 2020, 9:17 pm

Great write-up! Lots more they could do in the Onward world, but hopefully they don't go overboard. Though with the unexpectedly low box office numbers (nothing they could do about that, I know) I wonder if how likely they are to revisit.

BTW - what's the problem with Disney+? Personally, I'm loving it.

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by Bill1978 » April 22nd, 2020, 12:37 am

My problem with Disney+ is petty I admit. When Disney+ arrived in Australia my Pay TV service lost the Disney Movies channel (which I predicted) but it at least got replaced with a Family Movies channel (and have rediscovered the great works of early DreamWorks). But I wasn't expecting to lose The Disney Channel or Disney Jr (not that I watched either but its the principle of the thing - and neither were replaced with alternate channels). And then throw on top the fact that Onward was only available for 2 weeks on VOD before being exclusive on Disney+ I'm just not liking this aggressive push for Disney+. Every other theatrical movie that appeared on VOD in Australia at the same time as Onward is still available for viewing. I know I'm in the minority and it's over a trivial thing but at this moment just not a fan of Disney+. Luckily for me I have the DVDs of everything that people try to use to sell me on to sign up to Disney+. I understand what Disney is doing from a business point of view but I guess it just doesn't sit well with me. Possibility I may sign up in the future but not at the moment

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by Ben » April 22nd, 2020, 4:09 am

I think you’re lucky that Onward got a VOD release at all, since as soon as it got yanked from cinemas my understanding was that it would go straight to D+ and only become available separately when it hit the other home vid formats.

But...I’m also kind of with you on D+. We got it day one in the UK and so far I’ve watched Lady And The Tramp and Togo, and that’s it. They’re stupidly releasing The Mandalorian every week, making us wait even longer, so I’m waiting until they have enough that I can run two at a time since it’s not worth powering up the proj for just one.

Instead I’ve just been looking through everything they have, and I don’t know if we just don’t have the breadth and depth of what’s on the US version, but it does seem pretty limited. It just seems under each section there’s a ton of stuff that they could bolster things up with, especially the very slim Star Wars offerings.

And they lump in random 20th Century titles with Disney stuff, which often feels odd to me. Wouldn’t it be better to let 20th Century have is own "silo" brand rather than muddy the waters? (I also don’t really like how LucasFilm has become "Star Wars"...what happens to other stuff from that company?) Or just lump everything together, a la Netflix, and simply have all the D+, 20th Century and Hulu things as one all-in mega-option service?

I know they want to keep D+ for the kids, but this limits quite a lot and then has some questionable options that don’t always quite fit in with that in mind. Better, I think, to have an all-in service, which would actually be pretty awesome — everything from Alien to Zootopia — but then have a couple of filters that save the adult stuff from little eyes.

"Disney Kids" would be a parental option to restrict titles to G, PG or PG-13 levels, with "Disney Family" being everything and offering something for the whole family, and/or you could have a "Disney Grown-Ups" filter that just contains PG-13 and R titles for those that don’t want to see singing princesses pop up in their viewing options. (Not only this, but we could have the return of some beloved Touchstone films and, had they not short-sightedly sold off the library, the initial run of Miramax titles).

Then you’d have a truly awesome range of content that would rival and beat Netflix. As it is, D+ is a great archive of (almost) everything we know and love...but have mostly seen a million times before. And where I have a Blu-ray disc, the quality doesn’t beat it (although that may be diwn to reduced bandwidth while everyone is stuck at home).

I’m not actually "knocking" D+, much as it might sound. And initially when you open it up it’s like Christmas. I do realise that people love it and are getting a lot of out it, but for me it’s still finding it’s feet and has a way to go. On one hand they want to keep things in nice Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars (grrr) and Nat Geo boxes, but on the other they throw in 20th Century content randomly.

Either let Century have their own box or lump everything in and filter it. At the moment, D- seems too limited by its own aspirations!

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by James » December 14th, 2020, 12:34 pm

James wrote:
March 15th, 2020, 12:06 pm
Technically they’ve been releasing the streaming version before physical media for years — the digital copy is always available to buy two weeks before the Blu-ray on iTunes (and other platforms).

I used to want to start a website documenting all those Disney knockoff videos. Wish I had got around to that...

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by Ben » December 14th, 2020, 2:23 pm

And the prize for most random bump right before the end of the year goes to... ;)

Was there supposed to be an Onward rip-off link?

Which reminds me I still also need to see Onward. Natch! :roll:

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by Daniel » December 14th, 2020, 2:57 pm

Testing a new feature? Accidentally posted a draft instead of deleting? Trying to spark discussion? Reminding us of a simpler time right before the world ended? ;)

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Re: Onward - Review

Post by James » December 21st, 2020, 11:08 am

Not sure what that was! I was editing the comments code last week because of a small bug on phones, but I didn't think I had submitted anything!

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