Monster House

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Monster House

Post by piotr » November 12th, 2005, 12:31 pm

Check it: ... ter_house/

Looks pretty neat, but the story lacks pizazz. I think the animation is based on Motion Capture, like Polar Express.

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Post by Meg » November 12th, 2005, 1:05 pm

Garr! I can't get it!

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Post by PatrickvD » November 12th, 2005, 1:48 pm

add another CGI film to the list for next year.... I know we shouldn't judge based on a trailer but this looks incredibly unappealing. Oh and I hate CGI semi realistic humand...I mean, that part where the kid was making fun standing in front of the door of the monster house? my God.... haven't they learned anything from the craptastic polar express or princess fiona?? this nightmare just won't end..

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Post by Kaszubas » November 12th, 2005, 3:34 pm

yep... here the same... I don't understand why the hell Zemeckis is sooo sticked with that unexpressive "performance capture" for CG features. That mocaped animation lacks strong accents and flexibility (but it's not as stiff as in PE - especially facial animation), eyes are dead, hairs heavy and rigid, skin mat and hard (no subsurface scattering, no soft light penetrating outer layers of skin and muscles - no blood in veins - corpses everywhere!). Lighting is dull and unappealing...
When I first watched this trailer without sound I was convinced that that fat policeman is yawning - his laugh isn't very convincing...
But there ARE some positives in that trailer (for me): character design is more stylized than in PE (but that clunky hair!!!) and that house is nicely animated :)If it won't improve much, there will be another zombie movie - Zombie House. Pity... just home the story will be entertaining...

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Post by piotr » November 12th, 2005, 6:13 pm

The characters act as if they're all wearing heavy costumes. They move like muppet characters and they talk like fat people. lol

The designs look nice, but really why the heck would you want to go see a movie about a house that "moves!" Oh please, help me! I'm left alone and being cared for by my gothic baby-sitter, this film-concept has neve been done before! I think I'll waste my 10 bucks on this scary movie. However, the house won't be the scary part of the film, it'll be the fact that animators were actually used to help fill in the blanks of this garbage!
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Post by Meg » November 12th, 2005, 6:25 pm

Suddenly, I don't want to see the trailer anymore.

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Post by fani » November 12th, 2005, 6:30 pm

anyone know the "synopsis" at all?

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Post by Ben » November 13th, 2005, 9:22 am

Why the heck don't they make these films with REAL ACTORS on green screen sets?

How rubbish would Sin City have looked if it was all CGI??

As a HUUUUUUGE Bob Zemeckis fan (I'd be on one of his films updates all the time and would be in the first night lines for any of his films), I still have to see Polar Express (I'll probably get the disc) and am not excitied at all that he continues to use Performance Capture.

He's not directing this one, only producing with Spielberg, but will use Performance Capture for his next film Beowulf...

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Post by Macaluso » November 13th, 2005, 5:25 pm

Well... the evil house looked cool.

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Post by Ben » November 14th, 2005, 11:02 am

Well, I like that they've made them more stylised...

I love the feel of the film, and the very Burotn-esque touches...

I love that Spielberg continues to make movies that compete with his own studio...

I hate that their eyes are still dead.. (what is WITH that??)

I hate the fat kid, who looks like a mannequin with plastic hair...

I hate that the animation medium is being mistreated in this way by such sub-standard films...

I don't see why this is being made in animation and not live-action...

I don't get why Imageworks are getting billing for this when the unit is the same as Sony Animation, and why this isn't a Sony Animation release ahead of Open Season??? Okay, I do get that, but no wonder it looks so fragmented if it's being made by VizFX artists instead of ANIMATORS!!

Oh well. I have seen the future of animation. And it is nice backgrounds with hideously rotoscoped-type puppets that don't belong in a second rate TV show...


...And just who the heck is Gil Kenan, anyway???

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Post by Dacey » November 16th, 2005, 7:24 pm

It looks like a Burton film. In fact, it almost looks like stop-motion.
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Post by ShyViolet » December 30th, 2005, 3:38 pm

One word: MEH. I have no urge to see this whatsoever.

It's not really the look of it (which doesn't really appeal to me either) but more the storyline. Who needs another Action-Movie-Haunted-House-brainy-kids-defeat-it story? Aren't there enough Harry Potter/Spy Kids movies out there? :roll:

Seriously, it reminds me of that TV series Goosebumps, which was kinda fun but nothing special. This looks like it could be on TV any day.
Polar Express (which I haven't seen either) at least had a more "epic" feel.
I love that Spielberg continues to make movies that compete with his own studio...
Yeah just what IS up with that? Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter anymore now anyway.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!


Your thoughts on Monster House

Post by Lino » January 14th, 2006, 9:10 am

WOW! Just saw the trailer for this 1. It looks freaky deaky and give me major heepy jeebys. I love it! Wait a minute wait a minute here summer 2006? This is the perfect fall/halloween movie now come on, in the summer people in bakinis get eaten by sea monsters or dinosaurs, not houses, work with me hollywood! Hey I though this was capture animation, this chracters look like something off the incredibles, thats a good thing for me though.

I enjoyed the Polar express but the kids emotion remained stiff, this is the problem with capture motion, you cant push emotion. Its the persons face and thats it, his eyes dont widen his jaw doenst drop like a tex avery cartoon so there just not cartoons. Personally I think the polar express was a bit dark 4 the kiddies and you only got about 18 minutes of santa, It was a great flick dont get me wrong it just didnt have the same kid apeal as The incredibles, Shark Tale and Sponge Robert. Monster house however is a riviter, a perfect imax thrill ride for young teens and there parents, but as far as the kiddies my friend I see more tickets going to Cars and other primary color films.

I think Ill just rent the DVD on halloween! Oh Speilberg you have failed me again. I'd be mad at the the other director 2 if I could spell his name zamm-et-kis, any way I cant even say it with out spitting out my gum. Your thoughts?
Last edited by Lino on January 19th, 2006, 9:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Dacey » January 14th, 2006, 10:20 am

Who knows? They might move it to Halloween. Summer is pretty full this year in terms of movies.
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Post by Lino » January 14th, 2006, 11:50 am

Lets hope. The film looks pretty good but oddly enough I'd prefer it being a live action/hard core CGI flick like Kong or Narnia, it more relatable and it works better as a fantasy.

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