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Post by eddievalient » August 30th, 2010, 8:15 pm

I suppose it's too much to hope that Disney might take a hint and actually make the Rescue Rangers movie that was on the drawing boards way back when. There's no reason why they couldn't. 1) it could be done low budget and 2) even as a DTV movie, the nostalgia factor alone would be enough for it to do very well. The same is true for the second Ducktales movie that was also supposedly on the drawing boards. Are you listening, Disney?
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Post by Randall » August 30th, 2010, 8:23 pm

Boom does great with their Muppets comics as well as Darkwing Duck and the Pixar books, so I expect they'll handle Chip & Dale well too. Nice to see Disney comics getting noticed again.

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Re: Boom comics brings Chip and dale rescue rangers back to life

Post by Darkblade » September 1st, 2010, 4:19 pm

Good to see that The rescue rangers are back, maybe tailspin will return as well. Wait, Disney was planning on doing a Rescue rangers movie? Someone fill me in on this please.

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Post by eddievalient » September 1st, 2010, 6:39 pm

While the Ducktales movie was in production, some magazine (I forget which one) mentioned that Disney was planning a Rescue Rangers movie as well. Nothing more was said about it, unfortunately, but if any work at all had been done on it, odds are it's in a vault somewhere (Disney seems to be one of those companies that never throws anything away).

EDIT: Comics Scene was where the movie was mentioned. Thank you Wikipedia!
Last edited by eddievalient on September 1st, 2010, 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Boom comics brings Chip and dale rescue rangers back to life

Post by droosan » September 1st, 2010, 6:52 pm

I think I'd be happier if this just spurs Disney into releasing one more DVD boxed set each of Rescue Rangers, Tale Spin, and Duck Tales, to get the complete run of each series on home video.

.. but, yes; the Boom! Disney/Pixar & Muppets comics are, indeed, awesome. :mrgreen:


Post by GeorgeC » September 1st, 2010, 10:19 pm

How do you think comics are really doing, Droo?

I don't think they're doing so well myself...

It's more than the economy.

There's just a general creative malaise and I have never seen the hype machine amped as much as it is now over things that are just so... mediocre is the nicest term I can think of!

I have never seen so many people at both companies promoted as being the "best" and given so much power... and yet a lot of the storylines coming out from these guys are just so hollow. I can remember reading comics in the 1980s where there was a point to things and it did hold over for months. Nowadays, this revolving circle of violence and resurrections and revivals has gotten beyond ridiculousness. It's just so meaningless.

It's not just DC or Marvel although they're the biggest and easiest targets to point at for overall cruddiness but it's like the whole print industry has acknowledged it's on its last legs as it stands. The pros and companies all know something has to change but they're so focused on content delivery (paper or paperless? hardcover or pocketbook TPB?) that they're forgetting that it's mainly content and constant nonsensical repetition of the same old, same old that's driving people away.

Look, if Marvel wants to repeat Amazing Fantasy 15 again, just reprint the original comic and keep it a pricepoint that's affordable for people who want to jump on and get up to date with the backstory of Spider-Man! There's no reason to rewrite and redraw the darn thing for the fiftieth time! Same thing for the origin of Superman. Anybody else besides me realize DC has redone the origin of Superman for something like the fourth time in 10 years? This isn't even counting the alternate universe versions!

The silliness of what's going on with both Wonder Woman and Batman is another symptom of this general lack of new ideas and the creative bankruptcy of editorial and pros in general at the major companies.

Aside from statues, sketchbooks, and reprints of pre-1990s comics, I can't think of a sadder time for monthly comics now. Funny how it is that everything else comics-related is so much better than the actual monthlies are now!

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Re: Boom comics brings Chip and dale rescue rangers back to life

Post by droosan » September 2nd, 2010, 1:33 am

That's all as may be. :|

But the Boom! comics (unlike the vast majority of comic-book titles from the past couple of decades) are aimed-at, and appropriate for, little kids. Fun stories, with fun-to-look-at art!

Pretty much the 'antithesis' of everything you've mentioned. :wink:

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Post by eddievalient » September 2nd, 2010, 8:59 am

And in case any of you guys missed it (like I did since my local comics shop doesn't carry BOOM's stuff), the first Darkwing Duck arc, "The Duck Knight Returns", will be getting a TPB release in december! Here's hoping they do the same for Rescue Rangers.
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Post by Ben » September 2nd, 2010, 1:13 pm

The Duck Knight Returns. I love that. :)

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Post by Randall » September 2nd, 2010, 3:39 pm

And it's pretty good, too!

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Re: Boom comics brings Chip and dale rescue rangers back to life

Post by droosan » September 2nd, 2010, 3:59 pm


And, yeah .. the chances of an eventual Rescue Rangers trade-paperback collection are pretty much 100% .. Boom! has released all of its Muppet stories as six-issue series first, followed by a TPB a few months later.

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Post by Ben » September 2nd, 2010, 5:07 pm

After Rand's good words on The Muppets, I have the trade paperbacks on my AmazonUK wish list. I know the size is smaller, but it's a good way to collect them, though I thought they were four-episode runs?

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Re: Boom comics brings Chip and dale rescue rangers back to life

Post by droosan » September 2nd, 2010, 5:30 pm

doh! you're right; they're four-part stories. :oops:

I just usually wait for the trades, myself. Lots less clutter that way, and more durable, too. :)

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Post by Randall » September 2nd, 2010, 8:21 pm

The trades look sharp (I did get the first Incredibles one), but at the smaller print size, this is the one case where I prefer the floppies. The Muppets books have been blessed with some fine artists. The only drawback with the floppies is deciding on which cover to get, as until this month Boom was doing two covers per issue. Usually I did have a strong preference anyhow, but other times it is pretty tough. Meanwhile, the trades print all the covers. For the record, I always get the David (Mouse Guard) Peterson ones when he does them for the spin-offs, as they have been phenomenally nice. But on the main book, Roger Langridge does both covers, and it's harder to choose.

Boom also has done hardcovers for a lot of their Disney/Muppets/Pixar books, if you check hard enough for them. They may print those a little bigger.

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Post by Ben » September 3rd, 2010, 5:38 am

Phew! Thought they might be dropping content there for the trades. Thanks Droo!

I did notice the individual covers, Rand, which is another reason I like the sound of the trades, whatever the size (and the cost works out much better than having to find each issue). Thanks for the nod on the hardcovers though...I'll look out for 'em!

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