Let's "Do the Time Warp Again!"

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Let's "Do the Time Warp Again!"

Post by GeorgeC » April 14th, 2010, 9:02 pm

April 14th...


"20th Century Fox has just announced plans to release more of its major catalog titles on Blu-ray (and DVD) this year, as part of its 75th anniversary celebration. Specifically, the studio has confirmed that its 3rd and 4th quarter Blu-ray slates will officially include The Alien Anthology box set (all four films restored in a new 6-disc set packed with extras - including EVERYTHING from the Quadrilogy DVD box and new content as well), The Rocky Horror Picture Show: 35th Anniversary Edition (including new special features, live cast re-enactments and karaoke), The Sound of Music: 45th Anniversary Edition (restored with 7.1 lossless audio, and new features), William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (with a new HD transfer and BD-Live features), Moulin Rouge! (also a HD transfer with BD-Live content) and The Last of the Mohicans (in an all-new director's "definitive cut" with new features including an interview with star Daniel Day Lewis). There's also a massive DVD box set of Fox films coming this fall, and more. Some of those BD titles we knew about already, and some are new, so good news all around. We'll post additional details as they come in over the coming months. "


Also, it's the 98th anniversary of the Titanic sinking.

Just a coincidence and no commentary on Fox's announced 3rd/4th quarter HD release list...

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Post by Ben » April 15th, 2010, 1:25 pm

After several goes around on many of those titles, I'm probably going to stick with my most recent DVDs. You can bet most extras will be SD anyway, so not much other than image upgrades on most, and I just don't watch the Alien films that often to justify what will easily be a $100/150+ spend.

Moulin Rouge does tempt, since that's such a gloriously visual picture anyway and we watch that every so often, but a "98th Anniversary Edition" of Titanic? George...what are you thinking!? Everyone knows Cameron is retooling it for another theatrical sail (in 3D, surprise) and then it'll hit BD in the edition to end all editions in time for, wait for it, the "100th Anniversary Commemorative Edition", or some such nonsense like that.

Fox/Cameron well have their plate full end of this year with the Avatar Special Edition/Director's Cut...


Re: Let's "Do the Time Warp Again!"

Post by GeorgeC » April 15th, 2010, 3:40 pm

98th anniversary of the shipwreck, NOT the film...

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Post by Ben » April 17th, 2010, 3:04 pm

Well, yeah...um...obviously, d'oh!

But that didn't stop Paramount putting out a 60th Anniversary Edition of Saving Private Ryan to commemorate the Normandy landings...


Re: Let's "Do the Time Warp Again!"

Post by GeorgeC » April 18th, 2010, 9:06 am

Doesn't mean something ISN'T being planned for the 100th anniversary of the sinking.

The salvage and artifact exhibition company that owns the wreck is planning an expedition for 2012... There's going to be at least one cruise ship that retraces the crossing of Titanic, too.

2012 is going to be a busy year for T memorials, indeed.

What do you think the odds are Hollywood won't get in on the act, too?

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Post by Ben » April 19th, 2010, 7:47 am

Well, we know Cameron is preparing a Titanic 3D version of his movie, so there's a start. Maybe that's a summer release, paving the way for the "Commemorative 100th Anniversary" Blu-ray edition to hit at Christmas?

Wouldn't be surprised to see Ghosts Of The Abyss back in Imax theaters also (maybe even in 3D too), or at least that film coming to BD at the same time.

On the flipside, look for lots of DVD reissues and BD debuts for a host of Titanic movies: most are dross (the 1951 and 1970s versions) but a couple (1920s British talkie, a 1940s German film and the classic A Night To Remember) are good dramatic movies in their own right. Then there are a LOT of documentary histories and exploration films that tread much the same ground over and over.

You can probably tell I'm a bit of a Titanic nut. I've always found the true story, the personalities and the way things played out to be fascinating, and as close to an impressively told adventure yarn as real life ever got, with respect to those who lost their lives. Touching a section of the actual recovered hull a few years ago was a pretty impactful moment too, and I'll happily start gawking at whatever the 100th anniversary brings along in a couple of years.

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