Total Drama World Tour

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » May 25th, 2010, 2:58 pm

Cartoon Network has announced that Total Drama World Tour will premiere on June 21st, and will air weekly thereafter on Mondays at 9:00 PM.

Meanwhile, Teletoon will premiere the first episode of Total Drama World Tour on June 10th .. but will not begin regular airdates of the series until September.

This means that -- while Canada will get to see the first episode of the series first -- the U.S. will have seen the bulk of the series before Canada gets it.

After all the trouble Teletoon and Cartoon Network went through to 'synchronize' their airdates during Total Drama Action, I'm not sure why they're doing this. :?

Canadian fans will almost certainly turn to the internet to get the episodes sooner, which will hurt Teletoon's ratings. And those who choose not to do that will have to struggle to remain 'spoiler-free' by the time the episodes air there.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » June 21st, 2010, 8:24 am

Total Drama World Tour premieres tonight at 9:00 PM (EDT/PDT) on Cartoon Network. The first episode, "Walk Like An Egyptian," is 'part one' of a two-part story, which will be concluded next week.

In honor of the occasion, Cartoon Network will air a Total Drama Action marathon during the morning hours .. followed by a Total Drama Island marathon to fill the afternoon.

Prepare for takeoff..! :mrgreen:

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » June 22nd, 2010, 3:19 pm

And they're off..!


As with the premieres of both previous series, much of this first episode's running time was spent on 'introducing' the airplane setting and competition/elimination situations, and splitting the characters into teams .. three of 'em, this time! The pyramid challenge was fairly 'uneventful' .. but it looks as though it was merely a prelude to a larger egyptian-themed challenge in the next episode.

As for the singing sequence .. yikes. :? Well, it's just the first one. Hopefully, there will be better songs in future episodes. But Animaniacs (or even the Simpsons), this wasn't.
As I'd expected, Duncan made one half-hearted attempt to sing, then promptly refused to do so, when asked to do it a second time. I don't necessarily think we've seen the last of him for the season, though. The Courtney-Duncan-Gwen triangle looks to be a running subplot for this season.

Watch out for Alejandro, Lindsay and Bridgette! He's poison..! (I love that he got stuck with a team of 'losers' .. :twisted: )

Sierra's suggestion for their team's name (Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot) cracked me up. She'll have to watch out for Heather, though.

There's two different confessional locations this season: the lavatory and the cockpit. Although, it looks like the cockpit confessional will always have Chef alongside, for commentary. Check out his 'Chef' and 'Chris' bobbleheads on the dashboard! :mrgreen:

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » June 29th, 2010, 11:19 am

Stamp your passports for adventure! :lol:


Walk Like an Egyptian, part II picked up right where part I left off .. featuring two 'egyptian-themed' challenges, and a much better song this time; it kinda had a Josie and the Pussycats 'vibe' (not high praise, I know .. but it was a 'step-up' from last week, at least). :mrgreen:

This episode also featured the first elimination ceremony of the season.

Next week, the cast lands in Japan!
So, is Duncan really 'out', or not..? He hasn't officially been eliminated .. and he was humming the tune from last week's episode, while chillin' on the plane. We may not have seen the last of him ..

We might not have seen the last of Ezekiel, either. Poor guy just can't catch a break .. however, he was legitimately voted-off the plane -- so even if he 'stows away' again, I don't see how he's gonna get back in the game.

Alejandro may be 'evil', but he's still an incredibly fun character. I loved the gags involving his coordination of his team's balance on the goat -- especially that he was able to steer them just by swiveling his hips! :lol: The fact that even Heather now seems to be falling for his charms makes him formidable, indeed.

I also love that Sierra saddled her team with an incredibly ludicrous name, and then immediately 'bailed' on them for a chance to be on the same team with Cody. Not surprised to see Izzy switch, though .. in fact, she's now the only character to have played on multiple teams in all three seasons.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by Dan » June 29th, 2010, 12:09 pm

"Smiley face!"

Izzy talking to the camel was great Izzy fun. May her run this time around last deeper into the series than in the past. We can never get enough Izzy.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » June 29th, 2010, 12:23 pm

The thing about Izzy is that she never seems to actually be 'down for the count'. In addition to having switched teams in all three seasons, she has also come back to the show after being eliminated -- twice!

She is awesome fun, though. :) Many of the characters are predictable, to some degree -- but one can never be quite sure what Izzy's gonna say or do!


My personal theory is that 'Izzy' is short for 'Isabelle' -- but that, if you actually call her by that name, she acts twice as crazy. :twisted:

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » July 6th, 2010, 10:30 pm

Total Drama World Tour .. the cure for clogged sinuses!


"Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan" was a bit of a 'mixed bag', IMO. There were a lot of fun character moments (one of the best of which is illustrated above) .. but they were sprinkled throughout a couple of lackluster challenges (and an even more lackluster song). Breaking a bit with tradition, this episode saw a second elimination in a row .. and it was a pretty major one!

Next week, the cast heads home to Canada, for "Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better" ..
At the risk of sounding a bit like Harold and Noah, combined: Pinball, as a japanese-themed challenge..?! Seriously..? (long pause) SERIOUSLY?? :roll:

It's obvious that Alejandro is strategically manipulating Harold in this episode, in order to 'eliminate' him as a competitive threat .. but this subplot didn't seem to be nearly as deftly handled (from a story-telling perspective) as, say, Heather's similar strategy in knocking Eva out of competition in TDI.

This season definitely seems to be all-about bringing lesser-seen characters a bit more to the foreground, with the result of shifting most of the 'regulars' aside. Already, Duncan and Harold are gone .. both of whom had received a lot of screen-time in TDI and TDA.

Even Lindsay has pretty much been a 'one-note' character, thus far this season .. popping up only occasionally for an 'airhead' punchline. Her desire to be taken 'seriously' as a competitor -- one of the best arcs in TDA -- seems to have been dropped, entirely.

However, in exchange, we now have Cody (of all people!) in the middle of a love triangle .. Noah actually putting some effort into the challenges .. and a strangely feral Ezekiel hiding in the cargo hold.

The bickering between Courtney, Gwen, and Heather is shaping-up to be great fun .. but -- while things worked out 'okay' for Team Amazon this time -- they'd better find a way to work together, if they're to have a chance against Alejandro..!

Meanwhile, 'Team Victory' is looking to be a bit of a misnomer; they've lost two players in as many episodes .. and those remaining aren't exactly the strongest competitors. D.J. is having serious self-doubt issues, Bridgette is extremely accident-prone, Lindsay doesn't seem to have her head in the game, and LeShawna (as of this episode) also seems to be falling for Alejandro's charm. :|

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Post by Daniel » July 7th, 2010, 10:12 pm

Poor Ezekiel, voted off first in both seasons he's been in... didn't think he would be fleshed out that much, but was hoping for a little more. With the preview CN gave during the first episode, I definitely think Duncan will be back too. Wonder what the 'loop hole' would be? ;)

The music element is great so far, even the first song, while not anything special, is kind of catchy. Totally been humming it like Duncan! Think it's a nice, funny addition. Helps keep things fresh and something else to look forward to.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » July 8th, 2010, 11:13 am

The songs have yet to impress me, much. The lyrics are clever enough, and the staging/compositions have made for fairly artful -- even enjoyable -- sequences .. but as songs .. a bit 'meh', IMO. :|

It seems to me that the 'world tour' and 'musical' aspects are working at cross-purposes, to some extent. Maybe if the songs incorporated some of the international 'flavor' of the country the cast was visiting, it would seem more consistent. Or maybe I'm just giving the subject more thought than it requires. :P

The characters are just as enjoyable as ever, which is the important thing (even though some of my favorites are getting a bit less screen-time, as I'd said).

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by TotaldramaThomas » July 13th, 2010, 3:46 am

I'm really happy about this new season, and i anticipate on following it 'till the end.
While watching Episode 1, part 2, i was so annoyed at CN for having Ezekial voted of first AGAIN. But it has been confirmed that he's returning sometime in the season. Just hope he can make it through one elimination next time. :x

Anyways, I love the new on-the-go style of the new season but haven't liked the songs much.
I mean, "Come fly with us" was okay, but Both in Part two were terrible to me.
Well, the falling one was funny and kind of catchy so i guess i disagree with myself. :|

I like how Alejandro is very capable of taking advantage of people, Smart, and Athletic. kind of like a mixture of Justin, Heather and Duncan of previous seasons.

I caught the very end of Episode 4, and saw right when Alejandro ditched Bridgette.
very clever :wink:
CAUTION! That Spoiler down there tells the next voted off. If you want to know, be my guest.
Next voted off is Leshawna, not sure why yet.
Maybe Al works his evil ways again. :twisted:

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » July 13th, 2010, 11:30 am

Here's hoping that Team Victory sees a change of fortune ..


.. three eliminations in a row, cutting the team completely in half -- only three team-mates remain. And this was merely the fourth episode of the season..! :shock:

Still, "Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better" was a very enjoyable episode. :)

The challenges were both 'location-appropriate' and 'character-showcase-friendly' .. and the singing sequence was actually entertaining (thanks mostly to Bridgette's misfortune; though, I also appreciated that only a limited number of cast-members participated, rather than attempting to shoe-horn every character into the song) .. also, Alejandro's manipulation of Bridgette was as 'cold' as the frozen tundra.

Next episode: the cast visits New York City, in "Broadway, Baby!"
It's starting to look like the mummy-dog which DJ accidentally destroyed in the pyramid 'way back in episode 1 might have actually cursed him -- and his team-mates -- á la the 'tiki idol' Beth swiped from Boney Island in TDI. In any event, DJ's confidence seems to be 'shot', despite LeShawna and Lindsay's (hilarious!) attempts to reassure him during the sled race. He's also been the runner-up in all three eliminations, thus far.

I take back my comment that Alejandro's manipulation of Harold was too subtle. 'Subtle' worked on Harold .. with Bridgette, he had to be more forward. He is indeed craftier than Heather; even his own team-mates remain unaware of his true nature. :twisted:

Sierra's pursuit of Cody began to border on abuse in this episode. Between her and Owen, he's having a rough time, this season (though, he did get pretty 'banged-up' a couple of times on TDI, as well).

We got yet another peek at Ezekiel in the cargo hold (a little less-scary-looking, this time, at least) .. he'll definitely be back; it's just a matter of when. I'm also certain Duncan will be back, eventually .. especially since he (technically) was never eliminated.

Tyler actually successfully did something really athletic (and even downright heroic!); catapulting his team to victory, while saving their lives in the bargain. He also used the confessional for the first time ever in the series.

Still -- while the running gag that Lindsay has seemingly forgotten all about Tyler is fun -- I'm starting to become a bit annoyed with the fact that Lindsay is merely a 'dimwit' this season; she became my favorite character during the previous series precisely because there had been somewhat more to her than that. :?

.. inflatable Chef 'Otto'pilot..!! :lol:


Welcome to the forum, TotaldramaThomas..! It's good to see another TD fan here. :) Thanks for hiding the 'next elimination' spoiler .. (I opted not to look, since I prefer to let the show reveal those to me as it airs).

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » July 21st, 2010, 7:57 pm

Double the laughs!


Double the music!


Double the DRAMA!!


In addition to Monday's regularly-scheduled episode of Total Drama World Tour, Cartoon Network has premiered the first episode of Total Drama World Tour: Aftermath this week as an 'online exclusive' (it is currently available only as an iTunes purchase .. but it should soon be posted for free streaming via the Cartoon Network website, as well (it is, of course, also available for free on YouTube -- at least, until CN finds out about it). Apparently, CN will release the other three Aftermaths in the same way later this season, as those episodes come up.

It should be noted that when Teletoon begins airing TDWT in Canada this fall, the four Aftermath episodes will instead be aired on television, in their proper sequence within the show.

Episode 5: "Broadway, Baby!" .. this was, IMO, the first episode of the third season which I felt really 'delivered' on every level; the challenges were ludicrously fun, the song sequence was brilliantly realized (and location-appropriate!), and there was strategy aplenty on display -- from several key characters!
Yay for no eliminations! Team Victory survives intact .. for now.

Sierra may be well-aware that Heather is 'playing' her .. but she doesn't recognize that Alejandro has not only (successfully!) played her -- but has possibly done worse damage to her chances than Heather would have! That Heather did recognize Alejandro's tactic -- and decided to keep that information to herself -- is starting to make this season interesting, indeed. :twisted:

What's Not to Love About New York? is, IMO, the best song sequence of the season, thus far .. its fusion of Broadway staging and Pop/Modern Art styling made for a literal show-stopping song-and-dance number. Here's hoping for more like this, in the episodes ahead! 8)

Even with much of the focus on Sierra, Alejandro, and Heather -- just about every character had a great one-liner at some point in this episode. Very fun, throughout! :D

Episode 6: "Bridgette Over Troubled Water" .. the first installment of Total Drama World Tour: Aftermath is hosted by Geoff and Blaineley (the Celebrity Manhunt hostess from the TDA Reunion Special). In addition to 'exit interviews' with Harold and Bridgette (both Duncan and Ezekiel remain elusively 'at large'), there are a number of great moments with the cast-members who didn't get to participate in this season's gameplay.
Blaineley shone in this episode! Her relentless attempts to make everyone as 'uncomfortable' as possible -- not to mention the tantrum she threw when things didn't go as she'd planned -- were hilarious. She is the full-on 'dark side' of what Geoff had begun to become during last season's Aftermaths .. and it looked as though Geoff recognized that, somewhat.

It seems like Blaineley won't be back as a host for Aftermath .. which is kinda disappointing. But (according to the full-season promo shown with the premiere) she will return in at least one future episode .. so, we haven't seen the last of her! :mrgreen:

Eva's sequences were actually fun! I think that's the first time in the entire series I can say that. Beth's moments with Bridgette (and the pole!) were endearing. Katie and Sadie had mercifully brief appearances .. I coulda done without the return of the 'Drama Brothers' gag, but -- as Monty Python once said -- "it isn't easy to pad these things out to 30 minutes." :lol:

Yay for another mindless 'Izzy vs Chef' fight! :D

Truth or Tractor-Trailer!! :shock:

Bridgette and Geoff's confrontation was the big 'moment' of the episode .. and it didn't disappoint (anyone except Blaineley, that is). Looks like they're back together, and will be the hosts of TDWT: Aftermath from here on!

Next week: it's off to Germany, for "Slap Slap Revolution" ..

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Post by TotalDramaTV » July 28th, 2010, 2:27 pm

Hello Total Drama Fans!

We're the Canadian site editing team for "Total Drama World Tour" on Teletoon. You guys have an awesome forum set up!

There are lots of ways to get in touch with us, because we love connecting with fans. You can leave us a message right here, or, you can follow us on Twitter (@TotalDramaTV). Fans of the show in Canada also get exclusive access to the Canadian "Total Drama Online" site, which is right here. Become a member of Total Drama Online to earn points, badges and compete for online stardom!

Total Drama World Tour premieres Thursday, September 9 at 8 pm EST in Canada on TELETOON.

Yours in drama,

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » July 29th, 2010, 5:17 am

Wow :!:

And just when I was beginning to think nobody was reading my lengthy ramblings here, about this show.. :oops:

Thanks, TotalDramaTV..! :D

I'd like to also recommend a few other informative Total Drama links:

Total Drama Production Blog .. maintained by TD writers / directors Mark Thornton and Todd Kauffman. They reveal lots of nifty 'behind-the-scenes' nuggets (though, usually, not until after a given episode has aired in Canada) -- and a healthy dose of silliness, as well. :mrgreen:


re*fresh .. the Fresh TV blog, with 'behind-the-scenes' info on the creative staff for Total Drama, 6teen and Stoked.


Total Drama Wiki .. a user-edited online encyclopedia for all three seasons of Total Drama, with articles on anything and everything that appears on the show.

There are, of course, also discussion forums 'out there' which are dedicated to Total Drama .. but I won't link to them, since that's often 'frowned-upon' here.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » July 29th, 2010, 6:20 am

and, speaking of 'links' ..


"Slap Slap Revolution" brings the cast to the German Alps, for a pair of delightfully silly 'German-themed' challenges .. and a short-but-fun song, set to the tune of Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. When all is over, however, yet another elimination ceremony is held .. with results that truly make Total Drama history! :o

Next week, the cast heads to the jungles of South America, for "The Am-AH-zon Race"..!
Sierra's obsession with Cody continues to veer toward the 'creepy' .. but the thumbs-in-armpits, notch-in-belt, and 'meat-Cody' gags make it hard not to laugh! :lol:

Lindsay finally comes out of her fog, and remembers who Tyler is..!


Even though it wasn't touched-upon again in the episode, it was a sweet moment, and actually kind of a relief to see that this long-running gag (technically, running since the last third of TDA) was now over. It remains to be seen whether Lindsay will stick around long enough for them to have some time back together, though ..

LeShawna once again allows herself to fall victim to Alejandro's charm (as she'd done before in Japan), and this time it was her undoing. And Heather -- who'd tried to help LeShawna -- was 'rewarded' for that assistance with yet more disfigurement! :shock:

Even more shockingly .. even though she is the only cast-member who is fully-aware of Alejandro's manipulative nature, it's apparent Heather might still be a bit sweet on him, herself.

With LeShawna's elimination, however, Team Victory is now composed of just two team-mates: DJ and Lindsay .. marking the first time in the show that a team has had less than three members. :!:

Owen has often been a source of 'gross' humor .. but it was certainly taken to extremes, in this episode! :?

Team Amazon has managed to do quite well, despite the fact that three of its members absolutely hate each other. That they came out 'on top' again in this episode -- despite the fact that Heather screwed-up on their reward for the previous episode -- makes me wonder whether they aren't 'overdue' for some hardship next week (the fact that it's set in the 'Amazon' jungle has to portend something, right..?

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