Another Hanna-Barbera Set Announced! Woohoo!

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Another Hanna-Barbera Set Announced! Woohoo!

Post by eddievalient » January 29th, 2007, 4:55 pm

Warner Bros. has announced that the next Hanna-Barbera series to get the boxset treatment will be the complete first season of "Wait Till Your Father Gets Home". This 1972 sitcom starred Tom Bosley (later of "Happy Days" fame) as the patriarch of the Boyle family (wife Irma, daughter Alice, and sons Chet and Jamie).

Personally, I think this is great news. I always enjoyed the show during its increasingly sporadic runs on Cartoon Network and later Boomerang before it vanished completely. This is just speculation on my part, but I think a pattern is developing where WB may start releasing at least one well known series (i.e. Magilla Gorilla) and one lesser known series (i.e. Hong Kong Phooey) per year.

If my theory proves true, any guesses as to what the well known release would be? I'm hoping for Quick Draw McGraw since that one is long overdue.

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Post by Randall » January 29th, 2007, 10:28 pm

Well, not to cheat too much, but Earl Kress's blog lists Banana Splits Adventure Hour as coming next.

And, an earlier post of his listed these:
"Birdman and the Galaxy Trio
Space Ghost and Dino Boy
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home (Season 1)
Wally Gator/Touche Turtle/Lippy the Lion (Complete)
Scooby Doo, Where Are You? (Season 3)
The Banana Splits Adventure Hour
and (drumroll, please…)

Quick Draw McGraw (Complete Series)"

With two of those announced so far (Scooby and Wait), it looks like he's on the ball. I sure hope so. I'm dying to get Space Ghost and Birdman! Quick draw will be great, too. I've never seen Wait Till..., but look forward to seeing it, as I've heard good things (even though that typo in the name has always bugged me! It's " 'til", darnit!) I'm a sucker for any H-B set. I love their cartoons, even the weak ones.

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Post by droosan » January 31st, 2007, 12:09 am

I really want the Quickdraw McGraw set .. not just for the Quickdraw / El Kabong cartoons (which are great!), but for my personal favorites: Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy! I was very disappointed when WB cancelled this set in order to concentrate on Animaniacs (though I do like the Animaniacs, as well -- I bought both sets) ..

The Wally Gator set had been announced, and cancelled, at the same time as Quickdraw McGraw. I look forward to this one for another favorite segment, Touche Turtle!

It's cool that they've announced a seldom-seen show like Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home (if only because it will expose the fact that the 'Griffins' in Family Guy are a 'twisted' adaptation of those characters), as well as the original incarnations of Space Ghost and Bird-Man, since both characters are now (sadly, IMO) looked upon as 'humorous' characters, thanks to their respective 'Adult Swim' shows ..

But I hope we will also eventually see some 'follow-up' volumes to series not yet completed (besides Scooby Doo!) -- like Jonny Quest and Huckleberry Hound.

A set devoted to the 'pre-H-B' serial, Ruff N' Reddy, would also be mighty nice. :)

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Post by droosan » November 17th, 2007, 4:30 pm

Yay! The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show! I'll definitely be getting this, on March 18th. :D

Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm were 'Saturday Morning', throughout the 1970's. I couldn't go outside to play, until I'd seen their show. :) It was a sad day when The Flintstones Comedy Show went off-the-air for good.


Still no mention of a Quickdraw McGraw DVD set, though..? :cry:

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Post by Randall » November 17th, 2007, 5:19 pm

I am a huge Flintstones fan, and have very fond memories of this show. Can't wait to see it again!


Post by GeorgeC » November 17th, 2007, 6:50 pm


Beginning to get near the bottom of the barrel, WB?

(Not really... There's still tons of unreleased animation WB and the other studios haven't scratched the surface of yet. It is telling, however, that they fall back on typical corporate and release the TIE-INS to previously released shows FIRST before delving into unreleased series like Betty Boop, the Famous Studios shorts, and so on. Telling and very annoying.)

I can only wonder if WB is catering more to niche fans (let's face it, that's what most animation IS -- a nice) because the mainstream DVD sales are doing so poorly.

DVD sales didn't offset the studio losses last year from theaters and uncertainties about the future of DVD and the high-def formats are really depressing sales this year.

Otherwise, enjoy folks!

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Post by Randall » November 17th, 2007, 11:52 pm

Studios only sell what they think is going to be profitable. Simple as that. There's no vendetta against animation fans. So, I'll take my nostalgia where I can get it, and buy the seriously good stuff when it comes out too.

The best H-B stuff is already out for the most part, and I wouldn't expect them to end the line so long as it's selling. And let's not begrudge those who happen to enjoy these releases. ;)

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Post by Daniel » November 17th, 2007, 11:53 pm

Can't say I'm too exited about this news. I'm a big Flintstone fan, but not so much the TPaBB show. I've tried watching it on Boomerang, but it was just too boring. The only time I found it entertaining, was when Fred, Wilma, Betty or Barney came on screen.

Here's a link to the announcement and cover art, though. :)

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Post by droosan » November 19th, 2007, 12:56 am

You probably had to grow up with the show on Saturday Mornings to really appreciate it .. I liked it a lot, and still do; it had a kind-of "the Flintstones meets Archie comics" feel. And I loved that weird vibrating sound effect when Pebbles would get one of her 'crazy ideas' .. :lol:

But something that still kinda 'weirds me out' about this -- and actually, many other H-B shows coming out as DVD sets -- is how few episodes there really were. 16 half-hour episodes seems like an impossibly small number .. especially given that I watched the show every Saturday, until I was ten years old. :shock:


Cool cover art! Though, I wish WB had kept the 'snazzy' grey packaging of the earlier H-B sets .. the bright orange of Josie and the Pussycats and lime green of Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm sure 'stand out' on the shelf. Ah, well .. it's having the cartoons; that's the important thing. 8)


Post by GeorgeC » November 19th, 2007, 7:53 am

H-B had a bunch of shows that only lasted a season or so.

They earned a reputation for this in the 1970s and 1980s.

The shows just didn't last very long, but some of them -- such as Jonny Quest -- lasted forever and forever in reruns.

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Post by Randall » November 19th, 2007, 8:25 am

Actually, only a handful of Saturday morning cartoons ever had more than one season, and even when more episodes were ordered they only added sometimes five or so. Obviously the many incarnations of Scooby-Doo would be an obvious exception.

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Post by Daniel » November 23rd, 2007, 8:08 pm

Two more H-B show announcements: Dinky Dog and The Drak Pack.

I'm not familar with either of these, is anyone? Only downside is, these will only be sold in Canada. -- You could always import, though. (If Rand's a fan, I bet he's happy! ;))

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Post by droosan » November 23rd, 2007, 8:26 pm

I do remember Drak Pack .. but only vaguely recall Dinky Dog. Neither show was all that 'memorable' to me.

As for importing DVD's which are released only in Canada, there's always Amazon Canada .. :idea:

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Post by Randall » November 23rd, 2007, 11:08 pm

I am tempted on Drac Pack, but not too sure yet if I'll go for it. My memories on it are hazy. Dinky Dog I don't remember at all, though maybe if I saw some of it I would recall it.

It's odd that these two were licensed for release by a Canadian independent. I would assume that H-B still owned these, after all, and that Warner Home Video would therefore hold the rights. But they don't normally license stuff out. Very odd.

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Post by Ben » November 24th, 2007, 8:54 am

I was having trouble placing these until I saw Dinky Dog's image. Man, that seemed to be a funny show back in the day.

My guess is that these are somehow KFS owned? If they were originally included in the All New Popeye Hour, there might have been some copyright deals going on there to make that happen.

My guess is that WB still do actually own the US rights, hence why no official release in the States. Perhaps fair sales of these might inspire them to put it out in the US too?

Have never seen Drak Pack, though it looks a little confused, with what looks like a Groovie Goolies Woolfie clone there. No guesses as to why it's Canada only again, though probably down to who financed it. HB were doing a lot of deals with other broadcasters back then, as were most producers to keep things going.

The independent nature of these releases don't scream "extras!" but the pricing for complete series, 3 disc sets is fair. I may pick up Dinky Dog.

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