The Fastest Man Alive...

Small Screen Specials, Series and Direct-To-Video
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The Fastest Man Alive...

Post by GeorgeC » August 3rd, 2005, 12:31 am

No date for it yet, but the 1990 Flash TV series featuring the classic DC Comics character is headed to DVD in the near-future.

All 22-episodes of the one-season-only show are being released in a box set.

There's a sneak of what people can expect from the show in the Season 4 set of Smallville. Included as a bonus is a full episode from The Flash TV series.

P.S. -- The series' finale featuring Mark Hamill as the Trickster is one of this series' highlights.

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Post by Ben » August 5th, 2005, 6:56 am

...and one killer Elfman theme, of course! :)


Post by GeorgeC » August 5th, 2005, 11:34 am

Here's a page where you can download the broadcast TV version of The Flash theme complete with lightning bolt sound effects in MP3 format:

There are also a ton of other superhero movie/TV show themes on that page, too.

There is another version of The Flash theme available on CD, but it's a another arrangement and quite a bit different than the broadcast version.

And yes, The Flash theme is very nice but has seen little use since 1991. (I still occasionally play the MP3 on my computer...!) A few bars of the theme were used in the 1997 Superman animated episode, "Speed Demons," when The Flash (Wally West in this case) came running into Metropolis to challenge Superman to a charity race-around-the-world. Bits of the theme were repeated at the end of the episode, too.

I wish WB Music would get off its butt and release more of the Batman/Superman music in a deluxe CD set. I'd easily buy a 3-5 disc compilation of the themes from various episodes of those shows. Batman alone has themes for at least a half-dozen characters in addition to Batman himself.

The one area where Justice League consistently falls short is its music since that show relies too much on techno-music and I feel it doesn't use symphonic music enough. If anything, symphonic music gives TV shows and movies a majesty that most modern music lacks...

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Post by Ben » August 6th, 2005, 9:34 am

Oh, gawd, I totally agree. Orchestral everytime!! :)

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