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6teen and Total Drama Island{Action}

Post by Darkblade » January 26th, 2009, 12:40 pm

Looked for a topic of a discussion of the shows "6teen, and Total Drama Island" So far nothing was found. Normally some cartoons today dont entertain me but however for once there's a cartoon that is something I can laugh at.

My friends said that 6teen feels like a 90's cartoon, I noticed that there's hidden adult humor in 6teen...But has anyone seen these shows? If so what do u like?

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Post by Zach » January 27th, 2009, 12:21 am

Total Drama Island and 6teen are both outstanding cartoons in my opinion. They both have something to enjoy, and to laugh about.

Total Drama Island deserves many seasons to come! :D

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Post by droosan » September 8th, 2009, 6:09 am

I have been enjoying Total Drama Action over the past several weeks, and recently bought the complete DVD set of the first Total Drama Island series -- which I watched in a single 12-hour marathon viewing! :shock:

What an incredibly fun series .. and with so many 'well-rounded' enjoyable characters! I'm not a fan of 'reality' shows by any means, which is why I'd 'passed' on this series for awhile .. but I now view that as a mistaken judgment. The writing and plot/pacing of both series is extremely well-done, and the design/animation is simple, yet fun-to-watch. It's a very solid, enjoyable show which holds up surprisingly well to repeat viewings (there's so much going on, that I've caught several details I hadn't noticed the first time through, in most episodes).

Many of the main characters are quite likable .. but I think my very favorite (incredibly) is Lindsay; I found her story arc in the first season to be the most moving ..
it was almost sad to watch her being 'used' and bullied by Heather over the course of a dozen episodes -- but when Lindsay finally figured it out, told Heather off, and (especially) was ultimately responsible for shearing Heather's hair .. man. That was some good TV. 8)
I'm also rooting for Lindsay in Total Drama Action. I think it's great that she has recently started showing an interest in being willing to lead the team (even if it is mostly an excuse to wear a 'cute Admiral outfit'). :lol:
.. and besides, pretty much everyone else who's still in the game seems 'undeserving' of the final prize, for one reason or another. Duncan and Harold are petty; Heather and Courtney are vindictive; even LaShawna has been unforthright in the last few episodes. And neither Justin nor Beth seem to be really trying to win.
Minor observation: Ezekiel and Noah (two of the earliest 'eliminatees' from TDI) seem to bear a resemblance to Bob & Doug McKenzie, of SCTV fame. :idea:


As for 6teen .. no. I just haven't been able to enjoy it as much. I've never seen the appeal in watching 'day-in-the-life'-type animated shows. Why should a kid who spends all day in school and all weekend at the mall be interested in a show about kids who spend all day in school and all weekend at the mall ..? :?

It sure is pretty to look at, though. High marks in the 'style' department, if little else (AFAIC).


Stoked is likewise very 'beautiful' .. and, at least, it has a slight 'fantasy' element in its locale. But, as it's still mostly about largely selfish teens working their first service-oriented jobs, I haven't gotten 'into' it, at all. Though, I've only seen four or five episodes thus far .. so, I'm still trying to give it a chance.

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Post by droosan » September 15th, 2009, 4:01 am

As of this week. Total Drama Action will be airing concurrently on both Cartoon Network in the U.S. and on Canada's Teletoon channel. (Teletoon had been airing TDA a few episodes at a time, with several six-week gaps, to allow Cartoon Network to catch up). New episode premieres on Teletoon will also move to Thursdays (instead of Sundays), to coincide with Cartoon Network's airdates. This should avert the situation which occurred with Total Drama Island, wherein the ultimate winner of the contest was known in Canada (and therefore was widely known 'online') for several months before the final episode aired in the U.S.

No one was eliminated in last week's episode (One Million Bucks, B.C.), which turned out to be a mostly-silly 'romp' that re-introduced Duncan and Courtney's 'hot & cold' romance .. while Heather became suddenly obsessed with having hair again, after 15 episodes of baldness (shouldn't it be growing back in on its own, by now..?) :?

This week's 'sports-movie'-themed episode (Million Dollar Babies) had a couple of 'shocker' moments (along with a healthy dose of laffs) .. and is the last one to feature group competitions; the two teams will be merged after this, so that it will be every castmate for him/her-self.
It was a bit of a surprise to see Heather finally 'eliminated' in the end .. even though LeShawna had been trying to organize it for the last several episodes. This means that none of the 'final 3' contestants from the last series will have a shot at the win.

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Post by droosan » October 2nd, 2009, 1:41 am

Last week was 'spy movie' week (which -- being the 16th episode for this season -- also featured a small 6teen homage) .. while this week's theme was superhero movies. This week also had an elimination, with a very suspenseful build-up that kept the outcome in doubt.

Next week will see a third installment of Geoff & Bridgette's show-within-the-show, TDA: Aftermath .. which will undoubtedly have guest appearances by Owen, Heather, and this week's 'eliminatee'. And -- if the past two Aftermaths are to be any guide -- another dose of 'craziness' courtesy of Izzy. :D
There are now three guys and three girls remaining in competition. The 'nasty schemer' torch seems to have been solidly passed from Heather to Courtney -- with the parallel from TDI extending to both girls' uncanny luck with winning 'invincibility' come elimination time.

I'm still rooting for Lindsay; she's actually won quite a few of the more recent challenges (though, many of those wins came by sheer 'dumb luck'), and she often manages to be quite entertaining, as well .. but Courtney, in particular, seemed to have it 'in' for Lindsay this episode. With a TDA: Aftermath coming up, it'll be a couple of weeks before we'll see what happens next.
Since Total Drama Action leads directly into Stoked on Thursday nights, I tend to continue watching .. and still find myself only mildly entertained. The show strays far enough from a 'real world' setting to make it fun .. but I've yet to find myself especially captivated by the characters and their 'problems'. I do give it a major 'thumbs up' for styling/design, though.

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Post by Zach » October 4th, 2009, 2:38 pm

Oh, I loved last week's 6teen homage. It caught me by suprise, and I was laughing the whole time.

This week's was pretty good too, and I loved that it was harder to tell who was going to be eliminated. I didn't really want LeShawna to leave, but I didn't really care.

I love the TDA Aftermath episodes, but it doesn't have the action that TDA has. No game play. :|

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Post by droosan » October 4th, 2009, 4:28 pm

Well, the next episode of competition (after the Aftermath) is titled "Princess Pride" .. so (perhaps), there may be some 'Disney-esque' challenges ahead .. :)

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Post by Dan » October 4th, 2009, 4:47 pm

Man, going from one Disney spoof to another. I can so imagine Duncan having fun at Courtney's expense with this challenge. :lol:

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Post by droosan » October 9th, 2009, 4:03 pm

The third installment of TDA: Aftermath went pretty much as expected .. with guest appearances by Owen, Heather, and LeShawna; a (surprisingly minor) bit of craziness from Izzy; and more tension between Geoff and Bridgette, which seemed to have been resolved in the episode's final scene.

I did enjoy the fact that the Q&A segment for TDA:A has changed from 'Truth or Hammer' to 'Truth or Anvil' to 'Truth or Electrocution'. :lol:

This was the first Aftermath in which we heard nothing from any of the original Total Drama Island characters (though they were still present 'on-stage'). But that's okay .. since it looks like most of them will be back in competition next season -- along with a couple of new contestants -- in:

Total -- Drama -- the Musical..!

Also, this week's Stoked was actually really good! A fun plot involving a surfing contest, a grudge match with a competing resort, and even a bit of gender humor (Not That There's Anything Wrong With That) made "Boards of Glory" a very enjoyable episode. :D

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Post by Zach » October 9th, 2009, 6:21 pm

Last night's TDA Aftermath was my favorite Aftermath episode yet. 'Truth or Electrocution' was so much more funnier compared to the hammer and anvil. And it actually got used on Heather and suprisingly... Geoff!

Oh, and I can't wait until the third season. It seems interesting.

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Post by droosan » October 23rd, 2009, 8:30 pm

Last week's episode, "Princess Pride", did take a few pokes at Disney (though, not nearly as many as it could have). But it was more noteworthy as the episode which finally saw the elimination of Justin.

Of the nearly 30 recurring characters on the show, Justin is the most singularly 'one-note'; he is vain. That is literally all there is to him. In Total Drama Island, I think Justin had four lines of dialogue, total, in that entire series .. most of his (meager) screen-time was spent simply standing still and 'glowing' while tossing his hair. Giving him a larger role with dialogue (and no real 'personality') was one of Total Drama Action's few mis-steps, IMO. Justin does not appear in the promo for Total Drama: The Musical .. so, it's likely we have seen the last of him, for a while (aside from his 'follow-up' appearance on the next episode of TDA: Aftermath, natch).

This week's episode, "Get A Clue", stepped-up the tension between Courtney and Lindsay .. so much so, that I suspect Lindsay will not be receiving a 'Gilded Chris' in the next episode. After the events at the end of this episode, I'm almost certain that Courtney will see to that .. either via a voting alliance, or some form of dirty-trickery. :?

My current theory on the outcome of TDA is that the ultimate winner will be ..


As noted above, I think Lindsay has painted a giant elimination 'bullseye' on herself with her 'strategistical-logical' decision to include Duncan in her challenge reward; both Courtney and Beth would have been 'miffed' by this, each for their own reasons. As much as I would love Lindsay to make it to the final three, I have to say: I'll be very surprised if she makes it past next week. :(

That would leave Courtney, Beth, Duncan, and Harold. Based on apparent parallels between TDI/TDA, I'm pretty sure that Courtney will at least make it to the final three before getting her 'come-uppance' .. so (IMO) she won't be in the final two.

But the main reason I think Beth will be the ultimate winner of the 'One Million Dollar' prize is that she is the only remaining character in competition who does not appear in the promo for Total Drama: The Musical. :idea:
I guess we'll have to keep watching to find out ..

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Post by Zach » October 24th, 2009, 3:23 pm

Next season looks extremely good, but I hope
doesn't win this season. Well, at least
isn't in the next season. :D
Last edited by Zach on October 25th, 2009, 12:06 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by droosan » October 24th, 2009, 7:05 pm

It is just a personal theory. I have no 'inside' knowledge.

(TDI 'spoilers' follow)
If you'll recall, the ultimate $100,000 prize from Total Drama Island was 'forfeited' by the winner** in favor of a shot at the million in the Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island special episode which bridged the gap between TDI & TDA; meaning that there effectively was no 'winner' in TDI.

Such a scenario is possible between the second and third series .. but in the TD:M promo, Chris does say that the grand prize will be 'another' million dollars. :idea:

** Owen was the winning TDI camper in most countries, but an alternate version of the final episode portraying Gwen as the winner was made for Norway and a few other markets (both outcomes were aired in South America). So, Total Drama Action may have some alternate endings, as well.

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Post by Zach » October 25th, 2009, 12:04 am

Yes, I know. But your theory is a valid point. :wink:

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Post by droosan » October 30th, 2009, 8:02 pm


I can't say I was terribly .. 'shocked' to see who was eliminated this week. :(

But it was a bit of a surprise to see a former cast-mate return to the competition this late in the game! :shock: I do still think my predictions from last week will hold true .. but having this character back may make these final rounds more interesting!

Even though my favorite contestant was eliminated, I found "Rock & Rule" to be a very enjoyable episode. Pretty much every character had a few moments to shine; even Courtney got some laughs (a high-school girl rock band called The A-type Psychotic Crazies ..?!) :lol:

The next episode is titled "Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen" .. so, start practicing your Kung-Fu!

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