Green Lantern

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Green Lantern

Post by Dan » August 6th, 2010, 1:12 pm

DC and Warner Bros. will be releasing the big-screen adaptation of Green Lantern on June 17, 2011. It will be directed by Martin Campbell (Casino Royale) and stars Ryan Reynolds (Smokin' Aces) as Hal Jordan. The film will also star Mark Strong (Sherlock Holmes) as Sinestro, Blake Lively (Gossip Girl) as Carol Ferris, Tim Robbins (Mystic River) as Senator Hammond, and Angela Bassett (Strange Days) as Dr. Amanda Waller.
Courtesy of World Correspondants
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Warner Bros. attempted to build up a huge presence at Comic Con that could sway audiences away from Marvel's juggernaut Avengers campaign. The results were mixed, but there was one moment that stole the hearts of everyone in Hall H.

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Post by Ben » August 6th, 2010, 8:29 pm

For some reason, that GL image looks like a fake. Whatever the source, the costume doesn't look truly "great", to me at least.

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Re: Green Lantern

Post by Dacey » August 6th, 2010, 10:53 pm

It might be fake. The one that was on the cover of Entertainment Weekly looked much cooler, at least if memory serves.

Either way, *really* excited about this movie. Next summer is going to be a great one for superhero films! :)
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Re: Green Lantern

Post by EricJ » August 7th, 2010, 1:45 am

Dacey wrote:It might be fake. The one that was on the cover of Entertainment Weekly looked much cooler, at least if memory serves.
Heard reports that the suit was going to be CGI-created, though for what reason remains to be seen.
The picture seems to bear out that story.

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Post by Randall » August 7th, 2010, 10:13 am

Maybe you guys haven't seen these official pics yet: ... -reynolds/ ... nt-weekly/

I'm not sold on the costume, but will wait to see the film before passing judgment. Looks a little weird on that cover. Gil Kane's original design is very iconic, so I don't like messing with it, but it may function differently in the movie itself. Ryan Reynolds, however, to me looks absolutey perfect as Hal Jordan.


Post by GeorgeC » August 7th, 2010, 5:10 pm

Not feeling the love for the visuals, either.

I prefer something physical with a bit of effects enhancement versus a totally CG look. Those EW pictures just look weird.

As much as I appreciated Bruce Timm's designs for GL -- they do look okay for John Stewart --, I like the Gil Kane costume better.

The Kane costume looks better with green shoulders for sure versus the earlier "1920s" bathing suit version. The white gloves definitely help set the ring off better.

Could care less whether the "Rebirth" altered Lantern symbol or the classic version is used for the film. (Looks like they're going with the classic Lantern symbol.)

The ring itself has been drawn so many ways over the years by different artists that it's the least consistent part of the outfit. Both Guy Gardner AND Hal Jordan were wearing ring designs like Kyle Rayner's in the 1980s! The idea that Hal's "original" ring was a disc with an inscribed Lantern symbol was planted after the "Emerald Twilight" storyline. Even that's up to debate since there multiple storylines previous to the retcons where his ring was destroyed and replaced by newer designs/models!

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Post by ErikFox » September 2nd, 2010, 7:28 am

I heard that a teaser trailer will be released around December. I don’t want to miss this precious movie.

Do you guys think this movie needs to be in 3D?

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Post by Ben » September 2nd, 2010, 1:14 pm

Nope, although you sound suspiciously like a WB plant! :)

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Re: Green Lantern

Post by Dacey » November 16th, 2010, 10:49 pm

Trailer is now online:

Seems to be getting a mixed reaction overall. But hey, I like it. ;)
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Post by Randall » November 16th, 2010, 11:11 pm

I have some reservations about the CGI costume, but I think I'm still pretty jazzed to see this. And mark my words--- Ryan will surprise people. I think he'll prove to be a great Hal Jordan.


Re: Green Lantern

Post by GeorgeC » November 17th, 2010, 12:23 am

I hope Reynolds is fine... He would not have been my first chance.

Blake Lively -- not impressing people so much from the trailer.

Listen to her... Her reading sounds like a first-time pass through a script!

Absolutely dead and no emotion to her character.

As for the VFX, I'm hoping this is just preliminary and not representative of the final product.

Building sets and costumes may be more expensive but there are times when traditional looks at least 20 times better than what CGI does.

There's a saying -- building a big ship model (at least 5-6 feet long) versus a CG model, the physical model will almost always look more realistic on screen and win the argument.

I'm amazed at how money gets misspent on motion pictures. They give some jerk $20 million to appear in a film and the sets and costumes end up looking like a bad made for TV movie!

What am I saying? Some people that post here are way too forgiving with films and tend to overlook a lot of the things that make a film classic. Besides acting and characterization -- which generally DON'T get nailed in live-action adaptations for a variety of reasons --, there's set building and costuming. Rarely has there been a truly great live-action adaptation of a comic character that got things right on all counts.

We'll see next year if Green Lantern gets it right.

I don't go by trailers most of the time. I've been burned too many times by slick trailers. The GL trailer is far from the most slick trailer I've seen. This looks to be very preliminary and just meant to bide people over until more footage gets finished.

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Re: Green Lantern

Post by EricJ » November 17th, 2010, 3:27 am

Fans are complaining about the FX and costume?
(And NOT about the fact that it looks like a goofy remake of Fantastic Four? :x )

Let's just say, I DON'T think this was the movie the little kid at the convention had in mind. :(
There's only so much of the actual movie a trailer can hide.

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Post by Ben » November 17th, 2010, 10:39 am

I can understand the mixed reaction...more jokey than I imagined it (as Eric said, I was reminded of the FF films too a couple of times) but then it did strike a more serious tone as well. Hopefully it'll have a good balance.

I don't have any problem with Ryan Reynolds...I can't say I think much of him as an actor, but he just looks the part here and to all intents and purposes looks like he'll be great. If Blake Lively was the babe in the locker room that George was referring to, then yep - I too thought she sounded like a plank of wood reading her line phonetically for the first time...ouch!

Didn't really mind the SFX and CGI, and am suitably impressed if that costume is CG since it's a good fit for him (even if the head looked a little large sometimes), but I can't see why they just didn't give him a regular costume and then CG-enhance it, unless that is what they have done. But it looks okay, one way or the other.

All in all, this looks like it could be good enough...not great, but then I think we're beyond that in terms of superhero movies: the lighting, the staging, the costumes...they all have that same look or design to them nowadays that just makes them different alter egos wearing different colors, most of the time.


Re: Green Lantern

Post by GeorgeC » December 14th, 2010, 7:19 pm

This is written long after your last post, Ben, but bear with me--

Everything I've read flat out states that Ryan Reynolds was wearing the equivalent of a cyber wetsuit when filming. That very plain costume he was wearing was meant to be overlaid with the GL uniform in CG.

Again, everything in that trailer looks VERY preliminary.

We'll see the final product next year.

Between now and then, a lot of things could be tweaked!


I'm not counting on this being as good as the first two Superman films.

I frankly don't think any of the superhero films have been that in the past 12 or so years. (Not so sure I would count Blade as a superhero franchise even he's a Marvel character. Those films -- which are not my cup of tea -- are more of a cross between martial arts and horror.)

Heck, I've got to admit that I got more of a kick watching pieces of the first three Indiana Jones films replace on USA Network this past weekend than any of the superhero films in recent years (with the exception of the re-edited Donner cut of Superman II -- that just made a good film excellent). Even The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull wasn't that bad. The main problem with that film in retrospect seems to be the whole alien subplot. What that was doing in an Indiana Jones film I don't know... There are literally dozens of mythical artifacts or things they could have made up instead of going the 'alien route'!


Post by GeorgeC » February 15th, 2011, 12:53 am

GL could end up being a good film but man oh man is the design on this film just sorry....

Sorry, but I don't see the point of changing iconic costumes in the movies OR, for that matter, casting non-Americans as American icons! :evil: :lol: Oy!

So, we get a snake suit for GL in the film, and Spidey looks like he's getting a redesigned suit just for the heck of it. Incomplete belt, no webbing on the costume -- it's all straight lines. Seriously, the latest pics show a lazy costume design done just for the heck of it.

These films better have good stories because they look almost hacked together.

DC just released pictures of the statue tie-ins to GL and it's a sorry-looking lot. The statues based on Ryan Reynolds' look just look goofy. The expression is something I'd expect out of "Petticoat Junction" or Gomer from "Gomer Pyle, USMC."

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the new GL animated film will be much better, either. I think they're going to use the same design motiff as the last film. Hopefully, Nathan Fillion will sound more interested in the role than Christopher Meloni did.

Very glad I got the GL statues based off the designs of Bruce Timm. Timm's stuff looks classic compared to what we're getting this year. Always felt caricatured design looked better than straight, Neal Adams stuff...

Image "Who? Me worry?"

Definitely not fearing this guy's power!

Love the Big Boy hair, btw!
Last edited by GeorgeC on February 16th, 2011, 4:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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