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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by Ben » August 13th, 2013, 3:08 pm

Awful choice! I can't wait to see how he plays it, but I fear it could be a huge mistake for the series. :(

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by ShyViolet » October 4th, 2013, 6:01 pm

The Doctor gets hurt lol! :?

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by ohmahaaha » October 11th, 2013, 6:21 pm

Hey, did you guys see the announcement that they found a bunch of "lost" Patrick Troughton episodes? it was announced yesterday: the complete "Enemy of the World," and all but 1 episode of "The Web of Fear" - they will be reconstructing the 1 missing episode for that story with audio and pictures. I thought it was pretty cool!

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by ShyViolet » October 11th, 2013, 6:27 pm

Neat! Wish they'd find all of Power of the Daleks, Troughten's first ep and the first post-regeneration ep ever. The Tenth Planet is pretty cool too.
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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by Randall » October 12th, 2013, 2:15 am

Yep, awesome news. Still lots of episodes still lost, however. But yeah, it will be great to see these. I've been immersing myself in Hartnell and Troughton lately. I really enjoy the older tsuff (as well as the current show).

The Tenth Planet will be on DVD Nov. 19, with the last chapter animated.

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by Ben » October 31st, 2013, 6:21 am

50th Anniversary episode trailer:

Good concept...not quite carried out to its full potential, but still nicer than usual and more than they needed to do. :)

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by ShyViolet » February 22nd, 2014, 9:14 pm

How Doomsday should have ended:

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by Dan » August 24th, 2014, 9:21 pm

Figured I'd post here since it's the most often used in this forum for Doctor Who.

Last night was the premiere of the new season and it was quite the fun venture. I think Capaldi was a fine new Doctor, bringing things to a much different direction than modern fan are used to with Tennant and Smith. It's only one episode in, but I get the feeling he'll be more along the lines of probably Baker and McCoy. There was some fun chemistry with Jenna Coleman in their struggles to cope with his new persona.

The inclusion of the Paternoster Gang helped to lighten things up and keep Clara from totally losing it by being around familiar faces. If anything, the episode also seemed to reinforce the desire from fans for their to be a spin-off for the trio (especially after they did a Blue Peter contest for fans to design Sonic devices for them).

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by ohmahaaha » August 25th, 2014, 5:44 pm

I really enjoyed the episode ... actually was kind of creepy at times, and I thought all of the various character touches in the main cast were very very nice. Basically I think for a Doctor's first episde, being this good, seems very promising for the coming episodes. I'm sold so far!! 8)

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by Dan » April 15th, 2015, 10:16 pm

It looks like Doctor Who has been added to the Disney family. Partially.

In a move that is sure to be very much a surprise to everyone, Disney and BBC have struck a deal that will see the David Tennant episodes of Doctor Who air on Disney XD (i.e. Seasons 2-4). "New Earth" will premiere on May 9 and then the show will kick in proper beginning June 13 with an episode airing daily.

Source: ... 201473116/

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by Randall » April 15th, 2015, 11:17 pm

On a related note, Tennant will be playing the Purple Man on Marvel's AKA Jessica Jones, on Netflix.

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by ShyViolet » February 10th, 2016, 7:37 pm

So how does everyone feel about this? ... as-special

I think it's sad that he's leaving. His stories are quite complex and mind-twisting, requiring you to really think about them afterwards. BTW there have also been rumors of Capaldi leaving. I find that sad as well, he is an excellent Doctor and I absolutely loved the Christmas special! :) (Hell Bent)

Also he's the twelfth Doctor so how exactly do they plan to continue his "lives"? (Very likely a move by the Time Lords when the time comes to give him more regenerations. Who knows?
We do see in the special that a future self of his is female so maybe we'll see more of "her." )
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by Dan » February 10th, 2016, 9:12 pm

Moffat has proven time and again that he can write some of the most exciting stories on television, not just Doctor Who stories ("Heaven Sent" has to be one of the greatest episodes ever for a television show and that was just from a few months ago). So I'm sure he figured the time had come for him to bow out before his quality of storytelling fell. It is sad to know that the show will be losing the man who has been at the helm of the ship for many years, but it's the way things go, in particular with Doctor Who.

I keep hearing about the three-year deal when applied to those playing the Doctor in the current run. If you notice, aside from Eccleston, all of the other actors who have played the Doctor since the revival have only done three season (or series) before handing the reigns over to the next actor. So if Capaldi does exit the same time as Moffat, it wouldn't be a surprise.

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by Ben » February 11th, 2016, 6:09 am

This is slightly old news here in the UK, but still a surprise following publicity for the Christmas special that saw Moffat saying he would stick around as long as they would have him. I wonder what changed?

Probably, and this is with a little more insider knowledge than I should admit, because he was disillusioned with how the BBC wanted to treat the franchise and take a year out in 2016. It's actually a good move: although there have been some great episodes this past season, a lot of it felt slightly stale and maybe a break for all is what was needed, like it or not. Then again Moffat is not a fan of plans to make a movie trilogy (where he assumedly would lose his grip of control) or the suggestion of doing a "season" of specials - as with Tennant - since those were not his high point.

I thought they already took care of the twelfth regeneration hitch with Matt Smith regenerating into his timeline, thus resetting things? Thus this way the Doctor can again start to get younger with each regeneration again (an unspoken but underlying "rule" has the Doctor starting older and "growing" younger each time). The way they have basically reset things with John Hurt being the oldest, then Hartnell/Capaldi being just past middle age means they can go younger again each time, ending back with someone like Smith in his twenties before starting over again.

They way they have been doing things lately, there's no reason the Doctor couldn't be a woman, I guess, though that does feel a bit like stunt casting. Maybe there was a hint of that, too, and Moffat disagreed with it other than for a small visual joke? The basic rule for Who is that there are no rules, so anything is possible and, audience acceptance aside, will be done one way or another.

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Re: Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who

Post by EricJ » February 11th, 2016, 10:19 pm

Ben wrote:I thought they already took care of the twelfth regeneration hitch with Matt Smith regenerating into his timeline, thus resetting things? Thus this way the Doctor can again start to get younger with each regeneration again (an unspoken but underlying "rule" has the Doctor starting older and "growing" younger each time). The way they have basically reset things with John Hurt being the oldest, then Hartnell/Capaldi being just past middle age means they can go younger again each time, ending back with someone like Smith in his twenties before starting over again.

They way they have been doing things lately, there's no reason the Doctor couldn't be a woman, I guess, though that does feel a bit like stunt casting. Maybe there was a hint of that, too, and Moffat disagreed with it other than for a small visual joke? The basic rule for Who is that there are no rules, so anything is possible and, audience acceptance aside, will be done one way or another.
It's a visual joke, although it's always attached to the new generation "Neato" factor of "What if James Bond was a woman? Or black?" Usually by new producers who don't particularly understand the basic backstory of why the character is who he is.

The Doctor is, after all, Sherlock Holmes, and while you could reimagine a female Holmes for some new BBC series, it just wouldn't be the same as, say, Benedict Cumberbatch, somehow, would it?: When a male character obsessively delves into his own passion for smart-stuff, he's a genius eccentric; when a female character obsessively delves into her own passion for doing her job, it's grim and humorless, as she's an embattled feminist, fighting a lone battle for respect in a man's world, etc, etc.!! (speaking of Jessica Jones... :roll: ), or like the goth-girl coroner on CSI, trying to assault the world with her Freak-Flag. The Doctor, we should also know by now, is an ingenious oddball, and female actresses can not play socially-challenged Odd without thinking they have to play it either Smug or Aggressively Comic-Annoying. Males understand the embarrassment of being the odd-man-out, while females see it as a "conspiracy" of social expectations forced upon them that they have to savagely satirize--The self-effacing ability to embrace one's own missteps and play Odd is just not in their repertoire, much though we wish it were.
Sorry, the whole "gay" Russel T. Davies years, and Billie Piper in particular, have instilled in me a traumatic fear of this show ever again going within a hundred miles of turning into a "chick show". They've already abused the privilege by turning every single Companion into a "will-they or won't-they romantic subplot", and gender-swapping that can only make the slope even slipperier.
Try to tell fangirls today about Tom Baker and Leela/Romana, or Patrick Troughton and Jamie, and they look at you with blank stares.

(And besides, wasn't Richard "Vernon Dursley" Griffiths supposed to have been considered to take over for Sylvester McCoy/Paul McGann, if cancellation and death hadn't intervened?)

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