Too old for action flicks...

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Too old for action flicks...

Post by GeorgeC » September 26th, 2009, 8:53 pm,2933,555 ... test=faces

The only guy on the list who has retired gracefully is Clint Eastwood...

Dirty Harry knew when to hang up his gunbelt!

Still, a pretty good and fairly complete list.

Indiana, we hardly knew ye!

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Post by droosan » September 27th, 2009, 2:34 am

How could this list be complete without John Wayne..? He kept making action films until he was 70! (he's 63 years old in the linked scene)


Post by GeorgeC » September 27th, 2009, 7:04 am


Like Clint, Wayne's practically ageless.

Even as an old coot, he could make breakfast stool that's tougher than most people!

Some guys you're just never going to think will get too old for an action role.

Others just play it too long and you make fun of them because they never quite had that gravitas those with authority do... and they're lousy actors to begin with!

That's why I could never take Steven Seagal or JCVD all that seriously.

Laughable -- very laughable.

Even Harrison Ford is fairly wooden when you look at the bulk of his work in retrospect.

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Post by Ben » September 28th, 2009, 6:55 am

"We just can't help but think he should be leaving the butt-kicking to the younger guys".

Yes, but <I>where are these younger guys</I>? Who are the bigger than big current action man stars of today. I mean the ones that can really open a picture? Vin? Dwanye? Even they are starting to push on a bit.

I think it's clear from the examples that 60 seems to be the cut off point, so Willis and Chan rightfully have another couple of actioners in 'em.

Ford and the rest...c'mon, give us a break before you break yourselves!


Post by GeorgeC » September 28th, 2009, 9:36 am

20+ years of political correctness and militant feminism have taken their toil on manliness I'm afraid...

Nobody seriously believed they couldn't kick Ben Affleck's butt in Daredevil.

He's just a product of what's been going on for four decades.

No sir, Clint Eastwood is the last remaining American symbol of manhood.

He's very much a product of pre-Gloria Steinem Americana.

And that's why we love 'im and appreciate 'im while he's still living.

The other guys -- eh, not so much...

Even Ah-nold's been pruned by his wife! :oops:

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