Original Spider-Man (1967) animated series online

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Original Spider-Man (1967) animated series online

Post by GeorgeC » April 6th, 2009, 8:09 am

http://news.toonzone.net/articles/29290 ... marvel.com

Marvel.com is streaming online the original 1967 Spider-Man animated series.

Marvel.com has been doing this for a while with other Marvel-licensed shows such as the live-action Spider-Man sentai-style show made in Japan in the late 1970s.

It's recommended that you check your Internet connection to be sure that it's fast enough for watching these shows. The connection tends to back up and playback is horrible with slower connections...

The 1967 Spider-Man animated series was released several years back by Disney in a full-series collector's box. It's still widely available at online video retailers.

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Post by Ben » April 7th, 2009, 8:35 am

It is?

Not at Amazon and not for a fair price. Man, I <I>so</I> wished I'd grabbed that when I had it in my hands for around $30. :(

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Post by Randall » April 7th, 2009, 11:06 pm

Ah, that was about the sweetest screener I ever got. :)


Post by GeorgeC » April 8th, 2009, 12:02 am

Now, now...

You're just torturing Ben, Rand! :lol:

Yeah, I double-checked and the old Spidey cartoon set is OOP.

Glad I got mine when it was brand-new!

It has probably been at least 18 months since I've seen it in-stores.

Should still be available at some places near MSRP. (I know because I sent a few links to Ben in PM.)

Unfortunately, with a lot of stores reducing inventory and sending back old DVDs and DVD sets, it'll probably be next to impossible to get it in-store.

Most prices I see online aren't THAT bad yet. Of course, I don't know what European shipping is like, though. For software/video it shouldn't be too bad.

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Post by Ben » April 8th, 2009, 1:32 pm

Thanks for the links George, but I'm a bit wary of eBay and the like and the shipping can be a sting...especially when the poorly taped up package arrives. Ahh...nothing like paying over the odds for a beat up box set! ;)

I can remain living without 60s Spidey for the time being, and wait for the inevitable Marvel Anniversary Collection, or whatnot, whenever it's time... ;)


Post by GeorgeC » April 8th, 2009, 4:51 pm


To add to Ben's sour grapes(!), I will say that the Spidey set was far from perfect.

a) No documentary -- there was one planned and actually shot for the show by Mark Evanier and friends but it got cut at the last minute because Disney wouldn't cough up enough space (re: add another disc) to include the documentary
b) No intros by Stan Lee or anyone associated with the production of the show
c) the only extra by Stan Lee was a written intro for the show... Yeah, text notes -- some extra!
d) the restoration of the show was uneven... Early/first season episodes got a clean-up but later-run shows were left untouched and appeared very dirty and scratchy. That's something that needs to be addressed if a second/later edition ever gets released.

Other than that, it's a good albeit perhaps overpriced set for fans (mark-down for lack of real extras) of the show.

There was a website I mentioned a long time ago produced in cooperation with Bernard Sole, the voice of Spider-Man/Peter Parker. It was called Wallopin' Web Snappers or something like that. It basically took the place of the extras that were not put on the DVD set. That website was not endorsed or authorized by Disney, the releasers of the '67 Spidey set.

UPDATE, a few minutes after a Quick Check --
ON SECOND THOUGHT -- Do NOT go to this website! I did a Google search for it and it came up as a site with possible malware links. Unless you're running Firefox with anti-malware plug-ins, I DO NOT recommend going on the Wallopin' Websnappers site. It's a shame because it was a really good site with lots of behind-the-scenes information about the '67 animated series. Unfortunately, it apparently has not been maintained and somebody hacked the site!

This remains the definitive Spider-Man animated series, like it or not.

It also has one of the neater theme songs for an animated series, too.

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Post by Ben » April 8th, 2009, 5:50 pm

Waiting for a double dip sounds like the best option. I'm in no rush. Thanks George! :)

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » April 14th, 2009, 12:11 pm

I"m not sure if it's sad or funny.

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