Cars 2

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Post by Ben » May 10th, 2011, 4:08 pm

I didn't say that. I just think that Cars 2 will still get top marks by critics, who may still see it as an entertainment, but with the Pixar name, a quality entertainment.

And, yeah, it's really not worth losing sleep over.

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Post by carlminez » May 10th, 2011, 5:11 pm

Ben wrote:I didn't say that. I just think that Cars 2 will still get top marks by critics, who may still see it as an entertainment, but with the Pixar name, a quality entertainment.
Really? Must have misunderstood you then.
Ben wrote:And, yeah, it's really not worth losing sleep over.
I'm really not there yet. But if Cars 2 gets more than 90 percent on Rotten Tomatoes I might develop paranoid schizophrenia.

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Post by Ben » May 10th, 2011, 5:22 pm


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Post by carlminez » May 10th, 2011, 5:51 pm

What? No, I was just kidding. I wouldn't actually develop schizophrenia.


Post by GeorgeC » May 10th, 2011, 6:00 pm

I'm seriously beginning to think an "Ignore" function should be added to the User control panels.


This is getting beyond ridiculous when 2 or 3 people are being argumentative just for the sake of being argumentative!

These guys start topics just to start fights and attract attention like a dead rotting corpse. It's not enough that they have to act all excited like CSI is arriving and the other cops are taking witness statements, they just keep festering these things on and on!

Newsflash to carlminez, dusty, and Lotso -- EVERYBODY has their own opinions!
What people hate -- and this is something you're going to have to learn unless you plan to stay safely behind your computers for the rest of your lives and not interact with anybody else -- is when you tell other people to their faces without a shred of proof that A) they're all wrong; B) they're idiots; C) you proceed to tell people how to spend their money; and D) you mistake your OWN Opinion for the "Totality and Rightness of Fact!"

Most people really don't care about this business of Pixar Vs Dreamworks Vs Blue Sky Vs Sony Vs Whatever! People go to films to enjoy themselves, to enjoy a story, to forget about their troubles, and the mundane things we have to deal with in everyday life.

People who care to go out and see films will judge them on their merits -- and guess what??? A lot of us have different standards by which we judge and enjoy films!

Frankly, I don't even think you three guys bother to read the responses to your over-the-top inflammatory posts.

You get a thrill out of this -- sort of like an arsonist does after he sets a fire.

May the mods do something more about this instead of giving warnings because you guys are not even paying attention to the mildest warnings that have been handed out!

I have never seen 3 guys in all the time I've been here just be so purposefully disruptive, argumentative, and frankly obnoxious to differences of opinion.

It's gotten a bit more than annoying.

Couldn't you go bug the guys at Cartoon Brew? It's not as if they don't do the same thing you're doing here over half the time!

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Re: Re:

Post by EricJ » May 10th, 2011, 9:22 pm

carlminez wrote:I'm really not there yet. But if Cars 2 gets more than 90 percent on Rotten Tomatoes I might develop paranoid schizophrenia.
Well, you're already at "Monomaniacal", "Anal-retentive" and "Obsessive-compulsive", what's one more step? :P

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Post by Ben » May 11th, 2011, 9:51 am

I personally hate being schizophrenic. It's fantastic!

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Re: Re:

Post by carlminez » May 24th, 2011, 3:08 pm

EricJ wrote:
carlminez wrote:I'm really not there yet. But if Cars 2 gets more than 90 percent on Rotten Tomatoes I might develop paranoid schizophrenia.
Well, you're already at "Monomaniacal", "Anal-retentive" and "Obsessive-compulsive", what's one more step? :P
Dammit Freud, I'm just passionate!

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Post by Dacey » June 19th, 2011, 2:28 pm

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift--that is why it's called the present."

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Post by EricJ » June 19th, 2011, 2:53 pm

Never thought it looked bad, just that it looked so hi-velocity plot-oriented, ala the Incredibles, that there didn't seem to be any place to fit in the Pixar hugginess or broken-dream-flashback montages, as one usually expects from the brandname by now.

(Still, I can just see the wishful media dogpiling when it doesn't get pushed for a Picture Oscar this year: "The Curse of Cars", 'The String is Over?", etc....It's an urban-myth wish that's got Teflon. :roll: )

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Post by Dusterian » June 19th, 2011, 3:28 pm

Am I the only one who sees the early reviews as just saying "I like this movie cause it's fast and has explosions" like they really only like it 'cause it's Pixar and they like Pixar, and they're guys and it's a "guy's movie"?

They're basically saying "we like this movie cause it does spy-spoofs and car-puns...but well!"

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Post by Ben » June 19th, 2011, 3:38 pm

Well, I did say so! ;)

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Post by Dusterian » June 20th, 2011, 10:59 pm

Wow, we really agreed!

What I don't understand is why they are doing this now, why they didn't do it with the first Cars, when Pixar was thought to be "unfallible" back then, too?

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Post by Dacey » June 21st, 2011, 12:34 am

My guess is that this is what "Cars" was always meant to be...but I don't think that audiences would've been able to buy it then. They would've been so focused on the "wait, there are no humans?" aspect that they wouldn't have been able to really get into the crazy action-packed storyline.

But now that they've already established the "world" that this takes place in (such as it is), they can now go all-out with it, really expanding the "Cars" universe and having a lot of fun with it while doing so.
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Post by Ben » June 21st, 2011, 7:56 am

Dusty...I'm pleased we have reached this benchmark in your life. Let's move on now, shall we...? ;)

Dacey...nah, I don't think this is what Cars is. Cars was what it was, and although it did hint at a bigger world (after all, those race cameras and screens must have been beaming coverage to somebody! And we did see the Japanese cars) it's story and world was pretty set. Cars 2 screams of a need to widen the popularity and rev up the excitement factor to grab those who didn't care for the small town warmth and slow pace of the first.

If anything, this sounds like it is going to go hyper and probably put off those who did like the first. The reviews are kind of saying that, remarking that the small town aspect has been lost in turn for international espionage, but since that's possibly more entertaining I think the film is being given the benefit of the doubt by critics because it's Pixar.

Even though the first one gave them a teeny tiny dent in their infallible fender, this one will indeed get by critically because it's more of an entertainment. So, even though it's a sequel, it's indeed more in line with perhaps what audiences want nowadays, which is loud explosions and fun.

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