Family Guy

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Post by GeorgeC » May 24th, 2008, 1:58 am

I felt Blue Harvest was an uninspired and hollow blow-for-blow remake of Star Wars.


I said it.

I wasn't impressed.

This is NOT parody. It's lazy-writing, and even lazier blocking-out and choreography. It's supposed to be funny that the Millennium Falcon, Star Destroyer, sets, and the rest of the CGI looks EXACTLY like the original film? It's funny that almost every action shot is an EXACT remake of the original? I'd expect that from a videogame based on the original Star Wars, but from a so-called comedy series? Where's the innovation or plain fun in that?

(Yeah, this is as inspired as the color remake of Psycho in the 1990s that a shot-by-shot remake of the original B & W Hitchcock film.)

Also, for the millionth time, the pedophile character of Herb is NOT funny and should be retired to the same cartoon graveyard as Poochy.

Spaceballs IMHO was a far better parody of Star Wars since it didn't try to remake Star Wars. It made fun of Star Wars and other sci-fi conventions. And it did it without a bunch of annoying segues that had nothing to do with what it was supposed to be making fun of.

The segues in Family Guy are just the writers' dodge at cleverness. It's the same type of laziness you see in animated feature where characters break into song for no reason at all other than to put another song on the soundtrack. It's doesn't propel the story forward with any kind of logic.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out WHY Fox is handing out a barrel-load of $100 million to Seth MacFarlane to continue his mediocre producing and writing other than he's just good at promoting shows and making Fox money. Family Guy has never been particularly ground-breaking and has just been god-awful since it was relaunched 3 years ago. American Dad and whatever MacFarlane produces next will just continue to be more of the same. Good for people who want steady jobs in animation, but bad for people that want something that elevates entertainment and art and doesn't continue to be yet another cookie-cutter show that's both bland and nihilistic.

The best thing that can be said for Family Guy is that at least it's not worse than The Simpsons has been for at least 8 years and has managed to last over 5 years now. Other than that, it's just another gig for mediocre sitcom writers and producers.

This is a good break for MacFarlane and hats off to him for raking it in from Fox and his fans, but for the life of me I cannot figure out WHY people think Family Guy's a great show. Then again, I never particularly cared for Seinfeld, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, Will & Grace, or Frasier much at all, either.

Unlike other Family Guy critics and certain blogs that "claim to elevate animation history and critique", I'm not calling anybody that likes this show an idiot or retard. Enjoy it while it lasts. I just won't be there with you... Different strokes for different folks.

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Post by eddievalient » May 25th, 2008, 2:39 am

Indeed. I like Family Guy primarily because, in my opinion, it doesn't pretend to be anything but what it is, an absurd show about not much of anything. They do cross a line now and then (such as the infamous "You've Got AIDS" song), but most of the time it's pretty funny. I wasn't impressed with Blue Harvest when I first saw it, but it grew on me with repeat viewing (although I agree that Spaceballs is a much better parody). I actually feel that Family Guy has been more consistent than either The Simpsons or South Park, which have both lost much of what made them good in the first place. But, as you say, different strokes for different folks.
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Post by GeorgeC » May 25th, 2008, 11:08 pm


You ought to read the professional animator and animation student blog reactions to Family Guy.

What I wrote was praising the show by comparison!

You have no clue how hateful some people get towards the show until you read an Amid Amidi rant or Thad K blog.

Some people just need to shut off their TVs or DVD players and get another hobby or line up another profession.

It's that pitiful...

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Post by eddievalient » May 26th, 2008, 1:49 am

Well, there are some people whose opinions I respect and most everyone else I either ignore or laugh at (like when John K. famously said that if you can't draw, you have no business writing for animation. Where did that come from?).

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Post by PatrickvD » February 15th, 2009, 8:01 am

ok this is gonna be a classic:

(New episode spoiler)
tonight on Family Guy, Bonnie is finally gonna give birth to a baby girl. Stewie instantly falls in love with her.

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Post by Daniel » February 15th, 2009, 12:22 pm

I hid part of your message Patrick, seeing as that is a pretty big spoiler! Thankfully I already knew, or else I would be yelling at you right now. ;)

Yes, I'm still shocked, but it's about time! Didn't know the Stewie angle, but that sounds normal. Can't wait!


Post by GeorgeC » February 16th, 2009, 5:38 pm

For a better and inspired spoof of Star Wars, play the Lego Star Wars videogames.

The cut scenes are far more inspired and funnier than anything Seth McFarlane will ever come up with on Family Guy or American Dad... Also, the Lego Star Wars story is NOT a blow-by-blow remake of the film, either. They do better animation with non-talking characters than 85% of what I see on TV now!

There's nothing funny about uninspired scene-by-scene remakes of 30-year-old films. I thought Star Wars fans had moved beyond this and the Kevin Smith in-joke references in his films but obviously clever sight gags and GOOD writing aren't appreciated by a lot of people.

Heck, even a few online fanfilms are better than Blue Harvest.

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Post by Daniel » February 16th, 2009, 9:18 pm

I haven't played Lego Star Wars, (I think there's a demo for PS3, so might download it soon.) but you're probably right. I am far from a Star Wars fan, but I've seen the original trilogy, the first one particularly, many times that I kind of remember it. The Family Guy "take" on it basically is lifted with a few pop culture jokes thrown in for good measure.

That's not to say I don't like, I love it, but just because of the fact it's Family Guy and it did get laughs out of me. Same as if Simpsons did it - actually there was a spoof featuring Bart and Skinner fighting in the music of SW - now that was brilliant!

I doubt the specials sequel will be anything more than this one. That would be fine by me, though it would be nice if they did go a more original route and not play it so close.

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Post by Foxtale » May 5th, 2009, 9:41 pm ... 8w07zk.jpg

Image from the Cleveland show.... so what does everyone think?

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Post by eddievalient » May 5th, 2009, 11:05 pm

I've seen it elsewhere. I'll give Cleveland a shot when it starts, but unless they do something other than a Family Guy clone, unless they give the show a unique voice, it won't last more than a season or two.
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Post by Rodney » May 6th, 2009, 12:44 pm

I'll check it out. I don't know if it will stick, but I'll give it a try.

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Post by Daniel » May 6th, 2009, 3:30 pm

It's already been picked up for a second season! :o

Speaks volumes... I wasn't really interested in the show when I first heard about it, needless to say I'm actually quite exited now.

Here's the theme song:

Which is confirmed by Mike Henry himself, in this video where you see him sing some of it.

And a great interview with Seth MacFarlane and Mike Henry:

Gives me a lot of hope. Only thing, he loses his house to Loretta? I thought we were done with her character. So much for trying to redeem her character, eh?

It's so true about his character having legs though, really, no-one else I think could withstand a show on their own. Nice that Henry gets to do is "greased up death guy" voice for the principle, seeing as that character rarely shows up on FG anymore.

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Post by Darkblade » May 14th, 2009, 8:12 am

Did anyone see the episode that parodied Steven King's stories?

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Post by Daniel » May 14th, 2009, 2:24 pm

Yeah, my favorite of the three had to be the "The Shawshank Redemption" one. Very happy they were able to use some of the music from the movie. And the ending was hillarious.

I also thought Brian and Stewie were perfect for Misery... I've never seen the whole film, but know enough about it and seen other paradies about it.

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Post by Neal » May 14th, 2009, 9:16 pm

Misery was my favorite segment, but the whole episode was a downer after what I thought to be a run of three or four hilarious ones.
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